Question about Liberro Realis

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 15, 2011
Buy Liberro™ Realis Electronic Cigarette Realistic All in One Starter Pack | Libero shop - £35.00

Liberro Realis have 1.8mg of nicotine. I use to smoke red L&M which had 0.8mg of nicotine and I would like to lower that 0.8mg per cigarette dose down a bit too. Is it possible to do something to those cartomisers to get the nicotine level down to something similar to light cigarettes?

You can buy new cartomisers on that site, but only on big packages, and the lowest one is still 1.1mg, more than red L&M full flavor.

*NEW* 10 x Realis Disposable Tips (Cartomisers) [REALISTIPS] - £20.00 : Electronic cigarettes stop the need to quit smoking – Liberro, Electronic cigarette products stop the need to quit smoking. No need to stop smoking today with Liberro electric ci

Otherwise that package would be good first set, and probably the onlyone that will has change to ship to me in time.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
That's not how ecig nicotine is measured. Ecig nicotine should be measured in mg per ml of liquid and be a number more like 12mg or 18mg or 24mg OR less frequently it is listed as a percent like 1.2% or 1.8% or 2.4%. Are you sure they aren't listing the percent of nicotine? I think 1.8% is 18mg.

Your cigs were .8 each so that is 16mg per pack so I would recommend starting on 18mg/ml nicotine or 1.8% if it's listed that way.

I just looked at your link - that is 1.8% which is the same as 18mg/ml

I smoked .9mg cigarettes (and that value is per cigarette) and I started on 16-18mg liquid

To summarize
cigarette nicotine is stated PER cigarette
eliquid nicotine is PER milliliter and a ml equals many cigarettes (not a whole pack and probably not 15)

18mg aka 1.8% is a good level for lights smokers

There is no direct translation of cigarette nicotine level to vaping nicotine levels but 18mg is good for many lights smokers.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 4, 2011
Hickory, NC
Ok. It reads "1.8% Disposable Tips" "prefilled disposable tips hold around .70ml of eLiquid" on the site. So is that 1.8% more or less than the 0.8mg in a real cigarette? If smoked same ammount.

I'll go ahead and say it. There are hundreds of sites out there that lie about what you get. Those tips without filler and the atomizer might hold .70ml. However, they have filler and an atomizer and you won't be able to vape 100% of the liquid because some of it will stay in the filler. You'll get the equivalent of 4 to 5 cigarettes out of one of those cartos.

Are you wanting advice or what?
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