Polycarbonate tubes suck for tanks

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Jan 24, 2011
Houston, Texas, United States
Is anyone else out there having problems with poly tank tubes? Almost every single tank mod I have used the poly tubes have shattered. The only exception is the MAP CE-2. The only thing I can think of is that these DC cartos heat up and expand a lot more than CE-2s. I did a little research and found that nicotine patches are made out of a type of vinyl. So, I figured that if that is FDA approved then why cant I use vinyl tubing instead of the much more expensive poly tubing. I bought some 7/8" ID tubing for $7 for 10'. This diameter works for most tank mods like the Liquinator. It is totally leak proof and damn near indestructible. I just wanted to get some other opinions about this.


Vaping Master
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Mar 22, 2011
San Diego, CA
Hmmm, what flavor of juice are you using in them. I know for a fact that there are flavors that have been proven, like wintergreen for instance, that shatters a polycarbonate tube in as little as a half hour. I have been using the same tube I got with my SS DCT MAP Tank and it is still pristine and I have had it for over a Month.

Nate aka Darth Vapor


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Jan 24, 2011
Houston, Texas, United States
I use a mix a I make myself with pg and Mt. Dew flavoring. Also, I used F U C Cancer.com's Mt. Dew Baha Blast and Strawberry Limeade. These flavors were the ones that did not crack but shattered the tubes. Also, Freedom Smokes Wyatt Earp. Since I switched to vinyl I have had no problems and if I need to replace the tank its way cheaper.


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Mar 22, 2011
San Diego, CA
Well there is a tread here in the general discussion that was started to list any and all flavors that have cracked tanks, I believe several citrus type flavors are on that list as well. I watched a tank shatter with Wintergreen in it so I know first hand that that one does.


There is the link to the thread, it is very informative as there really is not much heat generated in a tank full of liquid, it must be the juices that are reacting to it. I am just glad you found an alternative that is working for you as far as materials go :D
Nate aka Darth Vapor


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
I would suggest that you use Polypropylene tubes.

They are more Chemically Stable than Polycarbonate and also have Higher Ductility.

BTW – A “Poly” is not a great way to describe a plastic. There are plastics materials that start with “poly”. Some are good for e-Liquid tanks and some are not so good.


Vaping Master
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Mar 22, 2011
San Diego, CA
Ya know another thought is also Pyrex Tubing. That will have absolutely no hazing, or frosting as it is what is used for laboratory vials, beackers and flasks to hold all sorts of chemicals that are way more destructive than anything we vape. I know that VaporAge was talking about carying them and I am going to look into getting some from them because I don't know about anyone else, but the whole "Omg Pyrex Might Break" thing does not apply to me as I have not dropped my tank ever so I am not to worried about breaking the Pyrex.

Just another alternative;
Nate aka Darth Vapor


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Aug 27, 2011
I bought some sort of clear cartomizers, not sure where I got them from, and not sure I would feel comfortable posting where, I had issues of burning flavor, odd flavor, and bowing of the plastic. Atty at the top, wicks going down the bottom.
I do puff pretty hard when stressed, so that would explain the burnt plastic. It started out with an odd flavor (maybe I should have washed them first, but never had to wash a carto) and never seemed to wick right so got some burn. After it being kinda burnt, I drained all the juice out (which was down below the coil) and moved it over to a regular carto, the damn flavor moved with it. Needless to say, I have 1 that is sitting and 4 that are new and sealed and will gather dust before I try them again. Blegh.

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