Profile ? I want to know who I'm talking to ?

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 14, 2010
Tampa, FL
I've been lurking on this site for a couple months now. What I do no get is why profiles are so non-existant ? If somebody responds to me I would like to know who it is I'm talking to ?

I've been smoking for 25 yrs and I'm doing my best to quit!! I'm 45 yrs old ...

I would like very much to know (if I pose a thread/question ?) who it is that's responding to me. I'm a guy who will click on one's Avatar picture to get an idea who it is that's talking/responding to me (giving me advise etc...) but most of the time I just get a cartoon picture (or nothing at all) with no info about the person. I understand people are concerned about privacy but at-least (it would be nice) if you showed your age/gender. It would be good to know who it is I'm talking with - at-least age wise and if you are a Man or a Woman ?

Just my 2 cents

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Ultra Member
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Nov 10, 2009
If I show you mine you should show me yours.Where were you in grade school? I was neglected, not once did a priest so much as offer me maddog 20/20 or a wafer made of love.Just kidding it would be a nice to know all about the posters but some anonymity is needed to get unrestricted advice in my opinion.vape on.


Ultra Member
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Jul 9, 2009
West Central Illinois - USA
In the 11 months I've been on here I recall maybe 2 or 3 people who seemed to be on only because it was cool to vape. Their conversations usually sounded like most forums I've seen and it wasn't long before they left because they couldn't swear or throw out a lot of four-letter words.
As far as I'm concerned, if a person younger than me has been an e-cig user longer than me I would listen to what they have to say. Even if they had smoked fewer years than me. I don't think it matters how long someone smoked cigarettes. The fact they are here and show the right attitude speaks louder to me.
I'm 60 and I smoked for 45 years. Many here are "kids" to me and didn't smoke cigarettes as long as I did.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Nov 10, 2009
Rhode Island
I would just be happy to know if I'm talking to someone my age or not ?

I'm sorry - but if a person is only into this e-cig thing just because its "cool" and they've only smoked for a few years then I'm really not interested in any advise they have to offer.

I understand your concern, but this isn't a kid's forum.

I can tell you, that based on some of the surveys on the forum and the members that I know, the majority of members are over 30 years old and up to the 60's.

No one that I know is here because they think e-cigs are "cool". The people here either are smokers, who are trying to use the e-cig to quit, or were smokers who have quit smoking using the e-cig.

I'm 60 years old and I smoked for 46 years. I quit smoking over seven months ago.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 14, 2010
Tampa, FL
Sorry - I've had a really bad day today. My cravings are getting the best of me obviously ! I just need credable people (been there type) who I can relate to to get over this big hurdle in my life.

Didn't mean to offend anybody . I need a smoke ! - and I'm going a little crazy at the moment !
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ECF Guru
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Verified Member
Jan 1, 2010
Sorry - I've had a really bad day today. My cravings are getting the best of me obviously ! I just need credidable people (been there type) who I can relate to to get over this big hurdle in my life.

Didn't mean to offend anybody . I need a smoke ! - and I'm going a little crazy at the moment !

I don't think you offended anyone. Not me anyway. Thats the nice thing about ECF is most of the people are very caring and do understand each other. I think this is a good thread. :):):)


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Nov 10, 2009
Rhode Island
Sorry - I've had a really bad day today. My cravings are getting the best of me obviously ! I just need credidable people (been there type) who I can relate to to get over this big hurdle in my life.

Didn't mean to offend anybody . I need a smoke ! - and I'm going a little crazy at the moment !

I see a lot of that, people who quit smoking the day they start using an e-cig. It works for some, but don't feel that you have to quit smoking right away. I smoked and vaped for two months, before I quit cigarettes. Take your time, set up a plan that's right for you. If you try too hard, you run the risk of not succeeding.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 1, 2010
Didn't mean to offend anybody . I need a smoke ! - and I'm going a little crazy at the moment !

So what's going on? What equipment, juices are you using? Have you tried to quit before? Maybe if we knew a little bit more about your circumstances, we could help you get some relief.

Take heart, at least your making positive steps by being on this forum. You could be outside kicking your dog. At least this way, no one gets hurt. :)


Ultra Member
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Nov 10, 2009
Seems I was the worst when it comes to coming out(as an adult smoker) old floridiot male who use to go on .... hunts(collecting lipstick stained cig butts as a child to smoke as we had no $) this seems to me to be one of the best sites to get no bs advice on saving your life.Vaping has changed who I am in 8/9 months, to a person who is not scared of an oxomiter( get one for a friend to get em off smokes) to one who loves weirdo flavored pv juice. Vape on and by all means dont sweat anything but a lighter.


Resting In Peace
Mar 14, 2009
New Jersey
Sorry - I've had a really bad day today. My cravings are getting the best of me obviously ! I just need credable people (been there type) who I can relate to to get over this big hurdle in my life.

Didn't mean to offend anybody . I need a smoke ! - and I'm going a little crazy at the moment !

Keep at it and you will be fine...I have to say I more than offended a few in my early days here...I think the fact that you talked about it a little bit is good...You should feel better ...Now take 2 four second deep vapes of some 24 to 36 555 and take a look at this thread and I bet you'll feel better ...Welcome to the ECF and keep vaping DONT smoke...
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