Reasonable and Unreasonable Expectations : reflections of a veteran wingnut

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What would Freud say?
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Feb 10, 2010
Wilmington, DE / Ithaca, NY
What are reasonable and unreasonable expectations from vendors and vaping in general.

We have so many new vapers in the world and on ecf… It seems to have grown exponentially… and there is no sign of it slowing down.

I want the some of newer folks to try to understand a few things that it has taken me almost four years to wrap my head around..

On forums such as ECF, I see a lot of complaining about vendors, juice, equipment performance etc… misunderstandings and ignorance is at an all time high.

I want to say a few things about this.

There are poor vendors, charlatans and inferior products out there… but it is fairly easy to avoid them. There is also knowledge you can use to reduce your risk of buying something you wish you hadn’t.

I started vaping about a year into when the small vendors started springing up.
It seemed fairly easy to do a google search in early 2010 and exhaust your search in a half hour or less.

A complex juice back then was an RY4 or a two/three fruit mix… or a coffee flavored juice… adding some Havana gold to your Bobas.

People had only brands such as dekang to vape and these new vendors like a tasty vapor… Mrs. T’s, diy flavorshack etc… were so exotic…

That’s when I started… it was exciting.

This wasn’t long ago. Not long ago at all.

Around the time I started… it was growing quickly and I believe I started vaping around the time NETS were starting… Tasty Vapor had the first one that I remember.

The vaping community was pretty relaxed about many things then… Their expectations were tempered by trial and error…

Many of our vendors were like friends or family because so many of them were shlums like us on the forums that had the capital or balls to try to offer everyone else something cool.

There was a sense of trust… and an air of encouragement. The truly disgruntled learned how to DIY and some of them are our prized vendors today.

As the vaping community grew and the number of vendors grew, there were definitely some people that had no experience to run a business… good vendors survived, bad ones disappeared.

While the vaping community and vendor base grew, so did the number of veteran vapers…

…and all of these forces… new vapers, veteran vapers and vendors continue to shape the vaping world as we know it now.

I can’t blame a new vaper for being demanding and having high expectations… they started recently. There are now so many choices and so many vendors out there…
There is more misinformation and people just in it for the money now…

A new vaper expects the flavor to taste like the picture or the name of the juice. A new vaper expects customer service as good as any big business… A new vaper expects their tastes and preferences to be more of a standard –

I can’t blame them because the competition has introduced so much salesmanship into the game… and there seem to be more and more charlatans out there who make promises.

I tend to buy more juices that I like than juices I don’t like now… and while I don’t have a scientific formula… I do have some thoughts on this issue…

1. Try to have reasonable expectations about flavor. I want a good flavor too… but I really don’t believe that there are any Willie Wonkas out there. Juice flavor is limited by the # of flavoring companies out there and buy the method which it is delivered. Moist liquid and heat will probably never replicate the experience and flavor of chocolate, real cigarettes or some other flavors. It may come close and taste pretty good… but it simply won’t for most people.
2. As I mentioned, there are only so many flavoring companies out there. I always find out where my vendors get their flavorings. I do this because after vaping a few months, I could already tell you I didn’t like Flavouart’s caramel. It was the caramel flavoring in a juice that I hated… so I knew I would hate other juices that used it too. Your personal library of this knowledge grows as you ask questions and try things. There are about 20 flavors on my list by particular flavoring companies I avoid like the plague… and there are also some I gravitate towards because I know I like them. I like TFA fruits… I like anything by Decadent Vapor… I hate Flavourart, Flavor West and TFA tobaccos. Etc etc etc

2.5: … and many of these new and these Boutique companies really make me angry because MOST of them use the same flavorings everyone else uses… not that there is anything wrong with these flavorings… it’s that they have the balls to try to hide this and claim they use “only the highest quality ingredients.”

Well, people… if they aren’t bragging about exactly what these flavorings are… or if they MAKE them themselves, then they ARE NOT SPECIAL…
I respect the guy at Fuzion Vapor a lot – he claims he uses TFA flavorings… which are quite good… yet ordinary… despite this, the guy masterfully mixes them IMO… so… he has confidence in his ability… he also charges a very fair price.

On the reverse side… someone brand new who no one knows… someone who has relatively no mixing expertise to brag about won’t disclose their flavorings or nic source… and we pile on them because they have a fancy bottle and charge 10-30% more.

It’s perception. It’s psychology. So, you’ve tried this fancy vendor who charges more… the one with the fancy bottle who no one knows and who keeps their ingredients secret… you’ve tried it and like it… they have excellent customer service… cool… good for you. I liked almost everything I tried when I started too… I say keep on buying it – it’s working… but don’t allow yourself to believe that (in most cases) that you are truly vaping something that unique. You are vaping something you like. That’s what counts.

Wanna know a secret? ;-) I had a friend who had a juice we thought was good that no one was buying. I spent a few years in advertising etc… I advised her to change the name from American Tobacco to Eastwood’s fist (okay, that’s not the real juice and name change) the actual juice is quite popular to this day… but the juice FLEW off the shelves and became very very SCARCE just due to a name change. Get my point? But women are a demographic too… and eastwood’s fist is kind of masculine…mmm what might appeal to both men and women…. ? Isn’t this how they crated Justin Biber, Brittany Spears, The Monkees and Menudo?

3. The vendors who truly make unique juices with unique ingredients will BRAG about it. They’ll have a long story on their homepage like Ahlusion does… they’ll disclose enough to let you know… hey… yeah, we make or own flavorings… or 30%...

If a vendor is using a higher quality Nic and base, they will make sure you know… they’ll say: we charge more because we get our nicotine from (name known expensive and quality nic retailer).

Whenever a vendor vaguely claims: we use only the finest ingredients”
I immediately believe they suck and have nothing special to offer and I avoid them… well, maybe I’ll email them and ask what these fine ingredients are…

4. Sometimes I just want some menthol in nic+base… Sometimes I want a simple juice. It’s what works… this is what matters. When it comes down to it in the end, it’s about what you like and what works. And 5 pawns is worth the money if you like it… Who knows what their ingredients are… but their juice is their juice and there is nothing exactly like it because they do take some time making their own thing… not a huge fan myself, but I’d say they have something real behind their fancy packaging.

5. Have reasonable expectations from vendors. It breaks my heart to read a criticism like this: well, they should get out of business if they can’t keep the store open and stocked 24/7. This is simply unfair. Do the math. Consider all of the variables… and you may even be correct to some degree, just because someone makes good juice doesn’t mean they know how to run a business…
Some vendors do blow and need to be criticized… but many take a lot of unnecessary criticism from people who are simply ignorant about business and the vaping business.

6. Know that your tastes change a lot… in the beginning and even years later.
Much of the time, it is your perception that’s changed – not the juice. This is somewhat normal. Lot of people have written about this.


Anyway, I just got going here… this isn’t intended to be a manifesto by any means. I haven’t even really proof read this. I have NO TIME these days ;-)

I do hope that my experiences… (and they are just my experiences)
help a few folks see things from a different angle…

This was inspired by a few days of thread surfing and seeing some complaints and disappointments that I feel could have been avoided by more experience and more realistic expectations.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2013
saint paul,mn,usa
well said last tango.
i might add after working in the service industry for 20 years that the fraise
"the cutomer is allways right" is wrong.
the customer is rarely right.
in fact i believe 90% of complaintents who use this metaphor do so ,so they
can be rude and demanding to cover up there ignorence for not knowing
what realistic expectations are.
they learn this from there parents in most cases. ;)


Vaping Master
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Jul 25, 2013
Molon Labe
I read and use the search bar.I ALWAYS take what is said,good or bad with a grain of sea salt.The ultimate judge is me whether to jump in or jump out.If I make a boo boo,I move on and search again or try sumpin different.I have it pretty narrowed down on what I want and like,well in e-juice anyways with a certain type of juice.I prefer the menthol tobacco so I am easily pleased and not too fussy.A good read on the experience upstairs and good advice.Is that a striper in your avatar.? biggest I caught was a 42 pounder back in the day.west coast

White Rabbit

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As this "vaping trend" explodes and it is starting to already, the "WalMart" of vaping will eventually appear and hopefully give us all a place to buy everything we need at one or maybe two places. People new to vaping need to do a lot more research before jumping in and my advice posted several times in various places on ECF is to read, read, and read some more before you buy, buy, buy. It will save some money and a lot of grief in purchasing something that you will not like and toss out. ECF has been of great value to me, saving time and money. That being said, it is much easier to post a question that has already been answered a thousand times because some people are just too lazy to do any research.

By the way NICE POST Tango, hope to see you in Paris :laugh:

Just my :2c: and that is about all it is worth

The Wabbit


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ECF Veteran
Feb 19, 2012
Southern Maryland
As this "vaping trend" explodes and it is starting to already, the "WalMart" of vaping will eventually appear and hopefully give us all a place to buy everything we need at one or maybe two places.

Fortunately there are already a few sites that sell everything (or enough) needed, with high quality, good service, and reasonable prices. Places like Halo, Johnson Creek, VaperGirl, et. al. These are the kinds of folks I want to see survive as this hobby of ours becomes more mainstream and a so-called shake out inevitably occurs.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2012
Dayton, Ohio
Lasttango, I've always admired your posts from a far and your willingness to help people and offer suggestions without any kind of ulterior motive going on. I like you, dude.

Everything he said is correct. I can remember back when I started (and this was only about 14 months ago), the options were no where near as amazing as they are today. And while a lot of these newer innovations can still suck (we're still in the infancy of this movement, but things get better every day), they're still better than what I had as a starter kit.

The "old-timers" (and old-timers is relative, you can become an old timer in this industry after just a couple of months) can honestly see where the vaping scene started, where it is, and where it could be headed. The noobs are jumping in at the best possible moment. Their options are almost limitless and can be customized to fit their needs or wants. A tinkerer with some ability to research and do the math? RBA's. Someone with a little more patience and willingness to learn? Carto tanks. Just want to fill and forget and get your vape on, with minimal work? Clearos. Idiot-proof vaping? Cig-a-likes with 808 batts and screw-on cartridges. Flavors are exploding up. Look at MBV. When I first started, they had like three pages of flavors. Now they've got like 100, 200 flavors.

The options are there, and while a lot of these things can be tricky at first, you learn.

I do know people who try this out and it just befuddles them. Everything leaks. Everything breaks. You have to charge things. Batteries die at the worst possible moment. There are two types of people in that situation: the "I want this to work so I'm sticking it out through the rough patches and learn from my mistakes the whole time" or people who have little patience and are ready to give up the moment their clearo leaks or their battery dies on them while out and about. "Hell, I'll just smoke, it's easier." Yeah, it's easier, and yeah, go smoke. If you're not ready, you're not ready. When you are, you are. It's a lot like love. You just know it, stugotz-to-bones. Don't fight it if you're not ready.

Sort of like my favorite Biblical verse about romantic love: "Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires."

If you're on the fence, you're probably not ready. Just give it time.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 10, 2013
Hurricane Alley, FL. USA
As this "vaping trend" explodes and it is starting to already, the "WalMart" of vaping will eventually appear and hopefully give us all a place to buy everything we need at one or maybe two places. People new to vaping need to do a lot more research before jumping in and my advice posted several times in various places on ECF is to read, read, and read some more before you buy, buy, buy. It will save some money and a lot of grief in purchasing something that you will not like and toss out. ECF has been of great value to me, saving time and money. That being said, it is much easier to post a question that has already been answered a thousand times because some people are just too lazy to do any research.

That's gonna be the downfall of the community "a huge walfart type of store" to disinfect the community of small business owners who care about what they sell and try to make a living for themselves and for their families.
It may happen , bit I WILL NOT SUPPORT...


Vaping Master
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Jul 18, 2010
NE Ohio
Great post! Sad to say that there are alot of the post are asking without looking first. In the day of demand now apologize later I tend to no longer acknowledge these types of questions, as I and many others can attest, read, read and read some more.....;)

Rants a similar story...........could say back in my day ~ but I digress...:facepalm:

Thank you!


Ultra Member
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Apr 22, 2013
Lakeville, MN
Ok.. tango's post really eludes to this and I'm just going to go ahead and point out the elephant in the room... 95% of the choices available to vapors are just more of the same. I haven't been vaping that long at six months.. but most places are simply putting flavor extract, pg/vg, nic base and shake. Since I am partial to a specific flavor profile, I have several in my collection from different vendors that are basically the same thing. So ordering from these type of vendors I pretty much know what to expect.

I do think there is a bit of an art to blending, mixing, and getting the right ratios to make things taste good.. so I won't say, its not worth it to order when you can make the same thing for pennies. Although I totally think its possible for someone with the time and patience.

Don't get me wrong.. these juices are often tasty, just saying they're not different. I'm looking for different, so I'm not planning to order from anyone going forward except ahlusion, heathers, indigo, velvet cloud,, goodejuice, nicoticket,the plume room and possibly mom and pops since I havent tried them yet. All of these vendors claim that they are at least partially using house brewed extracts, which is something I can't buy commercially.

But as far as the rest goes, I guess I just don't see the point? How many variations of cinnamon bun and banana nut bread need to happen before we finally catch on?
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2012
Dayton, Ohio
I feel the same way. That's why I love the Vapor Chef for my two favorite fruit vapes. I'm sick of Flavor West and TPA. I can identify those upon first sniff. You're right, vendors do rinse and repeat.

Ok.. tango's post really eludes to this and I'm just going to go ahead and point out the elephant in the room... 95% of the choices available to vapors are just more of the same. I haven't been vaping that long at six months.. but most places are simply putting flavor extract, pg/vg, nic base and shake. Since I am partial to a specific flavor profile, I have several in my collection from different vendors that are basically the same thing. So ordering from these type of vendors I pretty much know what to expect.

I do think there is a bit of an art to blending, mixing, and getting the right ratios to make things taste good.. so I won't say, its not worth it to order when you can make the same thing for pennies. Although I totally think its possible for someone with the time and patience.

Don't get me wrong.. these juices are often tasty, just saying they're not different. I'm looking for different, so I'm not planning to order from anyone going forward except ahlusion, heathers, indigo, velvet cloud,, goodejuice, nicoticket,the plume room and possibly mom and pops since I havent tried them yet. All of these vendors claim that they are at least partially using house brewed extracts, which is something I can't buy commercially.

But as far as the rest goes, I guess I just don't see the point? How many variations of cinnamon bun and banana nut bread need to happen before we finally catch on?

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 5, 2013
Grayson, Georgia
Ok.. tango's post really eludes to this and I'm just going to go ahead and point out the elephant in the room... 95% of the choices available to vapors are just more of the same. I haven't been vaping that long at six months.. but most places are simply putting flavor extract, pg/vg, nic base and shake. Since I am partial to a specific flavor profile, I have several in my collection from different vendors that are basically the same thing. So ordering from these type of vendors I pretty much know what to expect.

I do think there is a bit of an art to blending, mixing, and getting the right ratios to make things taste good.. so I won't say, its not worth it to order when you can make the same thing for pennies. Although I totally think its possible for someone with the time and patience.

Don't get me wrong.. these juices are often tasty, just saying they're not different. I'm looking for different, so I'm not planning to order from anyone going forward except ahlusion, heathers, indigo, velvet cloud,, goodejuice, nicoticket,the plume room and possibly mom and pops since I havent tried them yet. All of these vendors claim that they are at least partially using house brewed extracts, which is something I can't buy commercially.

But as far as the rest goes, I guess I just don't see the point? How many variations of cinnamon bun and banana nut bread need to happen before we finally catch on?

Have you hit the nail on the head !!... For me anyway. I got into DIY for this exact reason and am loving it ! Really easy with the help of the posts and recipies here on these forums.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Apr 22, 2013
Lakeville, MN
I feel the same way. That's why I love the Vapor Chef for my two favorite fruit vapes. I'm sick of Flavor West and TPA. I can identify those upon first sniff. You're right, vendors do rinse and repeat.

Sent from my KFOT using Tapatalk 2

Is the vapor chef making their own extracts too? I wasn't aware. I will have to check them out. :)
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