Quick simple review of five pawns sample pack

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 25, 2014
Just wanted to give my opinion on this sampler I got.

Just as a disclaimer, I'm not a professional and don't have a finely tuned palate but I figured some of you may find it useful.

I heard very good things about this. It's described as a sweet ripe apple with savory pie crust and caramel, topped with French vanilla ice creme.

I love this flavor! Right at the start you can taste an apple pie flavor that is not overpowering. I picked up a tad bit of cinnamon as well. On the exhale I can taste the ice creme. To me it kind of tastes how French vanilla smells. It's there and I can really taste it exhaling out my nose. This is a good flavor and very well balanced.

It is described as a smooth peanut butter, bananna creme and velvety caramel. It also says buttery and smooth.
Im not a huge fan of this so far. I can pick up small hints of the peanut butter. My main problem with this is the exhale almost all I taste is a dull buttery taste. I don't really know how to describe it but it just doesn't work for me. Just seems like all the flavors are muffled to me. Maybe someone with a more advanced palate can enjoy it a little more.

Bowdens Mate
It is described as a crisp mint with subtle chocolate undertones with a French vanilla finish. This flavor is good. I can definitely pick up the chocolate undertones. The mint comes through right away. To me it is a touch overpowering. It kind if coats your mouth and remains mostly mint. It is a good flavor though and the mint doesn't overpower it enough to make it annoying.

Described as a blood orange with French vanilla. This one is similar to grandmaster. The blood orange is delicious. It's not as sweet as I'd expected. Kind of on the bitter side especially on the exhale. The citrus is there, but I feel the French vanilla kind of blands out the flavors to me. I may be just me, I'm pretty unfamiliar with citrus flavors in general. All in all it's good, I just wished it was a little sweeter.

Absolute Pin
described as Irish creme, cinnamon spice, caramel with absinthe undertones. I'll say right off the bat, I do not like absinthe. Nonetheless this flavor is very interesting. The cinnamon and absinthe are an odd mix but it is pretty good. I taste the Irish creme on the inhale and the absinthe/cinnamon is on the exhale. It's pretty good but maybe not for everyone.

Thaks for listeining. Like I said I'm no pro, and my palate isn't very advanced but hopefully it will persued a few people to give these juices a try. They are all great flavors and I love the complexity of them. I enjoy trying flavored other than the standard strawberry or grape flavors.

I am definitely looking forward to getting a bottle of gambit and also trying out their mixology line.
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