Planning to get a Mechanical Mod and have some questions

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Full Member
Jan 13, 2014

I am planning to buy my first mechanical mod and I was wondering what should I look for in a mechanical mod? Can I use protected batteries in a mech mod (I don't want to worry about blowing up the battery or anything when charging over night and using)? As well as could I use a regular clearomizer on the mechanical mod when I don't want to drip?


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Jan 12, 2010
Washington, DC area
No, you absolutely do NOT want use protected batteries on a mechanical mod. Protected batteries use ICR chemistry - these are the ones that have a tendency to explode under high stress, and they don't have the amperage range to be able to handle a mech setup safely. What you want is IMR batteries - also known as "high drain" or "safer chemistry." These batteries can still vent hot gases and cause problems if they're used improperly, but they're much safer than the ICR type.

The best batteries to use in your mech are probably the Sony US18650VTC5 batteries, often referred to as the VTC5 for short. They can handle just about anything you can throw at them.

Additionally, with any batteries we use for vaping, it is a bad idea to charge overnight or unattended. Overcharging a battery above the 4.2v they're built for is one of those "high stress" or "improper use" situations I mentioned above where bad things happen. Most good chargers have a protective circuit designed to keep that from happening, but some of them are pretty crappy and you don't want a situation where it fails.

Yes, using a regular clearomizer on a mech shouldn't be a problem. With 2 ohm coils and a fresh battery, you're running about 9 watts, which is a little hot for clearos and may burn your juice, but if you get the replacement coils that are over 2 ohms, you should be fine.
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Full Member
Jan 19, 2014
Twin Cities MN
First mechanical mod = ease of use and "decent" voltage drop numbers

I'd suggest a Cronus maybe a nice mod for you. A launcher V2 is also nice and relatively on the cheap side.

Telescoping mods generally require less fiddling to size properly

Voltage drop numbers on "most" mods are acceptable "these days".

Everything everybody said about batteries is worth paying attention to: If you want to feel a bit safer, use a kick/kick2 to give you short circuit protection

Mods generally have 2 things that make then easier or harder to use: how do you size the tube to fit the battery, how do you adjust the atomizer pin to fit and allow flush mounting (if possible)

The rest is a lot of personal taste tempered with a bit of "is this mod somehow ridiculously terrible compared to the rest on the market".

Hope that helps,
Happy Vaping


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 7, 2014
^ everything novamatt just said, you also want to get a volt meter to check your batteries, an ohm meter if you plan on building your own coils or moving to a RBA or RDA. Take some time to learn about ohms law.

I saw a guy how just started vaping about a month ago bragging to a friend about his .5ohm coil in his nemesis mod.. Then saw him go to change the battery.. With a pink ICR 18650.. He didnt even know what a ICR or IMR battery was... Gave him a through chewing out before leaving... We have enough to worry about with the FDA, we don't need people blowing their faces off because they did not take the time to learn how to use things safely (not directed to OP, just in general to everyone)
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