Questions about 'the natural' mech mod and battery sizes

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Full Member
Jul 23, 2012
Vancouver, BC
Hey guys! After lots of research and all your great help I've decided to take my vaping to the next level with purchasing a mechanical mod. The thing is I'm getting really confused with all the contradictory statements about battery sizes being used in the natural. I'm mostly going to be using it in 18650 mode (with an 18650 battery or 18490+kick). My question is; for the 18650 (obviously imr) battery will it fit with no spaces if I use a nipple top or flat top? And for the 18490 battery with kick does that battery have to be a flat top to make the unit close seamlessly? I've also been so confused if I use an 18490 or 18500 with a kick when the natural is in 18650 mode. And again are they going to fit with a flat top batteries or nipple top?
Thanks for all the help guys!


Full Member
Jul 23, 2012
Vancouver, BC
flat tops fit fine in either 18650 or 18350 mode. the battery contacts are easily adjustable with a screwdriver, so i'd assume you won't have any problems. you might get some answers on specifics in this thread

Thanks! I've just heard so so so much stuff about what batteries to use that don't leave gaps. Unfortunately in that thread you linked they don't really answer my question about what battery size to use a kick with when in 18650 mode and if it's a flat or nipple top
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