preparing for the upcoming vape "apocalypse"

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Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2015
Don't think I will need that much! :D.

It is possible that both of you have the same quantity of actual Nic stashed though! Maybe he only vapes like 4mL of 1-2mg eliquids per day, and you vape 5mL of 12, 18, or 24mg per day! Big difference in how long his would last...compared to yours, even though you might have the same actual amount. Just sayin' technically could also have 66+ years of nic and just don't know it!
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Ultra Member
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Nov 8, 2014
It is possible that both of you have the same quantity of actual Nic stashed though! Maybe he only vapes like 4mL of 1-2mg eliquids per day, and you vape 5mL of 12, 18, or 24mg per day! Big difference in how long his would last...compared to yours, even though you might have the same actual amount. Just sayin' technically could also have 66+ years of nic and just don't know it!

While what you are saying is totally accurate, it is filled with variables that will effect the calculations. But from where I sit, there is but one absolute fact regardless of variables and/or calculations and that is that I "WILL NOT NEED" 66+ years of nic no matter the amount! Sorry, but just can't put a smiley face behind that statement to indicate the light heartedness in which it is intended. :confused:


Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2015
But from where I sit, there is but one absolute fact regardless of variables and/or calculations and that is that I "WILL NOT NEED" 66+ years of nic no matter the amount!

Nor will I, since at my current age...there's no way I'll be around that long either. But I'm definitely going to have enough for however long I'm still here and want to vape!


Vaping Master
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Sep 2, 2013
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Vaping Master
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Jan 12, 2014
While what you are saying is totally accurate, it is filled with variables that will effect the calculations. But from where I sit, there is but one absolute fact regardless of variables and/or calculations and that is that I "WILL NOT NEED" 66+ years of nic no matter the amount! Sorry, but just can't put a smiley face behind that statement to indicate the light heartedness in which it is intended. :confused:

I vape very, very little Nic. After the apocalypse, Nic may a unit of trade. I'll be prepared.
so i have been vaping for a long time and honestly i ignored the nonsense about vaping bans. with the new FDA regulations being published, hopefully they will change but at this point i have to consider maybe i have two years to prepare for it. i will start out by saying i am an avid DIY'er when it comes to liquid, in fact i have not purchased a bottle of premade liquid in 2+ years. once i discovered i can make my own for 30 cents a bottle i never looked back. the most recent mod i have purchased is a kanger dripbox 160, i have to say i can "dig it". this unit has the ability to use handmade coils. i purchased several premade coils to have a couple of spares.

i have attempted to make coils before with mixed results. in order to prepare for the lack of availability of premade coils, i have decided i MUST learn how to make my own. the time has come. so should i buy a coil making kit with coiling fixtures? wrapping around a screwdriver never gave me consistent coils. what wire to buy? what cotton? is it cheaper or just slightly more security as far as having the gov taxing it or taking it away.

what supplies should i buy and how long does it keep. i have 3/4 of a liter of 100 MG strength, i vape 8MG and my wife only does 3 MG. what is likely to get messed with and what should i stock up on? how long do these supplies keep? whats the life on flavoring and whats the life on nicotine base? frankly i dont see them messing with PG and VG, they might say they are going to but with a wide array of other uses, good luck to them. what about batteries, they are used in flashlights. are the LG 18650 3000 MAH 20 amp high drain batteries used in other devices or are they specific for vaping. i know 18650 batteries were originally used in flight lights, are the high drain batteries being used in flashlights or just the el-cheapo trustfire style batteries.

Gentle readers... You can start your own thread, which is fine. You can read all the vapocalypse threads, which are more than 2,000 pages long, as well as all the threads in DIY, which is fine.

Or you can cut to the chase and read the TL;DR thread which is listed below.

Mine stored in freezer below zero for several years no change at all , have read some have stored for 5/6 years with no change what so ever.

I'm interested in the brand/make and model that you purchased. What refrigerator did you personally buy that goes to zero F?
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Vaping Master
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Jan 12, 2014
Seems a lot of judgements before knowing all the facts...

My wife still smokes...but she is getting closer to seeing vaping as a better way. With the addition of another bottle, she knows that she can vape, with nic, for 66 years. She just walked by with her APV...Woo-hoo!

Still surprised seeing judgements sprouting. Always better to start with, "well, for me...".
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Seems a lot of judgements before knowing all the facts...

My wife still smokes...but she is getting closer to seeing vaping as a better way. With the addition of another bottle, she knows that she can vape, with nic, for 66 years. She just walked by with her APV...Woo-hoo!

Still surprised seeing judgements sprouting. Always better to start with, "well, for me...".

Not sure which post you're referring too since you didn't hit the reply button under the post.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 2, 2013
I'm interested in the brand/make and model that you purchased. What refrigerator did you personally buy that goes to zero F?
My tired old Kenmore side by side goes to -.6° as measured with a laser thermometer.
I did purchase a 6 cubic foot dedicated nico freezer made by Sunpentown, a bit more expensive 300usd than what others spent. I have some other appliances by Sun that are going strong after 4 years.
Temp/ -3.5°..
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My tired old Kenmore side by side goes to -.6° as measured with a laser thermometer.
I did purchase a 6 cubic foot dedicated nico freezer made by Sunpentown, a bit more expensive 300usd than what others spent. I have some other appliances by Sun that are going strong after 4 years.
Temp/ -3.5°..

My main refrigerator also "allegedly" hits -6F, but I have no way to test it. I honestly don't know what it is at. I was looking for a standalone freezer that could hit -20F.

Have 8000ml of nic, buying more in the future, and I want it as cold as possible but very few freezers go down to -15F to -20F. If you can find one they are often commercial, large and expensive. Many of the ads are misleading b/c they switch between F and C depending on the model.

I'll shop "harder" when I get the cash in hand. :D Right now I'm buying everything else. :thumb:

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