Provari-how many licks to the center?

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Full Member
Mar 31, 2011
Two.. In 2 years I've only had a problem once, until this morning on my way out the door to go to work and it slips and falls on the rocks out front my house where we planted stuff... Well the entire insides were.. well outside. It took 2 years of heavy droppage to finally bust open and it can still be repaired. All that got lost was the plastic button but the circuit board did kinda pop out from the top so hopefully its still ok.

So I immediately logged onto provapes site and ordered a new provari lol! But what is up with the new design? Luckily I have a zmax to hold me over but sheesh I feel so vulnerable without my provari. Always have another provari cause just any backup won't do. Now its time to ship out the old one and get it repaired so I can have a real backup.
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