Please help me decide.. to switch or not

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Full Member
Apr 8, 2014
Houston, TX
Hey guys,

I have been vaping for almost 4 years and went through the typical progression on hardware and juice. About 2 years ago, I settled down on the Subbox Mini mod and tank. It was (and I think still is) everything I need as a vaper. I don't cloud chase, I don't experiment with new flavors, I just vape (and enjoy it) as an alternative to analogs.

I diy my juice and I build my own coils using the Subbox mini RTA. I vape 1.1-1.2 ohm kanthal coils, Japanese organic cotton, at about 15.0-15.3 watts. I have 2 Subbox minis in which I keep two different flavor juices that I alternate during the day. Every evening, I re-wick my coil, and I'm good for another day. I build a new coil every 2 weeks. I found that these schedules provide me the most satisfying vape experience.

My dilemma is that the actual hardware I am using is starting to get old. The paint has well worn off in many areas, the threads are getting worn, the battery compartment has a couple cracks in the plastic from inadvertent drops over 2 years, the magnets are getting weak, etc. I need to get new hardware.

My question is, since I'm happy with my current hardware, and since I know all the idiosyncrasies of the Subbox Mini, since I have learned how to properly wick, etc, should I just stick with the same? Or am I missing out on something that's going to be much much better? If so, what do you recommend? Or is there something that will offer a similar experience to my subbox, but is more durable, cheaper, etc?

I appreciate your thoughts.
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Ultra Member
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Mar 6, 2013
You may want to get a new mod since technology there will probably get you more for less cash. As for a tank, if yours is working, you should be ok sticking with it because you build your own coils and not dependent on factory coils where you are at the mercy of discontinuation. You can get a decent new mod for about 40-50.
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ECF Guru
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Aug 19, 2015
My Mountain
I don't see anypoint in looking for a different mod so long as you can replace the one you have.

You have found your happy place, and while there are other devices out there what's the point when your in the right spot for you?

If your equipment needs replaced then just see if you can't still buy what your using and hold off on the chase for another device til you have no choice. .

That is just my opinion. .. good luck.


Vaping Master
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Apr 9, 2013
Houston, TX
There is an old adage "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". That could certainly fit here. You have found something that works for you, is relatively low cost, and easy to for you to work with. On the other hand there is a whole world of new stuff out there and you could easily get lost lost down the rabbit hole and still end up back where you are now. I guess my suggestion is to ask yourself what you want. Do you want to continue enjoying the same experience or do you want to look for new experiences? Notice I said new, they may not necessarily be better. It's a gamble.


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Jun 30, 2014
Ocean City, MD

I bet you still got more paint than my Black Kbox :lol:

I bought mine June 2015, it was the original batch that had a "little" problem with the paint. Since then, I've had 5 other box mods fail... an Evic VTC, 3 Evic VT-Mini's, and an Eleaf 50W (which died more gracefully than many others). And through all that time this single Kbox has just chugged along, and it's been my every day and out in the wild vape. Although I've had my share of drops I haven't had any issues with the battery compartment. I'm also surprised your magnets are weaker... wonder if maybe you have old juice buildup covering the magnets?

Anyway, it is still going strong and has never even needed a reboot. Never failed me. I put a priority on reliability and own a fair collection of Provaris, including their Radius box mod. Although the Provaris are probably better built (and none have failed me) I like the ergonomics and package size of the Kbox far better. It just fits perfectly in my hand, with nicely rounded corners. Especially the magnetic door which they did so much better than the VTC Mini (because both of mine that survived infant death have loose magnets now, when they decide they will fire, which is about once a year).

I just bought a Pico because I want to play around with TC. But I also want to buy one or two Kbox Mini's to back up this one because it is the only low priced mod that I have been successful with over the long haul. I'm glad the original Kbox is still available. Usually a successful model is quickly replaced with something inferior but with more bling.

I rarely vape over 30W, and have never owned anything (edit: over 50W) that went higher because a) I'd rather carry a second battery or two in a protective case than have to heft it in my hand all day and b) I think the 50W max on this device is as much as anyone should really put through a single 18650. I'm more conservative than most people on this matter, though. I think 70W may be "safe" depending on how you view things but I think it unnecessarily pushes the envelope on an 18650. And I respect Kanger for sticking with this 50W limit in the face of the market's "More Power" obsession.

As you can see, I prefer dripping. I did use the STMs with the RBA deck for some time. I own at least 3 (some others are PIF'd or lent out, I like to set up new vaper friends with that tank). It's a good tank. I really like the removable RBA deck because I have spares that I keep ready to go, sort of like popping a new factory coil out of the pack. I think I could improve on it but I really don't want to spend $500 or more, searching for a better tank that leaks less, and etc. Part of the reason I drip.

If I were you, considering our vaping styles are very similar (at least in what we need from our mods) I would salt away a couple or three for the future, and I guess retire yours, given the issues you have with it. But that's just me, and I try hard to keep this from becoming an overly expensive hobby.

How do you improve the Kbox?
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Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
I have found that sometimes I really enjoy a new setup, sometimes I really dislike it. Either choice you make will have advantages and disadvantages, though I usually enjoy a new setup every once in a while, it's fun to experience new things. If you could afford it, maybe a replacement for your current mod (it should be able to be found fairly inexpensively by now) just in case yours dies, and maybe trying something else that is fairly inexpensive, and has been around a while but maybe offers more features than what you have. Best of luck,



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 22, 2013
I've found a need to upgrade from time to time simply as a reward for my continued vaping and to give me something new to build until perfected (I enjoy the process of rebuilding). It helps me maintain interest in the hobbyist side of vaping, which in turn has helped me stick to it.

If that isn't there for you, then I'd say you made the right choice to just stick with what's working. The idea that newer gear will get you more for less is doubly fallacious since it would still be new expense no matter the perceived value, and more absolutely does not mean better. There are always new threads from users much like yourself who come home with a new kit that utterly misaligns with their established vape style.

That said, since it has been a while and the vape landscape has changed so much, you'd be wise to start prepping for a suitable replacement down the road. Tanks in particular can get tricky to navigate nowadays if you aren't looking to hurl out 1/2ml of juice per draw. Lots of folks here to help with that when the time comes though.
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