RedEyeDancer's AFS Box Mod Review

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Ultra Member
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Jan 7, 2010
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Reo survived the Reggae festival!
The day started off shrouded in doom...clouds were rolling in... on the way to the concert my lucky LR 901 popped! So I went for my backup...dead. I must have grabbed the wrong one...Stress was setting in.

Due to my overly abundant amount of OCD I had the foresight to pack a couple LR 510s...that got me through.

This year, they decided to search bags and pat us down. The women got patted down by an attractive looking, and very sweet young lady... the men by a large pillar of a man that appeared to take his job WAY too seriously.

My wife put the Reo in her purse with the rest of the vaping stuff (Little Chuck for a backup and some extra juice), so we wouldn't have to explain it twice.

I was sure I was gonna get busted for...something.

The lady opened my wifes purse and said.."Ahem... what is THAT?"
"Its my electronic cigarrette"
"Okay... cool...go in."

That was it... We were free to vape our little hearts away on our little piece of real-estate on the lawn (real estate wars at the Reggae Festival is a battle..don't let that love and peace crap fool you).

The Reo perfomed flawlessly, and never got a second look. I even saw a few devices that looked similar to the Reo, but upon further inspection....they weren't Reos at all.

Good work Reo, you are one spliffy device.


Full Member
May 28, 2010
Los Angeles
Congrats! I'm on day two vaping this beast and I must say it's amazing. I've taken it out two nights in a row and every one of my friends who smokes analogs has asked to try it. They are unanimously amazed by the flavor and the vapor. I had two people who wanted one so bad (they had never even tried e cigs prior) that they asked for the website. Any vapor junkie that doesn't have one should get one. Two days of fairly heavy vaping and I not had to refill the bottle or insert a fresh battery. The only downside I've run into is that the Reo doesn't like jeans or my tennis I wasn't vaping while playing tennis but brought it along for an after exercise vape. Even if it's off, any pressure on the exterior button can lead to a slow leak. Not a lot- but slow drips from the brass ring fitting where the atomizer is. I'm going to try and find something to slide over the button (foam?) so it can't get pushed in.
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