Question about the Darwin?

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Senior Member
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Jun 7, 2011
Brooklyn, NY
Yes, but not every 2 seconds.

The latest Darwin performs a "system check" every 6 seconds which blinks the screen. I agree, it is quite annoying, especially since a blinking light on any other PV means "PAY ATTENTION" but it is not a malfunction. I'm trying to learn to ignore it. The device is just too damned good in nearly every other respect for me to put it down for very long.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 15, 2011
Catatonic State, USA
I only have the newer one. The screen turns on when the arm is raised, and it's ready to vape. I does a quick blink every 5 seconds or so, as it is doing a system check. I presume if you had a bad short or major fault it would shut down or off, but I don't know that.

Has anyone heard if the mini USB connector has data lines connected as well as power? It should would be cool to be able to upgrade the OS with it.
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