~*PIF Love Contest*~

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ECF Guru
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Oct 7, 2009
Mountain Cave
Lost your faith in the human species? That would be me for various reasons and from what I gather some of you as well.

One night I saw Clumsy's PIF contest. And it amazed me that someone would do that and it made me feel good knowing there was somebody that kind out there. That led to the PIF forum and from there it isn't any one moment, it is PIF as a whole.

It's hard to explain. How do I explain that seeing complete strangers give and give without wanting anything in return has given me some of my faith back?

I haven't participated much as I don't really have anything other than juice to give. I have tried to help with juice where I can and I have been helped. Quietly, behind the scenes.

But, and this may be the most important of all. I think PIF has probably made better people out of all of us. Better people in the "real" world. We see the unconditional giving done time after time amongst computer strangers although we start thinking of each other as friends. I think it rubs off to where we start being a little kinder, a little more compassionate, a little more aware to those we meet in "real" life.

Not by choice, I work part time in an appliance store (yeah I know....woo-hoo) and an older woman came in yesterday to look at a used refrigerator that she said she had talked to Chris about that morning. When she was told the price was $200.00 by him I could see she was distressed. She said she didn't think she could afford that amount and I watched her trying to figure out how she could possibly pay that. Then he told her it would be another $50.00 for delivery. Well, that ended it right there. There was no way she could pay $250.00. I won't tell you how ...... off I am at him. Anyway, when she turned to leave, I saw her face and saw such sadness and despair and I felt helpless. It bothered me all night. And then I thought about the fact that I was working a few extra hours today and have to work tomorrow morning and instead of paying me, he could reduce the cost of the frig for her. I admit I selfishly went back and forth on that one because I need the extra myself but I kept seeing her misery. Thanks everyone for chipping away at that wall around my heart. ;)

So I go in this morning and after I am done with the work I needed to do I went through the calls that came in yesterday and wrote down all the numbers that I knew weren't service calls. I called a friend to see if she could think of anyone with a pickup truck so we could deliver it which would reduce it more. No luck there and unfortunately no luck in finding her yet. I will try again tomorrow though.

So here is the point of that whole rambling mess.

Before PIF (even with it's flaws) showed me that maybe the world isn't quite as cold as I thought, would I have even paid attention?

So again, it isn't just one or two moments, it is the entire meaning of it. All of it.

Just wish me luck in finding her.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 11, 2010
Escanaba, Michigan, a Yooper!
Skydragon, I DO wish you luck in finding her....you ROCK!!

I had another "nice" moment the other day to add to my ever-growing list of nice little things people do. I had posted in the swaps section that I had a ton of menthol and would like to trade for anything butterscotch or butter rum. I was happy when somebody sent me a pm saying they had some to give me. But did they want the menthol for themselves? Nope! They wanted to give me butterscotch so that I could send menthol to somebody else. Just another sweetheart going out of her way to get something for somebody other than themselves. I was happy to oblige and send a nice little sampler of different menthol brands to her person of choice. Cuz that's how people roll here! Dang, I do love this place!


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Feb 11, 2010
My favorite PIF moment...........
I was shell shocked at finding out that all of my worldly possessions had been taken, including my cherished e-cig stash.
I was moved to tears to see how many members rushed to help - not so much in the material but in the good wishes. It gave me comfort and a new found peace to see that although there are a lot of mean ppl out there, the caring ppl in PIF way outnumber the meanies.

Hugs to all:wub:


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 23, 2010
There was a lady here on PIF , Heather, who had some 510s she wasn't useing. I asked for one for my cousin, because he tried mine and liked it, but I didn't have any extras to give him. So she sent me one kit for him. He has now starting to use his new e-cig along with a lot of juice I got in PIF.

It's still early, but I'm hoping it will work for him.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 21, 2010
Ok, Here goes the story of a PIF....

Once, when I was still married, my wife, kids and I went to a local restaurant for dinner. Times were tight but we still tried to go out as a family once a month. Well, we had our meal and time had come to pay the bill..... imagine my surprise when the waitress tells me that a gentleman had already paid for our meal. He had told the waitress that he could remember the time when he was young and had a family to support.

That meal is one that I will never forget, and to pass on what he did, I have done the same to others since that time.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 23, 2010
OK. So I was at the post office (mailing out a PIF) and ran into Levy from xtreme vaping. He was showing me his PVs and the postal worker, miss Linda my neighbor, asked what it was, so he showed her.
She said that she was looking to get an e-cig and he told her all she had to do was ask.
I guess he took her one of his spares, because she was driving down the road and waved her PV at me and smiled yesterday.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 18, 2010
Florida, US
I wasn't going to post my story as 1) it's pathetic and 2) i didn't want to post mine and having it look like the only reason i was here was for free stuff (the contest came not long at all after my first pathetic post in this group)

A bit of background (so the story makes sense)

I came back to the states from an apparently failed marriage (though we're separated right now,) w/ 2 bags to my name (as i shed stuff to go move there.) It was my best friend since i knew from middle school who's been putting me up (otherwise I'd be homeless to boot.)

The story

My friend's job's insurance company is 1 of those that decided to give a huge rate hike to (or cancel) policies belonging to smokers. My friend has 2 kids and 1 on the way so he couldn't afford a hike nor a cancellation at all. He tried the patches and they weren't doing anything except leaving sticky snail trails on him as they slid while he worked. One day he asks me what I know about "those electronic cigarette things" I told him i didn't so since i'm the best he knows w/ a computer he asked me to see what I can find on them.

I searched and came across a myriad of those "free trial" offers. and knowing that most things that there's ALWAYS a catch - continued doing more research. Then first I found AquaVapor and ECF. I read about the trial offer scams. I read about how many different models there were, then i read about smoking in public. I learned about how easily u could hide it, about people vaping on airplanes (which REALLY got my attention as it could have saved my standoff at 40k feet about my Kodiac pouches since i OBVIOUSLY couldn't smoke during my 11 hr flight.)

The more I read the more interested i got , between it being cheaper, and being able to use it whenever i wanted (even if i had to hide it - because i could in fact hide it) I didn't even really intend to stop smoking. So I told my firend that I'd try 1 as a guinea pig and traded some extra EBT for the money. My 901 came and I Liked it. well a week or so later i'd used all my prefilled carts and was into the free bottle I got - still reading the massive amount of content on ECF when i found PIF.

Now my starter kit came w/ a cheap case, a usb charger 1 atty and 1 battery (though i had the presence of mind to order a 2nd battery w/ it) 5 prefilled carts and 1 15ml bottle of e-liquid I was afraid to clean my atty or do ANYTHING other than turn it upside down over night because if i broke it that'd b it for me until I could get some more money. and I was starting to dip into my juice and I found the wants and needs thread. I wasn't expecting much and I listed it as a want because the world I knew at best i'd owe someone something because nothing in the world came for free, and it's no1 else's job to support the things i do. I was obviously overblown from the generosity I found here, I recieved juice and atties (not 1 but 3 - 1 from 1 person and 2 more from another!!!) and then people accepted PIFs for me because I didn't have anything to offer so obviously couldn't accept. and for like the next 2 weeks my mailbox had something new in it every day!!!. but it was the generosity and kindness and unassuming nature of the people here that got me - i ran out of tears a long time ago or i'd have cried.
this group is simply amazing - and while i'm still in my pathetic place i'm slowly helping out where and how i can and hellping people in my area learn about e-cigs and helping them get started w/ my PIFs etc. and brought 2 ppl here already and possibly more down the road. because the generosity and kindness and ...and... wonderfulness just NEEDS to be experienced w/ the rest of the world as cold, hard, mean and unforgiving as it is. THIS place should be a must for EVERYBODY!!!


ECF Guru
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Oct 7, 2009
Mountain Cave
A friend of mine knew of a gentleman who had to have his house painted or he would lose his insurance on it (I know, how stupid) but he certainly couldn't do it and he couldn't afford to have it done. It was one of these huge old houses with the really high up gables. So, one weekend my friend, my roommate and myself headed over there with an extremely tall ladder, gallons of paint and a safety net. Not really with the safety net. :D

It took us awhile to get it all done but seeing the smile on his face was well worth the near death experience.

And, he didn't lose his house insurance.


Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Jan 24, 2010
S.E. Michigan
Lost your faith in the human species? That would be me for various reasons and from what I gather some of you as well.

One night I saw Clumsy's PIF contest. And it amazed me that someone would do that and it made me feel good knowing there was somebody that kind out there. That led to the PIF forum and from there it isn't any one moment, it is PIF as a whole.

It's hard to explain. How do I explain that seeing complete strangers give and give without wanting anything in return has given me some of my faith back?

I haven't participated much as I don't really have anything other than juice to give. I have tried to help with juice where I can and I have been helped. Quietly, behind the scenes.

But, and this may be the most important of all. I think PIF has probably made better people out of all of us. Better people in the "real" world. We see the unconditional giving done time after time amongst computer strangers although we start thinking of each other as friends. I think it rubs off to where we start being a little kinder, a little more compassionate, a little more aware to those we meet in "real" life.

Not by choice, I work part time in an appliance store (yeah I know....woo-hoo) and an older woman came in yesterday to look at a used refrigerator that she said she had talked to Chris about that morning. When she was told the price was $200.00 by him I could see she was distressed. She said she didn't think she could afford that amount and I watched her trying to figure out how she could possibly pay that. Then he told her it would be another $50.00 for delivery. Well, that ended it right there. There was no way she could pay $250.00. I won't tell you how ...... off I am at him. Anyway, when she turned to leave, I saw her face and saw such sadness and despair and I felt helpless. It bothered me all night. And then I thought about the fact that I was working a few extra hours today and have to work tomorrow morning and instead of paying me, he could reduce the cost of the frig for her. I admit I selfishly went back and forth on that one because I need the extra myself but I kept seeing her misery. Thanks everyone for chipping away at that wall around my heart. ;)

So I go in this morning and after I am done with the work I needed to do I went through the calls that came in yesterday and wrote down all the numbers that I knew weren't service calls. I called a friend to see if she could think of anyone with a pickup truck so we could deliver it which would reduce it more. No luck there and unfortunately no luck in finding her yet. I will try again tomorrow though.

So here is the point of that whole rambling mess.

Before PIF (even with it's flaws) showed me that maybe the world isn't quite as cold as I thought, would I have even paid attention?

So again, it isn't just one or two moments, it is the entire meaning of it. All of it.

Just wish me luck in finding her.

That is a wonderful story. Please find her! She will NEVER forget it and neither will your boss. Maybe it will rub off. Good luck.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Oct 7, 2009
Mountain Cave
That is a wonderful story. Please find her! She will NEVER forget it and neither will your boss. Maybe it will rub off. Good luck.

Hi pm,

Unfortunately I haven't found her. I even figured out whose truck we could use to deliver it but I have called every number and none of them were her. My only hope is that she is one of two that I didn't get an answer from. But I left messages yesterday and today with no response so I'm thinking not. I already know Chris doesn't know her name as I asked him on Thurs. Chris isn't actually my boss. I technically work for his brother Clint who does the service work. Clint would have made sure she got the frig. And it is so damn typical of Chris to not even get a name. Argggg, I'm still so angry and disappointed with him.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 11, 2010
Escanaba, Michigan, a Yooper!
I called the circuit court to talk to the clerk one afternoon, and I was told that Brenda was out on her cigarette break. I decided right then that she was the next person I would be switching over to vaping. I called her and told her to stop by the office on her way home. After she came in, I told her all about the e-cigs and had her try mine. I knew that strictlyejuice had 901 kits on special for only $27. She said she would order over the weekend. Well, 2 weeks later and she still hadn't done it! I was getting so frustrated. She didn't have time, didn't understand about the flavors, etc. Finally, she had me order it for her but was unsure what kind of juice to get. So I placed the order and didn't order her any juices. When she comes to pick up her kit, she's going to discover that she didn't need to worry about ordering juice, because I have an entire "care package of flavors" all packaged up and ready to go. I've also already printed out a list of all of my favorite websites, with ECF right at the top of that list (of course). I don't think she spends much time on the internet, so I have a feeling I'll be answering a lot of questions over the next week or so!


PV Master
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Verified Member
Mar 23, 2010
Homeish now
Kinda a PIF Sea story!
When I was 18 and in the Navy...I had an Old government pickup truck I got from an auction. Beat up, old but I got her for Cheap! plus she was fun to drive :)
While driving from NJ to VA to visit a BF...the alternator died half way there :(
It was three days before payday and of course I'm basically broke...had like 50.
Oh and there goes the phone :facepalm:
Stall on the side of the road...well an old man came by jumped the truck and got it running again.....made it another 20 miles down the road before dying again...and then a young couple came jumped the truck....another 20 miles down the road.
This continued over and over again, 18 people stopped, risking themselves and jumped my truck...and I'd make it a little further down the road.
Around 1:30 in the morning I'm still two hours(normal driving) away...I see a sign for an army base. Civies might not know this but most military bases have hotels rooms for cheap...and beds in shared rooms for rent for even cheaper like 7.00 a night.
So the truck breaks down again just outside the army base...walk into it and up to the hotel.
I'm told they are totally full up. I'd have to go to a regular one...that isnt going to happen. The army guy, Chris running the hotel, tells me I can use his room. He wont be sleeping in it anyway.
So ya I get some sleep, him and his GF take me...and the truck. To one of his friends the next morning, who puts a new alternator in it. Who argued with me about letting me pay for it (I did send him a check after pay day)

I had like 25 people stop and help me out....there is Plenty of good in the world.


ECF Guru
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Oct 7, 2009
Mountain Cave
I would rather talk about what others do as opposed to things that I do so I will tell you about one of my friends.

She is a principle and has some very sad stories to tell. She is constantly buying things for children who don't have much. But her biggest gift to these children is a hug. As I said, she has some very sad stories and you wouldn't believe how very little affection some of these children get. Their parents are too busy sitting in a bar or whatever. Anyway, even though she knows this could get her in trouble and possibly lose her job at some point because of it, (since you have to be so careful nowadays) she says she will never stop giving a child a hug as sometimes that is all they get.

So in my opinion, she is paying it forward by showing a child that there is love and affection in this world and that makes such a difference in how a child will grow.
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