Question about e-cigs nicotine strengths?

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Nov 4, 2014

I'm new here and new to e-cigs. And in fact I'm not a smoker at all. I'm here because of my mom. She's been smoking since she was a teen and now she's 61. She's smoked mostly ultra lights her entire life. She mentions she needs to quit, and that's about as far as it gets - she procrastinates and doesn't seem to take action. Lately (for a month now) she's developed a wet congested cough that is persistent throughout every other minute of the day - it sounds mucusy/gurgly. When she coughs it clears but returns. I mentioned she needs to get a chest x Ray but she just says she's alright and it's from her smoking, so I can't force her to do anything but make an effort to try to help her. She used to go through 3 packs of ultra lights every 2 days. She's now down to 3 packs every 4-5 days.

So I bought her the Vuse solo for her to try. She immediately started coughing and said it was too strong. After I did some research online, I found this thing to be loaded with nicotine.

Anyways, I am supposed to go to a tobacco shop tomorrow to look over e-cigs. I spoke to the owner on the phone and he said he had many options starting as low as $9.99. I want something that is affordable that she can try and hopefully like.

Now my question is: In the e-cigs, does the lower dosage of nicotine mean that it's usually a weaker vapor (weaker smoke) and the higher the nicotine dosage, the heavier the vapor (heavier smoke)? I was thinking about getting the 0.6 or 1.2 tobacco dosage but I don't want it to be heavy and strong because one puff from the vuse almost knocked her out, lol. She already smokes ultra lights so please educate me/inform me.


Vaping Master
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Aug 14, 2013
Welcome to the forums, my rule of thumb is 12 mg nic or 1.2 for a pack a day smoker and 6mg nic or 0.6 for 1/2 or pack or less. The higher nic will give the harsher or feel stronger. The vuse are at like 18 mg I believe. I would recommend going with a bottle of both. Then if 12 is too much and 6 is too little then she can mix the 2 to find her comfort level. The nic doesn't affect the vapor production. It's mostly in the device and how well it delivers it. Granted the lower price devices are something you get what you pay for. I wouldn't spend 10 bucks, try for a little better one at least 20 or 30, so it helps her quit.

Hope you can help mom quit. Good luck.


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Oct 22, 2014
Jenks, OK, USA
Hey Tom, welcome. You'll find a wealth of information here.

As far as I can tell, the thickness of the vapor isn't related to nicotine strength at all. The vapor comes from propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin. The power of the device and the construction of the heating coil also affect the amount of vapor.

For retail liquid, nicotine strength is usually expressed in milligrams per milliliter. Usually "high-strength" liquid is 18-24 mg/ml, if your mom smokes ultralights then maybe 12 or lower would be appropriate. Usually you start high and then work your way down, though.

There's a ton of things to know so don't be afraid to ask questions when you go to the vape store. I'm sure others will chime in here with their thoughts. Good luck!


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Jul 17, 2014
Ohio, USA
Welcome to the forums, my rule of thumb is 12 mg nic or 1.2 for a pack a day smoker and 6mg nic or 0.6 for 1/2 or pack or less. The higher nic will give the harsher or feel stronger. The vuse are at like 18 mg I believe. I would recommend going with a bottle of both. Then if 12 is too much and 6 is too little then she can mix the 2 to find her comfort level. The nic doesn't affect the vapor production. It's mostly in the device and how well it delivers it. Granted the lower price devices are something you get what you pay for. I wouldn't spend 10 bucks, try for a little better one at least 20 or 30, so it helps her quit.

Hope you can help mom quit. Good luck.

Believe it or not, the Vuse is actually 48mg/ml. I'm sure it's to compensate for the fact that it's a cigalike, but it's still pretty darn up there.

OP, as a rule of thumb, less nicotine does equate to a less intense sensation. There are lots of other factors, and you will get some good responses. I'd look into an ego type device, with an evod bottom coil clearomizer (BCC) atomizer, if it's an option. Cheap, and good for a "serious trial run".


Vaping Master
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Aug 28, 2011
One thing to remember that regardless of nicotine strength vapor is different than smoke. Some adapt without much of an issue and some need to adjust to the change. I'm sure the 6mg (0.6%) will be just fine for daily use but you might consider also getting a small bottle of 12mg (1.2%) for those occasions when the urge to smoke is stronger. Best of luck to you an your Mom.


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Feb 23, 2010


ECF Guru
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Feb 23, 2010
Now my question is: In the e-cigs, does the lower dosage of nicotine mean that it's usually a weaker vapor (weaker smoke) and the higher the nicotine dosage, the heavier the vapor (heavier smoke)? I was thinking about getting the 0.6 or 1.2 tobacco dosage but I don't want it to be heavy and strong because one puff from the vuse almost knocked her out, lol. She already smokes ultra lights so please educate me/inform me.

Absolutely not! Nicotine strength has nothing to do with vapor production.

Vapor production depends on your device (battery and topper), wattage, airflow, and how much VG is in the juice (the more VG the bigger the cloud).

My advice? Get rid of Vuse and their 48mg/ml overpriced cartos and underperforming batteries and start from scratch. :)

If she is open to trying something bigger than a cigalike--sharpie-size--look at this very inexpensive starter kit. All you need is to add a bottle or two of ejuice and a few extra coils heads. If she likes the form and performance, she can add extra batteries and different topper later. Help her find a juice she likes (maybe at you B&M shop) and she'll be set for a while--try 12 mg/ml for starters.

If she has to have a cigalike, there are better choices out there--Smokeless Image Volt, Halo G6, Bloog, Vapor4Life etc. But those are all kr808 threaded and I'd recommend a 510/eGo threaded device. She could get a Joyetech 510 battery and some good cartos or slim tanks, like Kanger T4 (510 threaded).

Good luck!
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2014
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
48mg? That's insanity and probably why she's choking so much. Nicotine strength doesn't affect the thickness of the vapor or anything, but i've noticed higher nicotine levels can have less flavor and more of a harshness to them. I notice a difference between my 18mg stuff and the 12mg stuff I also use occasionally. Also check the VG/PG ratio of the juice. The more PG is in it, the thinner the vapor but it has more of a throat hit and can irritate your throat. Higher VG makes bigger clouds and is smoother on the inhale. That dose of nicotine is also too high for anyone in my opinion, hence why it almost knocked her out. You said they're ultra lights, but how many cigs a day does she smoke on average? I'm also trying to get my girlfriends mother off cigarettes and she also smokes super light ones, the problem is she smokes like 50 or more a day it seems.
Oh and there's also an adjustment period for your body. It's used to years of smoking and doesn't know what this vapor stuff is or what to do with it. I was gagging and coughing for a week when I started with chest pains and numb tongue and everything. The good news is that clears up pretty quick and i can breathe much better than when i was smoking.


ECF Guru
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Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales

This is insane... So I went to check their facts... It really is 48mg/ml. :ohmy:
FWIW, the highest I can vape is 18mg/ml. I don't know of any e-liquid vendors who even offer 48 mg/ml--usually the highest in premade juices is 36mg/ml.

It's not so crazy. The thing hardly puts out any vapour, so it needs to be strong.

I vape 6mg and can happily puff on a Vuse...

I think we are comparing apples and pears here.


Super Member
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Oct 21, 2014
Crawley, England
It might also be the way she is dragging on it. When I first started vaping, I tried to do it like I was smoking a cigarette. I choked my face off. I had to learn to pull the vapor into my mouth, and THEN inhale it into my lungs.

I agree with this I actually got some 0% nic juice and spent a couple of days getting the technique right, because like your mum, Tom, when I first tried to Vape I choked myself lol. Very slow, gentle draw a bit like smoking a pipe (I think, never tried that). Hope you find something that will help your mum give up the stinky sticks.
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ECF Guru
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Jan 3, 2013
Halfway to Paradise, WA
It's how I did, anyway, so I made the transition pretty easily - i.e. I missed THAT hurdle :laugh:

Yeah, 4.8% is REALLY high. I was smoking the equivalent of about 1 1/2 PAD of RYO pipe tobacco, and started at 18 (1.8%), which didn't work for me. Went to 24 and was off cigs - over two years ago. Went down to 18 some months in, and stay there. My morning chest rattle went away after about a week or so, but it wasn't a persistent, all day one for me, so once she's "off", it may take a bit longer.

At her rate and style of smoking, 12 or less might be sufficient for her needs. While nic level does have a big impact on what's called "throat hit", the % of PG in the blend will also have an impact there. PG also tends to carry the flavor better than VG, but VG is more responsible for the amount of vapor. Many store blends are 50/50, to hit a generally reasonable compromise.

Good luck and good job!!
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