Removing flavor wick on a Protank

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Full Member
Mar 26, 2014
The Hague, Holland
=/ Man oh man oh man, i just don't understand the PT2 anymore. After reading here and other topics in the forum, i just don't know what to believe anymore. I want to love the PT, i really do. If it works, its good but after only THREE days an original coil just seem to fail with me. I've maybe had 100 original coils by now, none of them lasted more then 5 days for me. Dry burning doesnt help (burned taste/hardly any vape). I rewicked them, with the working ones (no flooding/gurgling) it works 3 days tops. Also its like 1/3 of the rewicked ones that actually works, sometimes even less. Most just gurgles/leak -> must be a bad coil/bad batch of coils :)@). The worst thing was in a new box with 5 coils, THREE coils were dead/leaking and only TWO worked...for 3 days :mad: Just to make it clear, i also had a just fog maxi -> coil worked for almost 2 weeks after that dry burning actually HELPED and another week it was useable.

I have had so many problems. Leaking and gurgling being number 1. No airflow AT ALL being n2 and just suddenly dieing out on me being n3. If it wasn't for the glass tank and the (relatively) big bucks i spent (20 dollars or so), i would've tossed it out (like the iclear 16 >.>). Also i have seen a few vids about things to help remove the leaking/gurgling -> it didn't work. Remove the flavor wick, add more flavor wick, put a double insulator on it (yeah, really there is a youtube vid about that), it does not work for me :'(

For now, its the only glass tank i have. I do have a KF clone with a ss steel tank, but i dont like it (can't see the juice level). Now that i've upped my game up the last months and been rewicking my coils with my KF/trident, i am going to do 1 last sessions. Have about 10 PT coils lying around, going to rewick them all and see if i get any luck. I am close of just never using that thing again though, especially if my Kraken arrives.

Any tips would be nice of course, who knows there are a few secrets to let the PT shine, who knows there is some truth in why so many people adore this tank. For now, i can't see it, nor could i ever recommend any one buying a PT with all the problems i've had.
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Super Member
May 21, 2014
ComVal, Philippines
Sometimes I wonder if some guy in the R&D department at Kanger built one coil, took one vape and then told production to run off ten million pieces. If they ran through a tank full I am sure they would have found the flaws in their system. It surprises me how a company that can make such great tanks can make such crappy coils to go with them.


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Verified Member
Jun 8, 2014
Hampshire, UK
I'm fairly new to vaping but I love my Evod 2 glass tanks and, even more, my Protank 3 tanks (with airflow control). I got into rebuilding coils within a week or so of starting vaping (I'm a geek and love building/ making things myself!), but instead of dual coils (do-able, but fiddly) am building single oval microcoils using two 1.5mm (or 1/16 inch) drill bit shanks to give a coil roughly 1.5mm wide by 3mm tall (7 wraps of 28 gauge gives about two ohms). I position that in the head with the drill bits in place to help get the height correct then insert the grommet and bottom pin. I use a needle threader (just used a flattened loop of offcut kanthal first time) pushed through the coil and use that to pull back a loop of 2mm silica through the coil. When trimmed off this results in two 2mm wicks one above the other which seems to fill the gap well (no need for a "flavour wick") so that I don't get gurgling*/ leaking but get good flow - no dry hits and a good (I think) cloud of vape - I use 50/50 liquids.

It's working well for me and I'm very happy with the setup. (*Never had a leak so far, but very occasionally - quite rare - get a small initial gurgle if the tank has been stood for a very long time without use - I guess the wick has been doing its job! This typically clears after a couple of puffs, if not I invert the tank and unscrew it and blow through the mouthpiece to clear the tube.) Now eagerly waiting for a Vamo V5 as I'm having to charge my Evod (VV) batteries too often!

P.S. Using the needle threader it's very easy to rewick the coil again after a quick dry-burn and wash of the coil. I tried cotton wool wicks but no matter how tight or loose I packed it I got a persistent cottony taste - particularly on light "custard" type flavours - which put me off.
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The Ocelot

ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
That is imo, the best feature of the PT , love, love, love that super airy draw , the PT II is tighter but not by much but i still prefer the first released version .

I liked the airy draw too. I find it easier to restrict airflow than increase it.

ETA: Edward@Sun Vapers was influential in the design of the original Protank, this is what he has to say about the new heads, "THIS IMPROVEMENT ALSO MAKES THEM RESISTANT TO BURNING BUT LESS DURABLE WE ARE SORRY BUT THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO. THIS IS AN ACROSS THE BOARD CHANGE. THANKS"
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Apr 13, 2014
Central Florida
Iam always sad and surprised when I see people having so many problems with ProTanks. I have ProTank2 with Aero bases and Aero tanks. I never have problems! They will gurgle for first hit if they have been sitting, but then fine. I rebuild my coils and wicks

Sorry you are having so much trouble with them.
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