Quitting Camels - Alternative to Space Jam's Eclipse?

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Jul 11, 2014
Los Angeles
Thanks to this forum, I have an incredible setup now with a couple different tanks (New Aspire Mini being the primary), far too many drip tips, and some great batteries. But I have still yet to find that ideal daily flavor.

I'm cutting down on smoking, but haven't quit completely, and I'm hoping someone can Pandora the flavor that I'm after.

I've been smoking Camel Crush's for quite a few years now....but I actually don't crush them. So this makes the flavor close to Camel Blue, but not quite. I have ordered a ton of various tobacco flavors from recommendations from this forum and online, but all of them are just too strong. The constant that I keep coming back to is Space Jam's Eclipse, which is delicious and I really do love it. But it's just a tad bit too sweet for all-day vaping. Especially now that I have the BVC coils, it seems even sweeter than before. These coils are amazing but I've realized that this flavor is now almost too much of a good thing. I need something that I can vape all day.

I'm wondering, can someone recommend something similar to Eclipse, or perhaps a Tobacco flavor that I could cut it with to tone it down? It seems like everything is too strong, or too sweet, and I can't find my goldilocks zone of that perfect mix. I've noted from similar threads that there may not be a perfect answer out there, as nothing does really replicate a cig, but I thought I would at least give a try.

I'd truly appreciate any feedback you guys can provide, as I feel like I'm so close to quitting...and there is a vap flavor out there that can seal the deal.
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Jul 11, 2014
Los Angeles
My favorite tobacco juice is Johnson Creek's Tennessee Cured. Finicky stuff, needs a dual coil, never tried in in a Nautilus, but tastes great on a Kanger updated dual coil.

Thanks, I'm going to order a bottle now.

MOD - I just realized that there is an actual eliquid forum, I re-posted over there which makes more sense, if you could delete this. Much thanks.


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Apr 16, 2014
South Central PA
Eclipse sounds delicious, lol.

From a long time Camel Light smoker. First, you're going to forget what cigarettes taste like. It only takes a few days of not smoking and that first one taste like straight up dookie. That being said the idea isn't to try to replicate the taste of your cigarettes, it's to find something you like better. Trust me, cigarettes taste like .... Took me a very long time to realize it, but it's true.

So you'd like a tobacco vape with a small hint of sweetness? A medium sized note of sweetness? I'll just recommended a few that I've enjoyed so far on my vaping journey.

Mostly any Naturally Extracted Tobacco from Heather's Heavenly Vapes. Especially Dragon's Fire for a hint of sweetness. Serendipity is also great with even less sweet. On the slightly to medium sweet side you could try Tribecca from Halo or my personal adv, Deadly Sin, from Good Life Vapor.

Good luck, don't get discouraged, just buy more stuff. It'll click eventually, but remember, you can try every eliquid in the world and it won't help you stop smoking. It all comes down to willpower, and you can do it.


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Jul 11, 2014
Los Angeles
Eclipse sounds delicious, lol.

From a long time Camel Light smoker. First, you're going to forget what cigarettes taste like. It only takes a few days of not smoking and that first one taste like straight up dookie. That being said the idea isn't to try to replicate the taste of your cigarettes, it's to find something you like better. Trust me, cigarettes taste like .... Took me a very long time to realize it, but it's true.

So you'd like a tobacco vape with a small hint of sweetness? A medium sized note of sweetness? I'll just recommended a few that I've enjoyed so far on my vaping journey.

Mostly any Naturally Extracted Tobacco from Heather's Heavenly Vapes. Especially Dragon's Fire for a hint of sweetness. Serendipity is also great with even less sweet. On the slightly to medium sweet side you could try Tribecca from Halo or my personal adv, Deadly Sin, from Good Life Vapor.

Good luck, don't get discouraged, just buy more stuff. It'll click eventually, but remember, you can try every eliquid in the world and it won't help you stop smoking. It all comes down to willpower, and you can do it.

Thanks man, and you're right. In fact, I already ordered 8 bottles from Heather's! A couple of them are good, but you're right.....contrary to all thought, I might hate tobacco. So weird. I might try those others. Pirate's Booty was good for what it is, and Heavenly is great, but once again too sweet. The others, still just not quite "it" I've heard a few people mention Tribecca, I'm going to order a bottle now, and try that for sure.

Good stuff man, much thanks....and you're right, I just gotta do this.


Moved On
Jul 1, 2014
Some advice that I received when quitting smoking-stay away from tobacco flavors. I think the reasoning was that they don't taste like a cigarette, the way we desire them to.

That having been said- people around my parts swear by mister e liquid's gray matter and ry4.

To be honest, I've never used tobacco flavors much.

Also, to me, space jams (and other thick premium fluids) are much, MUCH better through an rda. They're way to sweet for non-rebuildables, imho.


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Jul 30, 2014
Kingsville TX USA
Eclipse sounds delicious, lol.
First, you're going to forget what cigarettes taste like. It only takes a few days of not smoking and that first one taste like straight up dookie.

This couldn't be any more true...the first one I tried literally tasted like smoking rolled up dirt.

That having been said- people around my parts swear by mister e liquid's gray matter and ry4.

I started out vaping ry4 and the caramel undertones are what got my taste buds desiring less tobacco dominate juices.
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Full Member
Jul 2, 2014
south dakota
eclipse is the best tobacco flavor i have vaped. i dont like jcs tennessee cure at all. im vaping eclipse right now and i cut it with a banana juice i have. killer combo. try this crank the voltage up. space jam can handle the voltage better than most and might take away the sweetness a little. if eclipse is too sweet tennesse cure will make you sick its really sweet. that being said i hate all of johnson creeks liquid. a particularly nasty tobacco is casablanca by backwoods. horrible tastes like a wet cigarette .... and jalapeno. been steeping it 3 months now and still horrible


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Jul 11, 2014
Los Angeles
xklipx & Salty - Thanks, I'll check those out. It sounds like the ry4 arena might hold the answer. I ordered some last night, I'll put mister e liquid on the list to try next.

ralphrek- Interesting, I just switched from Eclipse to Mount Baker's Banana Cream Pie, and there was some mix in taste...pretty good indeed. And yeah, Eclipse might really be the best ever; maybe I'm just burning out on it. I think cutting it with some pure VG/PG might just mild it out for me. And good to hear another take on jcs tennessee, hah.

sb713 - Halo Tribeca is already on the way in the mail, I keep hearing it pop up, thanks! Glad to hear I'm on the right track.


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Jul 11, 2014
Los Angeles
Rwb1500- Are you trying to bankrupt me sir. I just did some research, yeah that sounds dangerous. I think I'm gonna go to my local B&M to try a taste before I commit to a full bottle. Sounds really tasty though, going to definitely try it.

Dr.Vapyr- I just ordered from MBV yesterday, but I'll put that on my list to try next, much thanks.
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Detail Man

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Apr 27, 2013
Indiana USA
I used to smoke Camels. Filtered and sometimes non filtered. Halo's Turkish Tobacco is very good! More in the spirit of a hand rolled Turkish tobacco cigarette I think. Want2Vape Morley is as close a representation to an analog as I've tried. But, you know it's still vapor, not burning. I have heard that Indigo Vapors 'The Turk' is excellent. I'm going to find out for myself on my next order with them.
Agreed!! There are so many amazing options out there. Why try to emulate a cigarette? It's all subjective though.

If you want subdued flavor, check out Alice in Vapeland. Great, unique flavors and they are, for the most part, pretty delicate yet complex. My ADV and favorite all time flavor is Ginger By The Sea. So good.

Good Luck
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