Question regarding coil temps

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Meant to edit my original post and somehow reposted it again. Please delete this one.

Hey folks, I just started building my own coils recently on a Panzer mod, using some Samsung imr 18650, 3.7 volts 1600 mAh batteries on a Magma rda.

I've been watching Rip Tripper on YouTube for some ideas on coil builds, but have been getting subpar results when firing my coils. In his videos, using the same mod, he can do 28 or 26 gauge zipper coils, twisted coils and the like, and when he fires them his coils always hit instantly, and almost white hot.

Using 28 gauge 12 wrap single coil which I currently have on, it takes two to three seconds to heat up to a reddish glow in the middle, the last coil or two on each side will barely burn red, and using dual 28 gauge 5 wraps will heat in a second, but to a bright red glow, nothing like the bright orange white I see in his videos. Any thoughts on what could be the issue? I'm using kanthal from Vapowire, micro coils on a screwdriver about the equivalent of a 5/64 bit.

I'm totally stumped as to what the issue could be, any thoughts?
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12 wrapps is way too many try not to go over 8 if you need to go over that change wire. Also connection to the post screws, coil position, and wrap alighnment all effect the way the coils heat up. You really want the center to heat up faster and hotter then the test of the coil. This increases wicking efficiency and reduces dry hits.
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