Problem with liquid

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Jan 24, 2010
Northern Virginia
Please pay attention to this post. The Pay it Forward thread is not a dumping ground for bad juice. If you don't like it that is fine. If there is something chemically wrong with it, do not pass it on to someone else. If it's bad, get rid of it, and I don't mean by giving it to someone else. If you are caught doing this you will be removed from the group.

Thank you,


I would like to think that no one in our group would do anything like this. So, I'd like to add that I was talking to some vendors in chat the other night. They warned us that because summer is approaching, it's important to make sure your juice isn't sitting in a hot mailbox all day. If you can have it delivered to your work or are able to have someone take your mail out of your mailbox and store it until you're able to get it, you should do that. According to them, it doesn't take much extreme heat exposure to cause your juice to go bad. It's bad enough that it has to sit in the back of a hot mail truck while in route. Just a little something to think about.

Now back to the festivities!! ;)
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Feb 20, 2010
Memphis, TN
Please pay attention to this post. The Pay it Forward thread is not a dumping ground for bad juice. If you don't like it that is fine. If there is something chemically wrong with it, do not pass it on to someone else. If it's bad, get rid of it, and I don't mean by giving it to someone else. If you are caught doing this you will be removed from the group.

Thank you,


Has this happened Jules???? I would hope not, this is a great avenue for trying different flavors without spending a bunch of money!!
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Jan 24, 2010
Northern Virginia
i really do not see how it would go bad from the heat.. it would bring out the flavor more not sure on break down heat for nicotine... I leave a bottle in my car that sits in the sun all day.. never leaves the car.. it is what i vape when i drive..

Well, I've always been told to keep my juice in a cool/room temp dark place because juice is subject to oxidation and light degradation. There were 3 vendors in the chat, Ben from avejuice, Jason from electronicstix, and Rob from liquidxpress, who said that. I've only been vaping since January, so I have no experience with juice going bad from being in the heat. But I'm not going to take any chances either.

I will take that and offer

10ml bottle of Captain Eds Banana Cream 16mg


They call me 'Tibs"
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Feb 23, 2010
i really do not see how it would go bad from the heat.. it would bring out the flavor more not sure on break down heat for nicotine... I leave a bottle in my car that sits in the sun all day.. never leaves the car.. it is what i vape when i drive..

i tend to agree; as a matter of fact, someone on this forum ran some tests to check on safe storage time and locations [anticipating a possible ban] of e-juice and concluded that there was only a small reduction of nicotine strength. he ran his tests over a time period of 10 to 14 days in a hot car [juice left on dashboard] and projected from that to more temperate spaces. anyhow, i found it rather interesting and nowhere did he mention spoilage. sorry that i can't find the link for this anymore but ecf's search is not the best.


Unregistered Supplier
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Nov 16, 2009
i can see flavor increase happening that could make it not taste the same.. because with diy if you let the juice sit a few days the flavor enhances.. i can see heat doing the same effect.. light discoloring but not destroying..

i have also made juices with tea and coffee that i brought to high heats at 0 nic base

but either way if it did happen toss the stuff or offer it in classifieds for free with listing that it might be bad..


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Jan 24, 2010
Northern Virginia
i can see flavor increase happening that could make it not taste the same.. because with diy if you let the juice sit a few days the flavor enhances.. i can see heat doing the same effect.. light discoloring but not destroying..

i have also made juices with tea and coffee that i brought to high heats at 0 nic base

but either way if it did happen toss the stuff or offer it in classifieds for free with listing that it might be bad..

Yeah, like I said, it's only what I was told by vendors and what I had read elsewhere. I've not experienced this so I wasn't speaking from a personal story. People shouldn't be giving away stuff that's bad in here, period. I would hope that if someone did send something to someone which was bad, it would be unintentional and once brought to their attention, they'd make it right. Everyone has been great here and I'm sure it will stay that way! ;)


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Jan 24, 2010
S.E. Michigan

"i tend to agree; as a matter of fact, someone on this forum ran some tests to check on safe storage time and locations [anticipating a possible ban] of e-juice and concluded that there was only a small reduction of nicotine strength. he ran his tests over a time period of 10 to 14 days in a hot car [juice left on dashboard] and projected from that to more temperate spaces. anyhow, i found it rather interesting and nowhere did he mention spoilage. sorry that i can't find the link for this anymore but ecf's search is not the best."

Reply: I believe that is on the MFS forum. Chris had that test run.
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Apr 7, 2009
  • Deleted by Jules22871
  • Reason: duplicate post


Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Apr 7, 2009
I just heard from the person this involves and she contacted the supplier. It seems it is a separation issue that is more severe than others. The flavors are apparently very dense in this one and have to shaken very vigorously.

Please don't let this stop the PIF thread. It's not a major problem, just an isolated case that I thought needed addressed.


Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Apr 7, 2009
Looking back I think I should have handled this problem differently. I wish I could rewind time and reword my post.

We really don't know each other except online and we are showing a great deal of trust in what we are doing. I honestly don't think this was done on purpose but it happened and we need to address it as a group. Who knows if it was intentional or if it was a mistake. We just don't know. I want everyone to just double check what you send out and double check what you get in. We can keep PIF going but just pay a little more attention to what you give/get.
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