Pop corn lungs or BPCO?

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Full Member
Dec 4, 2022
Hello everyone,

I’m new on this forum:)

I’ve had trouble breathing and pain in the chest for over a year now. Did a couple of exams that always went perfectly. Recently I did a breathing test and it seems that I have small inflammations in the lungs. I still need to talk to the pneumologist next week to know exactly what’s happening.

I have been vaping quite heavily on and off for the past 2 years. Before that, I smoked 2 years normal cigarette.

We can read a lot of things on the internet about pop corn lungs, COPD etc… My question is simple:
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 1, 2012
Mallorca, Spain
Hello everyone,

I’m new on this forum:)

I’ve had trouble breathing and pain in the chest for over a year now. Did a couple of exams that always went perfectly. Recently I did a breathing test and it seems that I have small inflammations in the lungs. I still need to talk to the pneumologist next week to know exactly what’s happening.

I have been vaping quite heavily on and off for the past 2 years. Before that, I smoked 2 years normal cigarette.

We can read a lot of things on the internet about pop corn lungs, COPD etc… My question is simple:
Hi and welcome,

The "C" in COPD denotes a CHRONIC condition.
Chronic diseases are defined broadly as conditions that last 1 year or more and require ongoing medical attention or limit activities of daily living or both

I'm predicting you do NOT have the "thing" you read about on the internet. Sorry. (unless it is a sharp, stabbing pain, then "get your affairs in order")

pero bien, what are you vaping?
Nicotine level?
PG/VG content?
Amount of juice used per day?
How many cigarettes did you smoke per day?

Where are you located? (France?)
Do you work in a factory that produces microwave popcorn?



Full Member
Dec 4, 2022
Thank you for your answer:)

pero bien, what are you vaping?
Device? Vaporesso GTX
Juice? Fruit flavour, no colouration
Nicotine level? 3 to 6mg
PG/VG content? 50/50
Amount of juice used per day? 10ml ; I’m basically vaping all day long. Well was because I stopped completely since my symptoms re-appeared.
How many cigarettes did you smoke per day? 15 to 20
Where are you located? (France?) Yes!
Do you work in a factory that produces microwave popcorn? Nop


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 1, 2012
Mallorca, Spain
When I started vaping, after 28 years of 30+ cigarettes per day, I used a 36mg/ml nicotine e liquid.
Perhaps if you are vaping too often, increase your nicotine level so that 3-5 inhales will suffice.

IMO, avoid menthol/ice additives, switch to a juice with less PG content and fewer sweeteners. Maybe you are sensitive to a certain flavor component. A few days using un-flavored juice might be helpful.

Which GTX coil(s) are you using? Ω?
At what power levels? Watts/joules
What is your inhalation style? Do you draw the vapor into your mouth first or directly into your lungs?



Full Member
Dec 4, 2022
What’s the quantity of liquid you are vaping daily currently?

I’m not planning on vaping anymore but thank you for the advices!

I just hope I didn’t caught a serious condition and everything will come back to normal.

I was using the 0.8 at 18 watts and I do mouth to lungs.

I’m scared as .... vaping that heavily could have given me something to my lungs.

My results are due tomorrow so at least I’ll know what it is and, from there, will try to identify if it could be linked to vaping.

Given the info I have and how much other ppl vape, it seems unlikely but well, we are all different after all.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 1, 2012
Mallorca, Spain
What’s the quantity of liquid you are vaping daily currently?

I’m not planning on vaping anymore but thank you for the advices!

I just hope I didn’t caught a serious condition and everything will come back to normal.

I was using the 0.8 at 18 watts and I do mouth to lungs.

I’m scared as .... vaping that heavily could have given me something to my lungs.

My results are due tomorrow so at least I’ll know what it is and, from there, will try to identify if it could be linked to vaping.

Given the info I have and how much other ppl vape, it seems unlikely but well, we are all different after all.
I vape about 12ml-15ml per day at 3mg/ml. 75%VG -.07Ω@20watts. Style is relaxed MTL or restricted DTL.

Juice is a tobacco aroma mixed at 5% flavoring using freebase nicotine with no additional sweeteners nor additives.

I have a nicotine level that allows me to vape as often, and for as long, as I like.

If you vape too much...increase your nicotine level...then you vape less.

I'm not a doctor, but I agree that you do NOT have popcorn lung/Obliterative bronchiolitis.



Full Member
Dec 4, 2022
Looking at my results it doesn’t look very good. I’m still waiting for the doctor to add his comments but I can see my pulmonary capacities are very low and got even lower than my first Spirometry 6 months ago (this one was good)
Scan and X ray are clear.
I’m looking forward to his comment but in any case I do believe there is something wrong. Not saying it’s Vaping nor smoking atm and waiting for professional feedbacks:)
I will keep you posted.


Full Member
Dec 4, 2022
Hello everyone!

I hope you guys are well. I saw the pulmonologist today and he can see my small bronchioles are inflamed. He thinks it could be linked with RGO and create a favorable field for asthma development. I will be under treatment for asthma and RGO over the next 30 days and will be seeing the doctor again on the 17th of January.

He ruled out all the "big" lung disease as COPD, Pop Corn lungs, Fibrosis...

So either I have asthma, either I have something else... either way it doesn't seem to come directly from vaping.


Full Member
Dec 4, 2022
I have the feeling I'm talking alone here! Haha.

I see some of you voted but I encourage everyone to do so!

Reading the medication I'm taking right now it is a mix of steroids and corticoids ; basically what someone would take if he had EVALI.

EVALI seem to be mainly (but not only) a disease encountered by vapers using THC or Vitamine E, in any case, products that are off the "white" market aka with no control whatsoever.

According to some articles, EVALI has also been diagnosed for ppl using "white" market liquids. Hard to say what's true or not here but here is a french article related to that. Also this article in english seems solid.

Anyway, hope I feel better soon and will keep you posted! Thanks!
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