Questions about the RN4081 - Ask Em Here.

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Jim Davis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 16, 2009
Retired in Houston, Texas / USA
The battery may not be making contact with the atomizer. You can use a paperclip or jewelers screwdriver to insert in the center hole of the battery contact, and gently try to work the contact closer to the surface. This has to be done gently, as not to break the wires, or damage the rubber mount.

Before trying this, I would suggest to try to have it replaced. Since its new, they should replace it.


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 29, 2009
Houston, Tx
I have been using a 4081, SmokeStik Jet, and have been happy with it overall. I started about a month ago and it was a little difficult at first. I had multiple bad batteries and an atomizer that took awhile to break in. Once I had it working properly, thanks to this site, I am really enjoying it. I am really impressed with how quickly I quit smoking.

My questions is how do the different manufacturers' 4081's match up? Does one make a more reliable product than another, or are they basically the same thing with different names? I don't hear a lot about SmokeStik on the site and as I progress with my pv I would like to know which companies offers the best/most reliable parts for the 4081.

Also, I was using the SmokeStik pre-filled carts at first, their normal flavor in high strength. The flavor was really good and when I bought some tobacco flavor liquid from TW I just didn't like it. I recently got some RY4 from a local supplier and it is good and very close in flavor to the pre-filled. Are there any other e-liquids that are close to the pre-filled flavor?

Jim Davis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 16, 2009
Retired in Houston, Texas / USA
Howdy Mike;

The 4081 is a 4081 is a 4081. They're all the same. Some dealers just brand their name on them.

I have some suppliers information posted here;
RN-4081 Super Mini Reviews - · e-Cigarette and e-Smoking discussions

If I'm not around here, look me up at; · e-Cigarette and e-Smoking discussions

I hang out on both. We're trying to keep in touch with the Houston people to get together for coffee one day soon. Check at the other forum from time to time for details.


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 29, 2009
Houston, Tx
Thanks Jim. I figured that all were basically the same. I have been reading over the site for some time to gain basic knowledge before I started posting and I had gathered as much.

I don't mind ordering from online suppliers when it comes to things I have experience with but this site has helped a lot to get info on other peoples experiences with suppliers and products. I recently picked up some juice from electronic cigarettes of houston dot com, picked up in person, and was very happy to meet someone local who could help out with products and information. I would appreciate anything you, or others, had to offer that are local.

I went over to e-smokers-forum and set up a profile there as well, as much info I can get is great for someone like me who tends to do a lot of online research. The retailer I bought the starter kit from knew very little and within a week of dealing with them I had far more new questions than he could answer.


New Member
Dec 27, 2009
Hi, I'm in London, UK and on 3rd day of the White Super RN4081. Until this morning thought i had finally found the answer to stopping smoking, didnt have a single 'real' ciggie but today, iv got through 3 18mg cartridges already and the smoke just doesnt work; after about 5 puffs on a new cartridge it just stops smoking could i have worn out 2 atomizers and 2 batteries already? is this normal and should i be expecting to replace these already? Many thanks in advance for any replies. Kay.

Jim Davis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 16, 2009
Retired in Houston, Texas / USA
If you're using plain factory filled cartridges without the juice, you'll loose. Carts don't last on any e-cig, and become very expensive. Refilling your own carts will save you $$ and keep your atomizers working. The atomizers have to be wet to work properly. My last atomizer was 6 months old when I dropped it, and It went cold. The atty that I'm using now is going on 3 months.

Try picking up a bottle of juice. You'll see a 100% improvement in your vaping.


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 29, 2009
Houston, Tx

I have a question about refilling my 4081 carts. I have been cleaning and refilling carts for about a month. I did have some problems with juice leaking from overfilling at first, some through the mouthpiece and some from between the atty and cart. I backed off on the quantity of juice and no more leaking. Now I am mixing my ry4 36mg with VG, 60/40 ratio and the leaking between the atty and cart is happening quite often. Also when I remove the cart there is usually juice on the body of the atty and on the outside of the small white cart(the one that holds the juice/batting). I am wondering if the VG mixture is not vaporizing/atomizing completely and leaving excess moisture. I know I am not overfilling and the atty is working great, tried dripping w/ empty cart and it produces tons of vapor. Have you noticed any issues w/ VG mixing and sudden leakage? Thanks,


Jim Davis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 16, 2009
Retired in Houston, Texas / USA
I get Juice around the atty body all the time. I just wipe it off. I think it's condensation from the heat & juice. My inner cart sleeve is sometimes glossy but not overly wet. I rarely get juice in my mouth. Are you dropping the juice into the cart, or are you pushing the inner sleeve up? I push the sleeve up, and fill until it gets glossy on top. There are pictured instructions for filling the cart in the Troubleshooting & Informational guide. the link is in my sig.



Full Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 29, 2009
Houston, Tx
I push the inner sleeve up and remove from cart to refill. It is when I am removing the cart to refill that I notice the drops of liquid on the outside of the inner cart. Maybe it is just condensation, the pattern of the drops on it are consistent with that. The atty body being wet is really no big deal, that just can be wiped clean, but the juice that comes out between the atty and cart is getting on my fingers. I do usually cover one or both of the two air holes and manipulate them to increase the concentration of vapor. That may be the answer right there.
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