Questions about the RN4081 - Ask Em Here.

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Full Member
Aug 11, 2009
After much forced patience and anxiety at the mailbox, my ecig and supplies arrived today!

First I tried a prefilled cart and got a mouthful of juice. But then I swapped that out with a blank double cart and filled it myself, that was much easiar than I expected. And I like having control over how much liquid to use.

The RN4081 is kind of heavy.. Are all ecigs about the same weight?? It's a little hard to get used to.

I feel like I have to draw pretty hard to get a good mouthful of vapor. Are all cigs consistent with that?

I like the vapor sensation. I will definately NOT be rushing out to buy cigarettes tonight.

Jim Davis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 16, 2009
Retired in Houston, Texas / USA
After much forced patience and anxiety at the mailbox, my ecig and supplies arrived today!

First I tried a prefilled cart and got a mouthful of juice. But then I swapped that out with a blank double cart and filled it myself, that was much easiar than I expected. And I like having control over how much liquid to use.

The RN4081 is kind of heavy.. Are all ecigs about the same weight?? It's a little hard to get used to.

I feel like I have to draw pretty hard to get a good mouthful of vapor. Are all cigs consistent with that?

I like the vapor sensation. I will definately NOT be rushing out to buy cigarettes tonight.

Just make sure you have enough attys, and juice, and you can kiss the stinkie sticks good bye.

4081's are a little harder to draw on. I like the heavier draw myself, but some don't. The 510 is very easy to draw on.

Most e-cigs have weight to them because of the battery. That's something you can't get away from.

Jim Davis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 16, 2009
Retired in Houston, Texas / USA
Have you ever heard of an atty not working with one particular batt? But then working great with a different batt?

Many times. If you look at the connection end of the battery, there's a "button" with a hole in the center. Sometimes this "button' gets pushed into the battery just enough that it can't make contact with the atomizer. It's mounted on a rubber ring.

You can take a paperclip, tiny screwdriver, etc. Put it in the "button" hole, and GENTLY work it in a circular, upward motion. Raise it up slightly. It will then contact the atty again.

GENTLY GENTLY GENTLY!!!!! You don't want to break the wire connection or tear the rubber.

This is sometimes caused by screwing the battery too tight into the charger.

This, and other problems are covered in the downloadable troubleshooting guide at;



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 9, 2009
Just make sure you have enough attys, and juice, and you can kiss the stinkie sticks good bye.

4081's are a little harder to draw on. I like the heavier draw myself, but some don't. The 510 is very easy to draw on.

Most e-cigs have weight to them because of the battery. That's something you can't get away from.

Yes you can get away from the weight w/ M403 ...I have already switched.

M403 batt life is shorter but I don't care...I just ordered more batts...dream come true:)

Jim Davis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 16, 2009
Retired in Houston, Texas / USA
Just read about Heaven Sent and found a huge difference in prices on our mini supplies (4081), atomizers, batteries, juices, etc. Where is this business and how can they be so much cheaper? Anyone use this outfit exclusively?

I use them almost exclusively. Great prices, and great service. The drawback is you have to make a fairly large order to make the shipping charges pay off. Usually about 12 bucks for Express Mail Service (EMS) The company is in China.

I usually order about $100.00+ and the order takes about 5 to 8 days using EMS. You get a tracking number to follow it. Best E-smoking Shop

Jim Davis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 16, 2009
Retired in Houston, Texas / USA
Can someone explain how to clean the pieces? Tha atty, the carts.

And I remember reading something somewhere about driiping directly onto the atty. What does this do? And can it be done w/ the RN4081?

For cleaning, I use Everclear. It's grain alochol found next to the 100 proof Vodka in the liquor stores. If it lingers, it won't hurt ot vape it.

The button connector in the center of the battery. Acochol on a Q-Tip. Swab & let air dry.

I seldom clean my atomizers, but when I feel the need, I soak them in Everclear for a couple of hours & blow dry with a can of air.

4081 attys are excellant for dripping, but if you get juice in the auto batteries, you can damage the batteries. I do a drop or two at a time, but I'm using a manual passthrough so there's no battery involved. Dripping seems a bit cleaner because there's no cart fiber to get dirty or burn. A few drops give you a half dozen puffs, then you need a few more drops.


Full Member
Aug 19, 2009
Anyway, my pv seemed to work great the first day, maybe day and a half. However, the cartridges seemed to quit "smoking" and less became less enjoyable after only one use or couple of hours. I could literally put a new cartridge on, get 5-6 puffs before it would quit smoking, 3 or 4 more puffs later it wasn't really enjoyable anymore and I felt like I was was trying to suck air through a pinhole.

When I went to charge it Saturday evening (five or six uses during the first 24 hours), because the tip started flashing and I could feel the atomizer going cold in the middle of a drag (I actually think it started after my 3rd or 4th use). I placed it on the charger, and about 10 minutes later, the light went from bright red to dark green (not bright green, not off). The cigarette also flashes when you screw it into the charger 5 or 6 times.

Anyway, the next day I reassembled it and went to puff. The tip started flashing again and the atomizer was going cold. I've had juice dripping out of the sides and into my case, so now that I've read this forum, I'm sure I need to go blow my atomizer.

I was ready to exchange it today (packed it all back up neatly) because I thought was defective. However, now I wonder if it just needs cleaning and I've been puffing too hard (yes, I didn't know any better at the time and was sucking as hard as I can). Can a clogged/flooded atomizer cause the atomizer to go cold during a drag and the tip to start flashing? What should I do?

I'm using the SE Gold (rn4081 as I've learned) and the Blu.
Is there is travel charger like what Blu has for the rn4081?

I've learned a lot from you folks and with the new recipe I'm using to re-fill, I really like the vapor and flavor I'm getting. Still needs some refinement, but much better than the pre-filled.

Here's the question; I'm re-filling those pre-filled carts....
Is this wrong?
Should I be buying empties?
Do they vape better than what I'm using?

Jim Davis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 16, 2009
Retired in Houston, Texas / USA
I'm using the SE Gold (rn4081 as I've learned) and the Blu.
Is there is travel charger like what Blu has for the rn4081?

I've learned a lot from you folks and with the new recipe I'm using to re-fill, I really like the vapor and flavor I'm getting. Still needs some refinement, but much better than the pre-filled.

Here's the question; I'm re-filling those pre-filled carts....
Is this wrong?
Should I be buying empties?
Do they vape better than what I'm using?

Use the old ones. If they get funky, you can pull out the fiber and wash it under warm water. Pat dry with a paper towel. Get some empty carts when you have time. The carts will eventualy stretch or crack from the atty heat.


Full Member
Jul 9, 2009
I have a few new batteries that i have to draw REALLY HARD on to get any vapor. It hurts my chest to draw so hard. Is there a way to fix this, or do I have to toss them out?

I have this same issue...the auto switch seems to be the problem with these things. I HATE them. However, I have found that working the switch hard by (lightly) pulling suction and then pressure on the battery end with no atomiser on there will loosen up the switch considerably.

Read that as sucking and then blowing into the battery end until the light is on/off on/off for a split second.

After a while the connection seems to improve and it's not as difficult to get the battery to actuate.

Tip #2: Cover up the small holes on the connection between atty/battery with your fingers when you first drag on it. It helps pull to jump start the battery without you having to suck your brains out.


Ultra Member
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ECF Veteran
Aug 29, 2009
Columbus, OH
I have just started vaping a couple days ago. I am using a SE Gold (4081) and have a couple questions.
The first is about the 4081 Atty. It seems like after about a cart's worth of puffs, I start to get a gurgling sound and inconsistent hits. I assumed this to be clogged atty. Following direction from various posts, I cleaned the atty by blowing through it from the battery end. I did this over a paper towel so that I could see if anything comes out. What I get (after 30-40 seconds of blowing) is two to three large drops of (dirty?) brown fluid. After this process, it is much easier to suck out a hit and the hits become much more consistent.
My first question... Is it normal for the atty to become clogged this often or am I doing something wrong? (hitting to hard, leaving the cig lay flat (horizontal) between smokes, etc.)

My second question has more to do with e-cigs in general. I have been a two pack a day smoker for about twenty years. When I purchased the e-cig I intended on using it for 'special occasions' (extra long movies, etc). After using it, I really think I could (and would love to) replace analogs all together. I have since ordered a 510 kit with two batts and 2 attys and a variety of juice flavors. I have found that I can go several hours without an analog, as the ecig not only satisfies my nic craving, but also fulfills the habitual part of reaching for cig, puffing, etc. However, as I do not have enough supplies yet to get through the day, I still have to fill in with analogs. The problem is, when I have gone several hours without an analog, then smoke one, I get that nic rush that I used to get when not able to smoke for a while. So it seems that vaping is not giving me the levels of nicotine that my body is used to. I have always smoked lights, but ordered the "strong" (16mg) carts. Should I be getting the supper strong (24/32mg) juice in the future? or should I just give it a chance and allow my body to adjust? Will I eventually get the nic rush/high of analogs with an e-cig?

Sorry, I kinda got off topic with this post but as I am new and this is my first post I have lots of questions.

Thanks in advance for any replies.

Jim Davis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 16, 2009
Retired in Houston, Texas / USA
First Question - Yes, too much juice will cause the atty to gurgle, and vapor production usually decreases. Blowing them out is the thing to do. After you get through the learning curve, you'll learn how to regulate the juice. It takes a little time.

Second Question - You'll still get cravings. It's a mind thing too. You have to set your mind to it. I started with 36mg and cut it to 18mg with VG. (50% Juice / 50% VG) But I always kept a bottle of straight 36mg on the side. Whenever I craved for a stinkie stick, I took a hit of the straight 36mg. It helped stop the cravings. I would usually spike with my morning coffee, and maybe spike another hit after dinner. After a few months, I didn't need to spike anymore.


Ultra Member
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ECF Veteran
Aug 29, 2009
Columbus, OH
Thanks for the info Jim. The answer to the second question is not only helpful, but gives me some hope for the total conversion from analogs.
As for the first part, I'm not actually juicing my own carts yet. I'm using the carts that came with the kit. Perhaps they over juice them to get better out-of-the-box performance. They do seem to be a little overflowing. I'm sure I will eventually figure out the proper juicing technique once I start filling my own.
This actually brings up another question. Most "commercial" sellers boast 1 cart = roughly 1 pack. After reading LOTS of post on this site (which I love by the way), I realize this is an overstatement meant to sell product. However, I seem to be able to suck a cart dry in about an hour (seems more like 2-3 analogs). Is this normal? Should I look into getting the double sized carts for my 4081? Will the stronger juice last longer? Also, as stated in my previous post, I have ordered a 510 kit. Will I get better/longer performance with that model?
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