Plume Veil RDA

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Senior Member
Jul 4, 2014
Palmyra, PA
So I've come across the Plume Veil rda, seen reviews, researched, etc., and I'm in love, as somebody who is tired of burning through clearos and wants to get into mechs and RDAs, this one seems to take the cake, it comes with everything I want (adjustable airflow, single, and dual coil mode, delrin insulator, not a small, and not a super large drip well.)..... The only problem is, I can't find this beast in stock anywhere!! I have a rather, well, expendable vape budget and the $110 price tag doesn't bother me, you do however get what you pay for.
I've done hours upon days worth of research on both mechanical mods, and rda's, and I'm really just sold on the Plume Veil, if anybody is selling one, or knows anywhere that can ship to PA that has them in stock, I'd be absolutely delighted if you let me know :)

Also, I'm really digging' the V3tronix Flip, the gold plated edition (again, I just so happen to be in a current life situation that justifies a large vape budget) the voltage drop is minimal, the looks in my opinion are quite elegant, the engravings are solid, it just overall appeals to me, however I've come across some horror stories in my research about V3's customer service and the firing button/lock mechanism not working well after about a month or so. I was wondering if any of you folks have any input on that.

If any of you wonderful folks have suggestions on RDA's (or mech mods) similar to the Plume Veil that come with what I'm looking for, feel free to throw me a link :)

Thanks in advanced for you input everybody, my experience thus far on ECF has been FANTASTIC!

Edit: Also if this is not in the correct section, please let a mod know so they can move it, I couldn't really decide where to put it
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Vaping Master
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May 24, 2014
Jacksonville, FL
I recently got into dripping and the first RDA I purchased was the Plume Veil. I found it to be a great first dripper as a n00b. Super easy to build. Many different configurations and and airflow adjustments. I am very happy with my purchase. I also have the SS V3 Flip.

I got mine from Vaper Vortex and it appears that they have them in stock for $115. Phoenix Arizona AetherTech PlumeVeil RDA Vapor Vortex

I really can't comment on the V3 Flip or any issues with customer service as I currently have a Kick 2 in it and that just isn't going to cut it for me. Currently waiting delivery of the battery spacer to take the place of the Kick 2.


Many seem to dislike the looks of the Flip but to each his own. I love mine.

Since I didn't want to use the V3 Flip limited to 15w, I am currently running my Plume Veil on my eVic Supreme.



Vaping Master
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May 24, 2014
Jacksonville, FL
@Jaxgator, that link is dead :x Also, why not take your kick out and run w/o a spacer?

The link worked for me last night. Oh well, just click on the link and then select Atomizers/Clearomizers >>> Rebuildable Atomizers and it's on that screen.

The Kick or the spacer must be in the Flip in order to use 18650 batteries and that's all I have.


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2014
Palmyra, PA
@Jaxgator I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH!!!! I checked their website again about 5 minutes ago and they were restocked, I usually keep only about $20 on my card but had enough today for some reason to purchase this dripper, they had one in stock, ONE, ONE SINGLE UNIT!!! I am beyond stoked, I looked for days and could not find one anywhere in stock, I can not thank you enough :) :toast:

Oh yeah, and the link was dead all day, it was saying it was outdated and what not. Decided to give it one more shot tonight... It was meant to be!

PS: The Flip can accommodate a 18650 w/ no kick or spacer, He'll show ya how :)


Ultra Member
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Apr 16, 2014
Lawrenceville, GA
The Reviews I've seen on the PlumeVeil have all been excellent. The ability to make the space in the RDA smaller thus creating a warmer more dense vape is amazing. The amount of airflow it has is amazing as well. I'm definitely going to look at getting a clone (sorry I'm poor and can't afford authentic vape gear). As for the V3 flip's they are a nice looking mod, I just couldn't justify spending $350 on a tube mod like it. There are a lot of other nice little mods out there that might be a lil bit cheaper (just to save ya some of that change) but if you really want the v3 go with it!


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2014
Palmyra, PA
Well, the gold V3 looks sick, but I'm certainly open for ideas on other mech tube mods that can perform with it (or better ;O). $350 is indeed quite a chunk to spend on a metal tube, plated in gold or not. Which is why I haven't added it to my cart yet ^^ That and as I stated I've read stories on their firing button/locking mechanism sticking up and I'm not spending that kind of money for something that isn't flawless. I do want 'the best of the best' though, or at least an 8.5/10.


Vaping Master
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May 24, 2014
Jacksonville, FL
@Jaxgator I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH!!!! I checked their website again about 5 minutes ago and they were restocked, I usually keep only about $20 on my card but had enough today for some reason to purchase this dripper, they had one in stock, ONE, ONE SINGLE UNIT!!! I am beyond stoked, I looked for days and could not find one anywhere in stock, I can not thank you enough :) :toast:

Oh yeah, and the link was dead all day, it was saying it was outdated and what not. Decided to give it one more shot tonight... It was meant to be!

PS: The Flip can accommodate a 18650 w/ no kick or spacer, He'll show ya how :)

Glad to hear that you got what you were after. I just clicked on the link I posted and it went straight to the Plume Veil page. So it's working correctly now except that ... Availability: Out of stock. So, yeah, you got the last one. :D

I got my spacer in the mail yesterday so no need anymore but thanks for the link.

I have the all black plume veil coming too! Can't wait

Sent From My Galaxy Note 3

All black huh? Where did you find it?


Ultra Member
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Jul 7, 2013
athens, tn
not positive but venice vapor lab looks to have some in stock. A little pricy though compared to some other sites.

Plume Veil by Aethertech | Venice Vapor Lab - Electronic Cigarettes West Los Angeles (Venice, Marina Del Rey, Santa Monica, Culver City)
If anyone is interested, email these folks. They have 1 limited edition gold left. I've been making my rounds emailing, they returned saying they have 1. I want one of these bad, but not bad enough for me to forget I hate gold(especially@ a $140 price tag)


Vaping Master
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May 24, 2014
Jacksonville, FL
Got mine in the mail today, deck is plated, which surprised me as I thought they were going to stop doing that, 510 pin sticks out quite far, ~1.5mm, have yet to try to screw it in a little, but the V3 will be here tomorrow and it has a solid adjustable connector so it shouldn't be an issue anyway.

The V2 has a SS deck and the atty itself is all gold plated instead. Or maybe it's just a special version. That's the way the latest batch came out from Aether Tech that's all I know.
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