Powerizers in cold weather

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Jun 6, 2011
Western Connecticut
Good test.

I cant come up with a reason how it could be the buzz though. From a electronics standpoint that dosent compute. Its should fire regardless of temp as long as the batts fire.

The only way I could see that being different is if there was something in the button itself that was freezing and not allowing it to fire. In the temps described in your initial pont of issue I dont think thats likely.

I was not surprised my batts did not fire as the point of failure listed for Li-Ion batts by the manufacturer is close to the -20 deg I subjected them to.

Im anxious to hear how your test with the entire buzz goes.

I've seen problems with transistorized ignition systems before in cold weather.. I guess manufacturing tolerances can allow something to work fine at room temp, but when things contract ever so slightly it causes issues.

I don't think it's a switch issue either. If that were the case i'd expect to see no change in the leds when pressing the button while the issue is present.. I could be wrong though!

Not terribly worried about condensation either.. Relative humidity is low and the board should be sealed. Pretty much identical to walking inside when it's bitter cold.

I'll throw the buzz in the fridge and freezer later tonight and see what happens!

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Aug 11, 2009
Marion, MT
Well, as I said much earlier each and every year we get a full week of weather that is some where between negative 30 degrees and the worst I remember was negative 42 degrees. When that happens (and it should be soon) I am bundling up and heading out for as long as I can take it with 2 of my Buzz Pros. I will put the powerizer batteries in one and the grey batteries in the other and see what happens!


Divine Bovine
ECF Veteran
Jul 17, 2010
South Carolina
I don't need any fancy tests to tell me that when I leave my Buzz in the car for an hour when it's 20F outside, it doesn't want to fire until I warm it up for a few minutes in my hot little hands. It simply acts as if the batts are dead until it gets snuggled :) This is not something new for me, I noticed it last winter...just never mentioned it.

As far as standing out in the cold long enough to see if it happens...haven't tried that. I solved the problem by just not leaving it in the car LOL


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Aug 11, 2009
Marion, MT
This is very interesting. We have had cold weather since October here and my BP has never once failed to fire until the batteries are expected to be dead!

Maybe I am just not going outside as often as I think I am. With 4 wood burning stoves in the house it wouldn't surprise me if I was hiding out inside and not even noticing it!

I pretty much use my woody exclusively, maybe that extra thin layer of beautiful wood is insulting it! I know we have less humidity here.

Whatever it is my BP takes a licking and keeps on ticking.
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