Problems with 18350 batts

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Full Member
Jan 7, 2010
The South
I'm having trouble with my 18350 batteries in that I can't get them to work on my Little Chucks. I have 6 of them....2 have been used for about 3-4 months, 4 are new. All of a sudden none of them will work in either of the chucks. The 16340s that I have are working fine. All of the batteries are reading 3.9 to 4.1 with a multimeter.

The older batts will give one little pssfftt sound before cutting off and the new ones won't even make a sound. I'm using a new Ultrafire WF 188 and thought that something might be wrong with the charger even though it seems to be charging the 16340s just fine. I had just retired a TR-001 because it seemed to be overheating and ruined 4 new IMR 16340s.....but that's another story. Anyway, now I don't think that it is the new charger because the last 2 batteries that I tried were new and had never been on the charger.

How could both of the Chucks work on a 16340 but not on a 18350 and why won't the 18350s work?

Any help with this would be appreciated.
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