Re-post of my correspondence with my district legislator by request of SmokeyJoe.

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Apr 17, 2013
Edmond, OK
Just a copy of my correspondence with my local Oklahoma representative. He claims his wording was a typo, I think he meant exactly what he said. MY representative that I voted for sees me as nothing but trash. It's embarrassing. Here is a copy of the email correspondence after I saw the call to action. My original message started from the bottom up. I found it odd that he thought I was "threatening" him when I didn't no such thing. This man is of low integrity and since I have a vote because I love in Edmond, OK I will do everything in my part to make sure he is not re-elected.

"On Apr 16, 2013, at 4:00 PM, Mark Passarelli <> wrote:

On April 9, 2013, after somewhere between 250 and 300 e-cigarette users and members of the Oklahoma business community came out to Oklahoma City to protest SB 802 (a bill authored by RJ Reynolds), the House Health Committee wisely voted unfavorably on the bill.

SB 802 was sponsored by Senator Rob Johnson (who previously falsely claimed that e-cigarette companies sold their products in malls so they could target youth). Unfortunately, it appears that Senator Johnson is not giving up.

Senator Rob Johnson quietly pushed SB 802 through the Oklahoma Senate by attaching it as an amendment to an entirely unrelated bill, HB 2097.

Edmond Republican Sen. Rob Johnson attached the new language to a bill Tuesday in the form of an amendment that narrowly passed on a 23-22 vote. The bill now returns to the House for consideration of Senate amendments.
Read more: Tax plan for e-cigarettes revived in Okla. Senate - SFGate

So, these are all lies? Interesting.

On Apr 16, 2013, at 3:50 PM, Senator Rob Johnson Gmail <> wrote:

I'm happy to visit with you at any time. I can not control if you are receiving and believing information that is untrue. I have spent the better part of my career trying to encourage alternatives to cigarettes which is what I am still doing. I cannot control if people do not understand the legislation or are not truthful about it. I've spoken with Sean Gore who is evidently the president of the local vaping association and he understands what I am trying to do. So why I can't prevent you grime threatening me, I would ask you at least understand what I'm doing instead of issuing threats over something that you are misinformed on. Like I said, I'm happy to visit with you at any time if you truly would like to discuss the issue.


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On Apr 16, 2013, at 3:44 PM, Mark Passarelli <> wrote:

Stop your attacks on e-cigarettes. They are helping hundreds of
thousands of people stop smoking real cigarettes. I had previously
been a smoker for 20 years. I also have ulcerative colitis, my
gastroenterologist advised me NOT to stop smoking because it helps my
symptoms. Now I have a way to get nicotine without all the additives.
Your original bill was squashed and now you try to push it through as
a rider on an unrelated bill?! Remember you're opening a door that
you cannot shut, now you'll have to tax nicotine gum, nicotine
patches... Where does it stop? Vote FOR your people not against us.
If you continue your attack on vaping and alternatives to smoking, I
will do my best to make sure you aren't re-elected.

Mark Passarelli

I was absolutely floored at his defensive responses to my email regarding laws being purposed here in Oklahoma. I am absolutely ashamed that I voted for him in the last election. Rest assured, with his actions, multiple purposed of bills, trying to sneak legislation past as a rider in another bill after it was defeated and his general lack of a relaxed, intelligent response to a voter and concerned citizen IN his district (Edmond, OK) I will be extremely politically active when elections roll around again. I am a degreed professional from Oklahoma State University and hold three degrees. To have my state legislator respond in an email treating me like a small child was beyond disrespectful. I am a registered republican and in most ways very conservative. It's obvious he is getting kickbacks from RJ Reynolds to keep trying to smash this legislation through the state and local jurisdictions. He has straight out lied to me in this correspondence and repeatedly accused me of "threats". If saying that I will do my best to make sure he doesn't get re-elected is a threat, that is completely subjective. Quite the contrary, he, RJ Reynolds and other lobbyists are threatening me, you and every other vaper that has quit cigarettes in favor of a much less dangerous way to enjoy nicotine. Why wouldn't you want an average of 1.5 million people quitting analogs per year? (Tax money lost, medical money lost treating related diseases and complications and the big tobacco companies losing their customers that they have had addicted for decades).

Ive spoken to two medical doctors and they were both in favor of vaping in general. It's much less harmful to the immediate user and all those around them. I NEVER would have expected the great state of Oklahoma to be spearheading the plan to ban, regulate, tax and erroneously classify e-juice as a "tobacco product" when nothing could be farther from the truth. We all need to rally and kill these bills and if need be, remove Mr. Rob Johnson from office.

Band together people, there is safety in numbers and we can continue to grow the grass-roots effort to a level they never expected. I believe STRONGLY and passionately about this issue because of some of my health concerns detailed in my original email to him. It was very apparent he cares NOTHING about the individual suffering that now has a safer alternative to help treat a disease that is incurable and more concerned about perceived "threats" in addition to the countless dollars lining his pocketed from RJ Reynolds.

Thank you for your time reading my thoughts, I appreciate your time.



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Jan 11, 2013
Capra's Shangri-La
Informing him of your intent to work against his re-election won't do it. You need to clearly let him know that not only will you work against him, you will be vigorously working toward getting his opponent elected in the next election.

They don't care if you work against them; they care if you are putting your efforts toward getting someone else elected.
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