Question for my dad

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Dec 7, 2012
Ok so my dad has been smoking 2 packs a day for as long as I can remember an he started smoking when he was 15 he's now 50. And the drs really want him to quit.

I got his wife to quit smoking and start vaping. My dad has vaped for short periods of time but he never stops the analogs.

He has had a bolt, a vv ego, and my old joye 510.

However he just called me saying he wants to try to vape again and quit smoking. He wants a cig a like I believe. He doesn't really know what he wants. But I think he wants it to be as realistic as possible. Which I told him the njoy king. But he said he tried it already. I'm kinda getting frustrated as i don't know what to suggest anymore.

He always said to me and my siblings that when he dies, to throw a pack of Marlboro lights a lighter and a dr pepper inside his coffin. Just In case he wakes up. I hope he's joking lol.

Thanks for any help sorry for the long post

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mare ze dotes

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Nov 23, 2012
He needs something satisfying. Many people don't find the cigalikes satisfying in the long run. If small is important, maybe a smaller ego with a nano clearomizer. I have a 650 mah ego with a simple ce4 that is rather small and inexpensive. It don't look like a cig but it is comfortable to the hand. Other wise, I have read good thing about the eRoll I was thinking about that at one time but I went with the small ego for a smaller device.


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Jan 29, 2013
The land of sky blue waters
I can't offer much advice, just a little commiserating. My own attempts to convert my dad, even just a little, have not had much success. Next week, next week… and every week another excuse. By now I figure he's just making them up because he doesn't want to vape and doesn't want to let me down either.


Vaping Master
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Jun 22, 2012
It took me almost 1 month or 2 to be completely rid of smokes ( I do enjoy a cigar still though). It took me 6 months before I managed the cravings. I still have them daily. One day I just decided I was going to buy another pack of smokes. That was it.

BTW - I tell my kids to throw a box of cheap cigars in when they flame me.


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Nov 21, 2013
Florence, AZ, USA
I would agree with those that said a smaller eGo rather than a cig-a-like, especially if he already said he didn't like the NJoy and similar. I tried a Blu for a while and ended up going back to smoking as it wasn't satisfying enough. Once I got me eGo, though, I found what I wanted in terms of satisfaction.

My problem with the Blu is that the vapor wasn't satisfying enough. There wasn't enough of it and it didn't seem full enough unless the carto was brand new and it had JUST come off of the charger. Otherwise the vapor was easily half of what I wanted. The eGo, on the other hand, produced enough vapor start to finish and was dead simple to refill and replace the clearo on. That's what did it for me.

I actually went into a cigar shop this morning (was looking for a decent sized box for my liquids and other supplies) and saw that they had simple eGo kits with a CE4 head for $15. If I hadn't already had one (that I paid WAY more for...) I would have snapped one up right then and there.

Rosco P. Coltrane

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Dec 9, 2013
maybe ask him specifically what the ecig is missing compared to his analogs? When i first switched i felt i needed a device that was as close to analog size as possible. Partly because of the ingrained habits i had formed. That seemed big at first. Unfortunately when using that size device i did not get the throat hit i was use to.

As long as he is still experimenting he will find something that address all of his needs. He may also find, like me, that the size becomes much less important as the experience come as close to what he is use to on analogs. Then new habits will form using larger devices. I admit i do miss the ability to hold a smoke in my lips freeing up the hands.
Both Mom and I followed the path of cig-alike, then a larger one, then changing from cartomizer to clearto, then finally to a tank.

Neither of us regret any part of the journey nor do we feel it was a waste of time or money--in the long run, it worked. We just gave away a lot of cig-alike batteries to the next person to save them the trouble and expense.

If that's what your father wants, maybe try a Volt from Smokeless Image? I hear they're moderated voltage so the vape doesn't change from first draw until (almost) the last. I use a Volt X2, the large marker-sized version, and it's certainly true on those.

Just make sure he sees you over Christmas, happily vaping yours.

And definitely don't be shy about recommending higher nicotine if you think he's getting stuck on that. I did--12 mg/ml just wasn't going to cut it for me, although the numbers said it should. I ended up at 22 mg/ml to quit, and stepped back from there (now at 6 mg/ml).


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Apr 2, 2013
Nebraska, USA
Kind of a weird way to go, but what about high-end cartos on an mvp? Something in the dual coil or LR category, perhaps? Or an HH .357? I suggest this because 1. The mod is similar to the size of a pack of smokes in the pocket, and reinforces the old habit of carrying one. 2. The good cartos (like F16, etc.) have the advantage of feeling like a cig in the lips, but produce significantly better vapor than a cigalike piece of ..... 3. You can leave most cartos on 3.7 volts and be ok. Same with the HH .357, since the resistance is what it is, and they are long lasting, so set it and forget it 4. If he gets onto it, the MVP is very versatile, and you can add anything you want on to it and teach him the VV / VW aspect of it.

Just an off the wall idea, but it makes sense to me.


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Aug 12, 2013
Colorado Springs, CO


Vaping Master
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Sep 5, 2013
Owensboro, KY
I was a 2 pack a day smoker. 54 now, and started when I was 14 so understand the cravings. I went with a EGO-Twist and EVOD clearmizers. 24 mg nicotine in RYE4 juice. I had 1 stinkie a day for the first 3 days and after that nothing. It's been 26 weeks now. I did the 24 mg juice for a week. Vaped like a feind. The second week I dropped to 18 mg nic and added grape to the selection. Switched back and forth with 2 differant EVODS for about a week. About week 16-17 I was mixing 24 and 0 mg to get 12 . I upgraded to a Vmax and Vamo. It's a work in progress. Be positive and supportive. it ain't easy to teach an ole dog new tricks.


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Sep 21, 2013
You're fighting a beast called analog addiction. It's big, it's nasty, it's mean, it's persistent, and it got your Dad by the throat.

You gonna fight a grizzly armed with a toothpick? Heck,no. You grab the biggest effing meanest piece o'hardware you can lay your hands on....

Something you can clobber the beast with...

Something that delivers oomph.

And you don't even have to take out a mortgage on your dwellings for that. Got buddies started on evods and/or iclear16 and 18mg and they're doin' fine...


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Jul 14, 2011
Dallas, Tx
Almost everyone that uses vaping as a means of quitting cigs (ie, most people who vape) start out thinking "I want it to be just like cigs. I want the device to be the size of a cig, I want the experience to be exactly like smoking a cig, I want the taste and the smell to be exactly like a cig".

I felt the same way. Luckily, I listened to advice and skipped the "start with a cig-alike" stage.

As long as he wants/expects it to be exactly like cigs, vaping will not work for him. Because it isn't the same.

There is a learning curve when you vape. You have to learn some basics about your device. You have to learn what flavor and nic-level juice works for you. Getting the nicotine level right is very, very important. IMO, one of the hardest things. Obviously, some people manage to start with the right nic level, but many don't, and they don't know enough about vaping to know that they should be adjusting that.

Some people like a lot of flavors and finding a flavor they like is easy. Some have to work harder at it. Most people will start out saying "I want one that tastes like a cig". But no vape juice actually tastes anything similar to a cigarette, and once you've been vaping awhile, you will probably see that as a good thing.

Also, it won't work if he doesn't want it to work. If you and mom are hounding him and he's saying "yeah, sure, I'll try it again, whatever", then it isn't likely to work. If he *wants* it to work, then he's got a good shot.

Assuming he's really interested, I suggest get him a cheaper VV device, like the ego Twists or vision spinners. and a charger. Get him a Kanger Protank II or something very similar. Get him some small batches of juice, ideally 2 or 3 small bottles in different flavors and with different nic levels. (If you can get him into a vape shop where he can try out different flavors, all the better.) Tell him he doesn't have to quit smoking all at once, he can transition.

And keep your fingers crossed.

Good luck.


Vaping Master
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Nov 18, 2013
New York, NY
How about vapor4life? They have one that looks like a cigar. I saw a grimgreen review on it, and he liked it. There's a rubber piece on the end your dad can bite on, which he could use to vape hands free. It's a 5 volt battery, so it should deliver a good throat hit and it won't seem as alien as an ego?


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Jun 13, 2012
south Bay Area, California
What everyone else has said. BUT. I still smoke 2-4 stinky's a day after 2 years. I'm 61. And I'm the one trying to convert everybody else!

To get from 24 cigs a day down to 22, and vape a little every day, it took: Blu DISPOSABLES (only!!) and a daily commute in a new car with new-car smell.
22->20/day: Volt cigalikes and a flavor I liked
20 --> 15: More vapor, refillables, and WTA
15 --> 10: Variable Voltage
10 --> 5: ViVi Nova
5 -- 0: New years resolution
0 --> 2-4: Stress

The WTA and variable voltage are not negotiable for me -- I'd be right back to analogs.
Smoking 4 cigs a day is half as bad for your heart as smoking 25 a day, but for all other things (cancer, copd, etc) it is presumably only 1/6 as bad.
Mention to your Dad that I am not even remotely tempted to smoke all day, vaping "does it" for me, but I need 1-2 stinkys when I first get up and 1-2 before bed. I vape tobacco flavors and love it, but I'm hearing that if I developed a taste for one of the fruit or other flavors my odds of giving up the last few/day would go way up, and I believe it.

I'm vaping because I don't want to think about being in a box.
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Feb 4, 2013
Paulden, Arizona
Could you get your dad into a well stocked vape shop with a juice bar? Might just find his juice of choice and the type of delivery device that gives him the choices he "thinks" he wants, lol, don't we all "think" we want a cig-a-like until we try other devices?!?
If he finds what he wants, and cost is not an issue, buy from the B & M.....otherwise, a few days waiting for vapemail from an online vendor will do the trick!
Good Luck! :)

Mrs C

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Aug 27, 2013
Ok so my dad has been smoking 2 packs a day for as long as I can remember an he started smoking when he was 15 he's now 50. And the drs really want him to quit.

I got his wife to quit smoking and start vaping. My dad has vaped for short periods of time but he never stops the analogs.

He has had a bolt, a vv ego, and my old joye 510.

However he just called me saying he wants to try to vape again and quit smoking. He wants a cig a like I believe. He doesn't really know what he wants. But I think he wants it to be as realistic as possible. Which I told him the njoy king. But he said he tried it already. I'm kinda getting frustrated as i don't know what to suggest anymore.

He always said to me and my siblings that when he dies, to throw a pack of Marlboro lights a lighter and a dr pepper inside his coffin. Just In case he wakes up. I hope he's joking lol.

Thanks for any help sorry for the long post

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Sounds like you should take him on a trip to a well stocked B&M. Engage him in a convo about what he likes,wants and what has been unsatisfying so far. Let him get a true feel of the devices that will give him what he wants. Sample juices to get a sense of his preference in flavors.

When the VTR came out I thought based on reviews that there was no way I would like the weight. When I actually held one I found I liked the solid sturdy feel of it. There is a lot to be said for touchy feely while having the attributes of a given device explained.


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Jul 14, 2011
Dallas, Tx
Mention to your Dad that I am not even remotely tempted to smoke all day, vaping "does it" for me, but I need 1-2 stinkys when I first get up and 1-2 before bed. I vape tobacco flavors and love it, but I'm hearing that if I developed a taste for one of the fruit or other flavors my odds of giving up the last few/day would go way up, and I believe it.

When I fist started vaping, I dropped from 3 PPD to 1.5 PPD without even trying. From there, I cut down to about 10 a day easily. But after that, I couldn't. In particular for me were the ones right after eating a big meal. Vaping just wouldn't do it, I had to have a cig.

I was vaping 24mg juice. Someone convinced me to get some 30mg juice. That did it. The day I started using the 30mg juice, I quit smoking.

It sounds to me like you need some juice with a higher nic level for very similar reasons.

I didn't use the 30mg juice all the time, just when I found myself wanting a real cig. Most of the time, vaping 24 was fine, so that's what I did. I got out the 30mg after meals. After a couple of weeks, I could do the 24 even after eating. After a few months of that, I moved from 24 to 21 to 18, then did 18 for awhile. Each time I moved down, I did that "in between" step (ie, mix the last of my 24 with some 18, so I have 21 for a bit as a stepping stone.) Eventually I got off the nic completely.

Your explanation of needing a few cigs a day makes me think that you should consider some higher nic juice for those times.
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