Pro's and Con's of the Joye 510

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 31, 2009
McKinney, TX
I have two 510s, a 901 and a KR808 (VaporKing) and the 510s are certainly my favorites. Get the passthru so when you are home sitting in front of the computer the battery life won't matter in the least.

I have two batteries for my blue 510 from Health Cabin and three batteries for my copper 510 from Vapor Station and find that, since I have the passthru at home, those batteries are MORE than enough to keep me vaping all day no matter what I do.

Drew's customer service is unbelievable so I am sure you will be completely happy with your purchase. I seriously doubt I will purchase much of anything else from anyone but Drew from here on on out ... let us know how it goes :)

Sludge Van Diesel

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 24, 2009
Barnet UK
Talk about not giving it time for folks to give their views! :D

Good luck with your purchase.

Just in case anyone else is interested....

1. Is the unit true to size relative to an analog king cigarette?
No, longer & thicker more akin to a small cigar (Hamlet)
2. Is the battery life decent or is it a constant charging process?
I average 1.5 hours vaping out of one charge*. You can see why people recomend getting a PCC *Although this will obviously depend on how heavily you use it.
3. Is it easy to juice the unit? Do you use the drip or syring method?
Very easy by any method
4. Does the battery hold up for several recharges or do you have to buy new batteries frequently?
Had mine since June. No problams yet
5. The one thing I don't care for is how hard I have to draw on the Cirrus and the diameter of the cartridge (it is a bit larger than an analog). Does this have some resistance on the draw so I don't have to pull as hard and is it the same size in diameter as an analog?
It's not a hard draw, but it is a larger diameter
6. If not the Joye 510, is there another unit you would recommend more highly based on what I am looking for?



Full Member
Oct 25, 2009
Hi everyone, I just started vaping with the 510 these last 2 days and I love it! The pcc I got with my generic joye 510 I say is a must get!!! I smoked mostly at bars and clubs to unwind and enjoy the evenings out and by loosies here and there but with this 510 it makes nights out even more interesting! I bought Blu, a 510 passthrough from totally wicked and a generic 510 with Pcc and out of all of the products Blu BLOWED, both batts died after 22 minutes from a 3 second drag space out at leased 20-25 seconds apart after charging them first!!! When I screwed in the batts to charge the charger did nothing so I had to hold the batts up in the usb charger on an angle with tape just to charge them because it didnt fit properly and was loose. I think they have really quality control issues. The totally wicked 510 passthrough I got is awesome and really puts out big vapor from 4 second drags!!! While at home when I want to relax and do low level nic juice from time to time I use it but I mostly use it as a Mini hooka for trying all the different flavor combination's I have and going getting in the future because their so tasty. The generic joye 510 and PCC made my friday and saturday night a blast. I couldnt believe it! Vaping at the front of the bar all night long and heading out with friends just so they could take a smoke. I talked to bunch of people about vaping because of it and how its a better way to get your fix of nic then a cig. I hope I made a difference. This 510 really is what it is, EN-JOYE-ABLE!!!
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