Preferences in where you buy your liquid

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Aug 8, 2013
Valley of the Sun
I may be lucky in that Tempe, AZ has plenty of college aged kids, and in turn smokers. Smokers, especially colleged aged, seem to be gravitating towards e-cigs more. So we have a decent selection of e-liquid vendors in the area and even more around the valley. I've notice the main brands are everywhere and the shops push their own brand alongside the big names. This makes me think people looking for out of the norm quality products would head online. So the question...

IF you're lucky enough to have a shop in range, do you prefer to buy at a physical store or online?
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 11, 2013
I strongly prefer buying juice in store. But then again, I'm pretty lucky to have 7 stores to choose from in a 3 mile radius of my house. One of them carries almost every major brand out there. Chances are if I can find the juice listed online, I'll be able to find it in a local B&M.

A juice bar is also a major plus. Being able to go in and test flavors ahead of time is pretty awesome.

Also certain juices get spread by word of mouth in my area. A friend of a friend will have a juice that he lets me drip, and he'll most likely have gotten it from a B&M where I can get it the next day.

Then again, this is all only beneficial if you have stores around you.

Sed Contra

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Aug 13, 2013
Northeast Ohio
I've got a shop about 5 minutes away,, and they have over 200 flavors. I'm fairly new to vaping, so it has been nice living so close to a shop. Since I first started a few months ago with V2 cigs, as soon as I found this local shop, I've bought 100% of my hardware locally - I don't care if it costs a few dollars more. Even when I needed parts and he was out of stock, I waited until he had them in stock; I did not go straight to the internet. Buying locally is important. On the other hand, many of the internet businesses are mom & pop type stores, too, and recently I placed some juice orders online from reputable sources. Perhaps my thoughts will change as time goes by, but I still believe in buying locally and/or supporting the mom & pop stores whenever possible.


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Jul 29, 2013
I prefer online. Local B&Ms around here charge an average of $6.95 for a 10 ml bottle of Dekang (my favorite). I can get a 50ml bottle of the same stuff HERE for $10.95...yes you read it right...$10.95!!! Don't buy much locally.;)

NOw that is a DEAL there...Might not be Classy flavors but just to have 50Mils laying around for 12 bucks...
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