Prayers need for my mom, please. fire

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we go through fans like that constantly- My husbands runs 24/7- Honestly, EVERY time I have turned one off, it wouldnt come back on... LOL

I just replaced the one with the blue plug- It lasted us about a year, Then, I was in the room cleaning while he was at work, turned it off, and it never came back on...... -

It will take her a while, and she will never really get over it. But, it gets easier. You do have to treat it like a death though- Everyone will say "its just stuff" and "just be glad you got out" well, basicly your whole life just disentigrated before your eyes and even if its 'just stuff' its YOUR stuff, and NOT stuff you made a concious decision to get rid of.

((((hugs)))) to her and you for being there for her.


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Jul 29, 2010
Gibraltar, MI
Adrena my thoughts and prayers are with you in this time of sadness.

Thank you very much for letting us know about the fan. I looked over and happen to have one blowing on me now. I have a dog, two cats, and three birds that I would be heartbroken if this were to happen to me. I was leaving it on all day so they could have air circulation.

Losing your pets and memorabilia is such a tragedy..........

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Well this fan started the fire. It has been confirmed and papers filler out to join a class action sute.

Humane society has been notified and all mountain neighbors looking or for the animals. A window screen was indeed knocked out and no remains found so everyone is watching for them.
Thank you everyone for the thoughts, prayers and energies sent. Mom is doing much better with her head on her solders at last.
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