Pulled the trigger

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Vaping Master
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Apr 5, 2013
Marion In USA
Well I started as many do with the standard ego. I quickly decided to get a Spinner for the VV option and going from 900 mah to 1300 mah. Actually the longer battery life was more important. It was all good but still didn't like the idea of having to replace the whole battery unit and maybe being stuck without anything to vape. Although I'm sure I would notice it starting to fail before completely going dead and replace it. So a mod was in order, Because I don't carry credit cards my only choice was the local B&M Hoosier Vapes is the supplier to this shop. I saw the Lambo (listed as HB3 4.0 kinda like a lava tube knock off) on sale on their web sight and asked them to get me one. It should have been in the store on the following Tuesday but they forgot and because the operator of the store was going to be in a different B&M where the supplier would be, she picked it up at that store and it was delivered on Saturday. I loved the big vape of this unit and was good to go ..... for a week and a half. It was then that I started to have a few problems mainly when pressing the fire button it would show the ohms instead of firing as it should and sometimes dieing in mid hit and showing ohms. Talk about being peeved. I knew going into the Lambo it was sold as is only replaceable if DOA. So with money in hand I was off to Kokomo Pure Vapors a shop about 40 minutes away. I got there and was looking at all of their wares and talking to the guys in the shop. Well to make a already long story shorter. I picked up a ProVari and a few other items Protank, heads and Smurf Poo (the real name would be censored). I must say it was high dollar but I'm sure it will show it's worth in the years to come. I'll post again after a couple weeks to give my review. So far I love it and I don't think anything will change that. Thanks and sorry for such a long winded post.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 19, 2013
I was off to Kokomo Pure Vapors a shop about 40 minutes away. I got there and was looking at all of their wares and talking to the guys in the shop. Well to make a already long story shorter. I picked up a ProVari

I was at KPV about two weeks ago and didn't even know they sold the ProVari's. I seen the Ego types and the guy behind the counter had a Tesla hes was enjoying. I'm just curious how much was it (ProVari) there?

I was there for a very sick family member and my Protank coil was getting old. But I wasn't going to pay $5 for one coil. when he said five, I said thats for a pack of five coils right....NO!

Smurf Poo (the real name would be censored

How do you like the Smurf $#@t? I got a bottle as well. I kind of like the flavor, although I wish the strawberry was a bit stronger.
I almost picked up some of the Frankenstein also, but the price was really a tough one for me to swallow, with all I had already spent trying to take care of other family members (making sure everyone was eating) during the time there in Kokomo.

All-in all a pretty good group there at KPV.

Also congrats and enjoy the ProVari. I've had mine for about six weeks (never knew about this section of the forum until a couple of days ago...lol), and I can't wait until I find an excuse to get a mini.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 5, 2013
Marion In USA
250 for the ProVari. I'm not sure what you're talking about with the Smurf Poo. The flavor is blueberry not strawberry and I love it, I bought a 60 ml bottle. I'm really not sure what you're looking for in a B&M but the prices are always going to be higher they do have overhead costs where as many online vendors could be ran right out of a persons home. If you buy 3 bottles you get them for 10 each, also if you return 6 empty bottles you get one free. I think also if you buy 5 coils you get them a dollar off each. I only have high praises for KPV the staff is very knowledgeable which is a big change from my local B&M. Although one guy at the local does show promise. Also KPV will be moving soon and will add a vape lounge and should be going online with their juices. I'm very sorry you had to come to Kokomo under such terrible circumstances. I hope all turns out best for you and yours.
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