Possible Buzz Pro Buyer Questions

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ECF Veteran
Jul 14, 2009
Thanks everyone, I think I will for sure be getting a buzz pro based on what everyone said. I did have another question though. I planned to use the regular Joye 510 attys with it and was wondering if there was a better option such as a LR joye or another one altogether? I basically wanted a better throat hit and from what everyone says, this thing is the thing to get. I tried LR joye attys with my ego, but hated them because I could only get one good puff, then a terrible metallic puff.

Also, for anyone else that is a "dripper," do you still just drip with your buzz pro, or did you go for the cartomizer of some kind, and if so, is the taste/throat hit as good as it was when you were dripping? Thanks again!


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Aug 11, 2009
Marion, MT
I know so little about this that I am the wrong person to answer your question. Most folks here will tell you to stay away from the LR's as they are harder on the batteries and on PV's. Personally I am happy with the LR's that I am using as I like the throat hit as well. I am not however using the LR's that are at 1.7 or 1.8 ohms. The LR's I am using are at about 2.0 - 2.5 ohms. The BP is capable of using an LR if you want. I think what others will suggest is to start off using a regular atty and with the BP you have the option to turn up the voltage and that should increase throat hit for you without the need of an LR.

I always found dripping to be a pain and since I got my BP I have started using the liquinator tank with fusion cartomizers. It is hassle free, just fill the tank and you are good to go for hours. The fusion cart0mizers in the tank give awesome vapor and a nice throat hit and flavor. I believe Mike will be making a really cool tank soon to!

Regardless of whether you go with regular or LR or atty or carto you have made a wonderful choice and your Buzz Pro will work great with all!


Ultra Member
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May 13, 2011
Thanks everyone, I think I will for sure be getting a buzz pro based on what everyone said. I did have another question though. I planned to use the regular Joye 510 attys with it and was wondering if there was a better option such as a LR joye or another one altogether? I basically wanted a better throat hit and from what everyone says, this thing is the thing to get. I tried LR joye attys with my ego, but hated them because I could only get one good puff, then a terrible metallic puff.

Also, for anyone else that is a "dripper," do you still just drip with your buzz pro, or did you go for the cartomizer of some kind, and if so, is the taste/throat hit as good as it was when you were dripping? Thanks again!

I use 2.5 ohm IKV attys on my Buzz Pro. I tried the 3.5, but it wasn't to my liking as 2.5 provides me with just the right range of watts that I want.

And I switched from a Reo to this because I liked dripping better and bottom feeding wasn't doing it for me. I still continue to drip wherever I am, it's not that much of an inconvenience, unless I'm driving. I haven't tried cartomizers since I was using my GoGo.


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I planned to use the regular Joye 510 attys with it and was wondering if there was a better option such as a LR joye or another one altogether?

Naw, you won't need LR with the Buzz Pro, though they do work nicely. I had four sitting on the shelf that I decided to use up when the Buzz Pro arrived. Just dial the PV down and enjoy. I do find that a good ol' regular Kanger carto (about 3.0-3.2 Ohm) fired up to about 4.5V gives the same TH, better vapor, and way better taste.

<QUOTE>I tried LR joye attys with my ego, but hated them because I could only get one good puff, then a terrible metallic puff. </QUOTE>

That's usually caused by not enough juice getting to the coil, in my experience. Has the same problem with CE2 cartos (which I'll never ever try again. Blah!) Try bottom filling the juice into the carto or the taryn spin fill method. I've had more success with LRs doing that. They go dry fast, though, so top off frequently. Dual coils do the same thing, BTW.

Also, for anyone else that is a "dripper," do you still just drip with your buzz pro, or did you go for the cartomizer of some kind, and if so, is the taste/throat hit as good as it was when you were dripping? Thanks again!

I use to be a carto only kinda guy. Since I went VV I find that when I'm at home I drip more. (I prefer the convenience of a carto when I'm out and about.) I think the reason why is, once you get the hang of it, you can put exactly the right amount of juice where you want it and when you want it. The Buzz Pro makes this particularly easy because you can dial in the perfect hit you want, with the atty you want, and the juice you're using. I absolutely love IKV Stealth series HV 901 attys on my Buzz Pro. Good stuff.

One of the things I like best about the BP is that it pretty much eliminates one of the 3 factors you need to consider to get the perfect vape; namely the PV itself. It works so well, and so consistently, that you're free to try different combinations of carto/atty and liquids to find what works best without having to worry about whether your bat is performing.

I'd definitely try LR and dripping with the BP. And high voltage. And regular cartos. And different attys. And tanks. And every juice/atty combination you can. The BP is like a monster experimental vaping platform that you can try anything you want with.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 8, 2011
The Desert
No reason to for me to keep hyping it cause these guys said it all. But mine did survive the business end of a crate of M249 SAW ammo falling out the back of a 5 ton truck, where my ego split and broke when it hit an open drawer falling from the top of my dresser. As far as carts dripping etc. I switched to dual coils because I find myself using my buzz so often that dripping becomes a major hassle...BUT dual coils eat batteries like mad so it's all in personal preference.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2009
Perez-uzza to this day
I don't even have my Pro yet because I decided at the last second to spring for a veneered one, but I can say I went through several e-cig models and a good number of mods before I got my Buzz original and if the original had been my first mod I would have saved a lot of money because nothing I've tried compares to the Buzz. So all I can say about the Pro is...well, I'm really looking forward to it...
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