Really need to stop

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I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. I quit the moment I took my first toke on an ecig. Every time I got the urge to smoke, I put my PV in my mouth and vaped away. I smoked for many years and now the smell of it is a turn off. Maybe you should try various juices. There is some nice flavors out there to try.


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Aug 19, 2010
Sue your doing great! I semi had the same problem with my wife, but honestly I just started taking my e-cig with me instead. I started vapping July 11th, but continued to smoke regulars, my goal was to vape more then smoke.

Anyway first week of August, I bought my last pack of smokes, put them in my drawer at my desk "Just in case" and started grabbing my e-cig instead, the reason I told myself not to grab the pack was, if I open it I'll want to finish it just 'cus.

After a week or two I was outside with my wife and my e-cig bat died, yeah I could have ran upstairs to grab another but I was like give me one (We use to smoke the same brand) and well, after I took my first drag I was like this is nasty, crushed it out, went and got my e-cig.

Bottom line, keep doing what you are doing, you'll get there especially when you go thru the "Taste change" and it happens just don't know exactly how long it was after i stopped analogs :)

FYI the pack is still in my desk, it's still a security blanket makes me feel better just knowing its there :)


Vaping Master
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Sep 30, 2010
Sue- You've got my full support ! I also believe everyone is different and if someone needs to hold onto a few analogs a bit longer than some of us there's nothing wrong with that.

I guess my take on your post is a bit different as I don't see you saying you're having those cigarettes because you REALLY REALLY want one, but because of the habit of having one at certain times along with your husband that's still encouraging it. So I guess it appears more to me that its gonna be up to you to decide when YOU want to break that "habit" of picking up a cig and it sounds like you're just not quite there yet. The best PV in the world along with the best juice for you won't make you stop the habit unless YOU are ready to really want to change that habit to vaping.

When I started vaping there were times I REALLY had the URGE to have a cigerette. My body was craving what an e-cig wasn't giving it. Then there were those times that honestly it wasnt the urge to have a cigarette but much more the "habit" of having one(like when I was driving in the car). Much harder to vape through the "urge" then it was to vape when it was the "habit moment" that made me want one. I was lucky as neither the urge to have one or the habit of having one gave me a lot of problems but like I said in the beginning of this post, we are all different and we all have to find what works best for each of us in our own timeframe. Good Luck!!!!
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