PLEASE READ-- we haven't been receiving all of our emails!

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 16, 2009
Atlanta, GA
I was so upset and shocked when I logged on here this morning to see a customer who had emailed us 4 times with no response about an incorrect order. I went to our gmail account and was again blown away when there were numerous messages from (understandably) angry people who had emailed with no response. One of them has been a regular customer for years. I felt absolutely sick. We've been in business for years and have always had a reputation for excellent customer service.

My husband is currently the one in charge of answering emails-- which he does daily-- so I asked him what the heck is going on. He was just as surprised as I was, but he knew what had happened.

In the past, we had been using our gmail account to answer emails. It had become so inundated with spam from e-cig manufacturers that Jaaxx set up a Thunderbird account with a filter so that we would receive only customer emails, filtering out the spam. Evidently, there was a problem with the setup. We were clearly NOT receiving all of our customer emails, and he was totally unaware of that fact until I received the post here on ECF.

My deepest apologies to anyone who tried to contact us only to be ignored. We would never do this on purpose-- that is not how we do business. We appreciate every one of our customers and make every effort to provide the best service and products possible. We are in the process of going through our gmail account and catching up on any missed messages.
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