Received the goods...

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Full Member
Sep 9, 2009
As a lurker, i have to comment on the new prodigy that i received today.

I have been fighting the smoking thing for many years. I started in 9th grade and am currently 36 years old. I've smoke anywhere from 1 pack a day to a pack once a week. I'd consider myself a "social' smoker and only smoke on the weekends. About three weeks ago I watched my 58 year old uncle die in front of me from lung cancer. Talk about a wake up! I quit the cigs, but started chewing and realized that it wasn't any better. Somehow I stumbled on this forum and bought a Prodigy over Labor Day weekend.

I am so pleased with this device. I really want to speak to the "social" smoker like myself. If you like having an occasional cig when drinking or after the kiddo's go to bed, this is the device. I can't even explain how awesome it is. I have all the benefits of a marlboro light, but in the comfort of my own living room.

I would guess that if you're a "pack a day" type of person that this isn't a solution for you. But, if you're somebody that smokes only on the weekends while out with the friends...this is the device for you.

I am so appreciative of this device that I don't even want to brag or talk about it amongst friends. I prefer just to sit in privacy....take a few tokes...and then head out for the night. It has been great.

I know I sound like a pretty dull person, but typing this sort of message isn't easy for me. Smoking has become an evil for me. Finding something like the prodigy has voided that part of my life. I don't ever want another cancer stick again and so much so that I will probably spend another $200 for another prodigy just as a back up.

My only words of advice for someone like me is to be careful with this device. Don't ruin it for the vapor community by being arrogant and smoking where it's not cool (restaurants....airplane, etc) Time will allow it, but right now we don't need meat heads wrecking a very good thing.

vaping is a 100% replacement for cigs for the casual smoker. Especially if done correctly. My wife knows i casual smoke, but i still don't vape right in front of her. I wait for her to go to bed or hit the garage.

Puresmoker, thank you for such a great device. Please contiinue to grow your business and I wish you the best!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 22, 2009
Hey Buckfill
Congrats on your new Prod!

I'm afraid that just as sure as we have a good thing going will bring a ban in the workplace by employers which will then spill over to restaurants,etc. and other public places.

The mere fact the FDA iis totally against Ecigs will allow employers to ban their use in the workplace citing the FDA as their license with impunity.

Look for it soon to happen everywhere. Sorry to say..

PS I was a 2 pack a day smoker and It was SURELY the answer for me..


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 18, 2009
Michigan, USA
Congrats on successfully quitting! The Prodigy is a wonderful thing :)

Just a FYI... 2-3 packs a day for 25 yrs here...practically a professional quitter, I tried so damn many times to quit. Vaping was what did it for me, first with one of the cheaply made models, and now of course the Prodigy. Of course, after having this Prodigy, there's no going back to the cheaper model, it's like I was driving an Escort and finally got my Mercedes...

So if you're out and about and someone asks about your Prodigy, don't say it's great if you're a casual smoker, instead say, Give it a shot, it's helped so many people kick the deadly habit... :)



Full Member
Sep 9, 2009
I do need to clarify my first post. I should NOT have commented on whether or not this device would work for a heavy smoker. I should've said, "I don't know..." For a casual's a solid replacement for cigarettes. Thanks for responses!

Thanks for your story, buckfill. It's great to hear how these devices can change peoples lives for the better!

I was almost a pack a day smoker and this was the device that convinced me I never had to go back to cigs. It's a great tool, we just have to use it well.

Keep on vaping...
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