Rendlan, and why I went to eCigs

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Full Member
Sep 5, 2014
So my first name is Ryan, I started smoking cigarettes almost 2 years ago in about 2 and a half months if I continued smoking I would've been for 2 years. What led me to smoke was a conflict with a girlfriend with a pregnancy scare, my father assaulted me, and my girlfriend wanted to smoke some pot with me. I decided tosmoke cigarettes as a stress relieve, my dad assaulted me, girlfriend ended up breaking up with me so I started smoking and using. My pot use led too more drugs and me doing 1-2 packs a day for about 9-13 months, I tried multiple ways to quit but never worked for me, then I thought how an ecig helped my best friend, so on my 18th birthday I was determined to quit, it took me 2 months to quit tobacco completely with the ecig, and now I'm at the point of cutting back on my ecig to stop completely. Now with every smoker when they quit there's that ridiculous horrible cough, that cough persisted for a month and I was a cigarette every 2-3 days by then, then one morning I coughed up blood, I was now at the point of realising I need to be completely tobacco free, and so I did. I am now a week and a day free.

My original ecig setup;
Vision Spinner 2 black
KangerTech ProTank 3
All American ejuice Energy Drink, and red bully

When I bought my tank I bought a 5 piece coil set, I broke the tank and bought a new one, I had coil issues like no tomorrow, tastes like burnt coils and burnt coils out in a day, and tried multiple coils with the shop manager, no avail. Then I offered return of my tank, coils, and 20$ for a aspire nautalis and free ejuice, never could've been better.

Thanks for reading, sorry its a lil confusing I'm posting off of a phone which I thought was a smart phone, but I bought a dumb phone with Android capabilities. (Yes I came up with that myself)


Full Member
Sep 5, 2014
Haha no I'm not bashing KangerTech just they changed wicks in all tanks 2 weeks after I bought my original one, I loved that tank, but that Aspire tank though *ahem* I also love androids just not Huawei phones, and myself? Nah, just thought I'd share how a 16 year old got into smoking not trying to "fit in" as well, thank you so much for being glad for me, quitting is very important to me. I'm also 1 year and 5 months clean of all drugs.
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