Quick noob question

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Mar 13, 2014
Central Wisconsin
Currently using a Kanger mini protank 2, I been rewicking the coils with 100% cotton yarn, Peaches and Creme, am I running the thing too hot or too dry if the yarn darkens after a day looking a little burnt.

Not sure what burned juice taste like, only been vaping a week...

Thanks for your time

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Jenn Perry

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It would taste like burned charcoal. did you boil the cotton? I know many use the all natural yarn but I use the cotton balls and I have had no troubles at all. Boil the cotton and it depends what are you using the tank on what watt or volt etc. just a bit more info please


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
  • Nov 22, 2012
    No you can't
    Don't forget when you change the wick prime the new and give it a few min to soak in before you hit the button.

    Ok - I looking at the chart kanger gave me suitable volts

    1.7 - 1.9 ohms - 3.1 - 3.3 volts
    2.1 - 2.3 ohms - 3.4 - 3.7 volts
    2.4 - 2.6 ohms - 3.8 - 4.1 volts

    I find going a little higher is ok.
    Last edited:


    Senior Member
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    Mar 13, 2014
    Central Wisconsin
    I am on 3rd shift this week, when I got home I pulled the silica wick out and put the yarn in, I used 3 strands and layer the 4th across the top. So it sat in the juice from 6:45 to 2:45 or so.

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    It tastes good so I'll fly with it...heh
    Got some wire coming so I will be able to fix it when I blow the coil...heh

    Didn't mean to do another post, ment to edit the one above, sorry..


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
  • Nov 22, 2012
    No you can't
    with my Protanks

    I have never blown the wire on a coil I change them because why not I rewick coils for weeks on weeks sometimes during clean the legs might break off or shorten out but never blown the coil.

    I remove my wick rinse coil under water then dry burn it couple of time and re-wick prime and puff away.

    What goes bad on me are the bottom rubber plug


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    Oct 14, 2013
    Cumming, GA, USA
    It could be that you are just heating up the juice and it is mixing with the oxygen that cycles through the tank and the juice is oxidizing aka getting oxygen in it. This will cause the juice to change color and get a darker tint. That is what would cause your wick to change to a darker color. If it isn't tasting burnt then you don't really have to change anything. Some juices just tend to do that. I know when I used to buy some B&M premixed juices (I DIY now) I would fill up a tank before going to school and about mid day or 2 classes left in the day the liquid would be a dark brownish orange color. So I asked here on ECF what was going on and what I told you is what I was told. It happens more so with liquids that are of higher nicotine content such as 24mg-36mg just because that is the way that more concentrated nicotine acts when it oxidizes. Some of my DIY juices will significantly get darker when they are a week in to steeping. No need to worry if it all tastes good to you. Vape on!:toast:


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
  • Nov 22, 2012
    No you can't
    Got some wire coming

    I was re-reading your posts again and you said something about 4 turns and undid a wrap and got wire coming.

    It sounds like you have no coils made up and no wire. if this is correct you don't want to be without any.

    I wouldn't take the chance. I would go to a local shop or order online so not to be in a situation of not have nothing and being tempted to SMOKE again. If you do order online pick shop that's close so you get the stuff faster.

    It's not like your not going to use more heads; your use them when making new coils with wicks when your wire comes.

    Just a suggestion if I'm right.


    Senior Member
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    Mar 13, 2014
    Central Wisconsin
    I currently have 3 coils, 1 brand new with cotton in place of the silica, the other 2 have shortened wire cause a leg broke off, but I did get them to work again, I have 5 coming tomorrow, and my wire will be here Wednesday, along with some pg and VG so I can try my hand at tobacco extraction....

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