EU Prohibitionist Martin McKee keeps lying about e-cigs (in regards to EU TPD)

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Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
BMJ has published Martin McKee's latest rant against e-cigs and for the EU TPD.
European Union

The most contentious area is e-cigarettes. The commission
proposed treating them like any other nicotine delivery device
and regulating them as drugs, a view supported by many
governments, includingthatof the United Kingdom, after careful
review of the evidence. The parliament was,however, influenced
by intensive lobbying against this, although the meaning of the
alternative text is unclear. Now, “all nicotine containing
products” will be subject to the same restrictions on cross border
advertising and sponsorship as cigarettes. Although cigarette
brand names will be banned, the many flavourings, such as
bubble gum and cotton candy, which increase their appeal to
children, will not. However, the draft text goes on to urge
governments to “ensure that they can be made available as
widely as tobacco products,” reflecting unsubstantiated claims
that they are a “game changer” for smoking cessation.10 The
draft legislation fails to address the rapid growth in sales of
products designed to resemble real cigarettes as closely as
possible. This subterfuge is widely viewed as a way to
renormalise smoking, a key goal of those seeking to recruit child
smokers, and to counter some of the effects of smoking bans.11


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 3, 2012
Budapest, Hungary
Thanks to Bill Godshall for posting this.

But it's a bit depressing - is he at it AGAIN?

I suppose it's not surprising. The BMJ has just announced it'll no longer accept studies funded by tobacco companies. Apparently the biases in these studies are "impossible to detect". Silly me, thinking that peer review, and the idea of a reproducible experiment itself, was supposed to detect this kind of bias. But don't worry, studies funded by Big Pharma are still welcome! Submit your articles, submit early, submit often....

There are some really comical unsubstantiated statements here:

First of all his statement

However, the draft text goes on to urge governments to “ensure that they can be made available as widely as tobacco products,”
reflecting unsubstantiated claims that they are a “game changer” for smoking cessation.

is referenced to a UK Independent article (,
which actually says this:

The lack of tobacco in e-cigarettes means they are “almost certainly” a much safer way of getting a nicotine hit than smoking cigarettes, according to Cancer Research.
Chris Davies, a Liberal Democrat MEP, said: “E-cigs can be a game changer. Hundreds of former smokers have written to tell me that they have helped them give up cigarettes when nothing else worked. They are successful because they are not medicines but products that smokers enjoy using as an alternative to cigarettes.”

Do you see anything in there supporting his claim that the "game changer" claim is "unsubstantiated"? Thought not.

Even better, further on, his assertion that

This subterfuge is widely viewed as a way to renormalise smoking, a key goal of those seeking to recruit child smokers, and to counter the effect of smoking bans
(my emphasis)

is referenced to....... TA DA!.... his own earlier BMJ article. So much for widely viewed.

Points for McKee: :nah:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 17, 2013

I posted a reply to Glantz:

"E-cigarettes do not help people quit smoking and may inhibit quitting."

I have not had a real cigarette since March 3rd, 2013. That was when I put down my cigarettes and picked up a Vision Vamo variable volt/watt personal vaporizer (aka electronic cigarette to the misinformed). Therefore, I have quit smoking.

"There is no evidence that flavored cigarettes are used by adults; there is lots of evidence that they appeal to youth and young adults."

Right now, I am using a mint flavoured e-Liquid made by Liqua. I also use Vanilla, coffee, apple, Red Bull, Cola and about 15 other 'flavours' that you say there is no evidence that I use (want a picture to prove I use them?). I am a 50-year old adult male.

"There is very high levels of dual use of e-cigarettes and conventional cigarettes in every study that has been done (all over the world). This dual use obviates most if not all of the "harm reduction" that might follow the fact that dual users smoke fewer conventional cigarettes. If someone is smoking even 1 or 2 cigarettes a day they suffer the full cardiovascular risk of smoking and most, if not all, of the lung cancer risk (since the duration of smoking is as important or maybe more important than the intensity.)"

Dual use also occurs with the nicotine patch and with Nicorette nicotine gum. Dual use is approved by the FDA and is marked as permissable on the packaging.

I would also like to add that Nicorette nicotine gum is available in different flavours. I fail to see the logic in how this is not tempting to children while flavours in e-Liquid are.

Let's see if he approves it for publication.:vapor:


Vaping Master
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Mar 4, 2010
Even with their padded bank accounts, I'm sure they're both dying of embarrassment issues. How could they not? If they had a conscience, they'd be needing knee pads 3' thick ....
At least they're transparent, I suppose.
I'm more appalled at the powers that be who shovel out the funds to feed such insanity.

Off to up chuck the cinnamon swirl French toast I enjoyed for breakfast. How dare my body try to trick me into believing it prefers, loves, enjoys the elusive and age restricted compound known as .... Flavors.

Wait!! Does this mean what I think it does? That the mice in the Oreo addiction test, were ... Gasp ... Under age minors??

With the new sugar tax upon us, I imagine the powers that be will soon be telling SG to get a life....

Also, come to think of it, weren't there a few studies that showed that one or two smokes a day were actually not harmful, because of the benefits of nicotine, and because of the body's building a good strong immune system against asthma or something.
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Vaping Master
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Mar 4, 2010
Mine didn't get posted. Probably because I posted the "evidence" he says there is none of. I suspect that he's the only mod.

He goes by his own rule that consists of "according to studies that ive read". As long as he doesn't read fact based research, he can laugh all the way to the bank.


Vaping Master
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Mar 4, 2010
Why do they keep comparing eCigs with smoking cessation products? They are a safer alternative. Period.
No smoke, no carcinogens, no tar, no toxins, no issues for passerbys.

It's like one team of ANTZ wants them to be big Parma products, to not only rescuer big Pharma from themselves, but to be sure the FDA gets their heavy fees for "testing and passing".
Meanwhile, the other half of the ANTZ want eCigs to be taxed the same as cigarettes, to recoup the funds lost from all the switchers. Here we have ACA, Attorney Generals, tobaccoFree orgs, ... Hmmmm, wait, some of these same groups also promote big Pharma drugs, and get other funding from them as well as their typical court ordered funding from big tobacco.

Big tobacco wants all the business to themselves. They've lost millions over the years, need to recoup. They're even turning tobacco farms into stevia farms ... The sugar replacement...

And withe dieters also using the zero nic ecig, even the sugar and fat taxes are in huge danger.

Lawyers don't care who wins, just so long as they get paid to fight.

They're trying to make a dammed if you do and dammed if you don't scenario, so that no matter the outcome, they get to keep the funds rolling in.

Maybe it's time we petition against funding.....


Ultra Member
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Oct 8, 2013
Milledgeville, GA
Eh... mine didn't get posted either... I didn't figure it would. They don't want to post anything that would make it look like they didn't know what they are talking about... this was my post by the way.

There's no evidence that ecigs help people quit smoking?!? How about asking an ecig user!! I was a pack and a half a day smoker for 20 years. Since buying my ecig I haven't had, nor have I even craved a cigarette in 24 days... why don't you try googling "ecigs helped me quit smoking" and get some real world user experience. Not some Big Tobacco, Big Pharma biased tests and reviews!!

Ypur statement that adults don't use flavors is absolutely WRONG!!! When I first started using my ecig do you think I wanted something that tasted like tobacco to help me quit?!? NO! I wanted something tasty that killed the craving and tasted good!! Apple Pie and Tropical Punch were my flavors of choice, and I'm 37 years old!!!

Sent from somebodys phone I found using Tapatalk.


Vaping Master
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Mar 4, 2010
It's after we eat or drink that we crave the strongest... By vaping a delicious flavor all day, we never have that after moment. Eventually even that moment leaves our addicted senses. But they won't listen, they don't want to recognize that, especially with fat tax on the way. Even the dieters are opening vape flavored dessert houses....
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