Philly area newb saying 'Hi' and a plug for Vapor Phoxxe

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I just joined the forum, which I stumbled upon from ADVRider (adventure motorcycling). Many folks there, like myself, have an interest in dumping analog smokes in favor of vaping. Glad that I found you people!

Vapor Phoxxe, as some of you may know, is a brick-and-mortar ecig retailer, one of just two in the Philadelphia area. It's located at the "263 Market", an indoor bazaar on Route 263 in Warminster, PA.

I made a special trek there today, because I seriously wanted to explore vaping but the selections available on the Interenet are just too overwhelming! I spent about 45 minutes with Alan, who showed and let me test different set ups, had me try different juices, and answered all my questions about vaping. After I described what I was looking for (based on the limited research from here and ADVRider), he set me up with a good 510 starter kit and 2 extra bottles of juice. He even charged the 2 batteries while demonstrating the proper start-up and routine care of the units (priming, cleaning and battery care).

So now I'm home and still feel awkward in my attempt to get into vaping. I suppose it will come eventually, but for now I'm just glad I have something that can maybe cut my ties to analog smokes after countless years.

BTW "rikki tikki tavi" comes from an old Donovan song (described as "hippie ....." in a google search), but I like the tune and it's one I can play (and Donovan kicked azz).


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Oct 7, 2011
PH-Illadelph-IA, PA
I live pretty close to Vaporphoxxe. What area do pu live in?While its alittle pricey, Alan is a super nice guy and since it's one of the only brick and mortar shops around I dont mind. Personally I don't like TW stuff, but it is nice to be able to go to a place and grab something of your in a bind. And I like giving a local place business

Goodluck with everything!
Well you're correct orkira, the character comes from a story of which Donovan adapted into song, changing the original role of the mongoose as the dutiful hero to instead depicting the mongoose as a lost service, and now he must take matters into his own hands.

But anyhow, thanks for the reply and hope to see you on the forum!
hey 'mynameisrob', I've seen several of your posts and want to thank you for steering me in the right direction, even though you may not have known it!

I'm in Marple Township, Delaware County. It was a little trek to get to Vapor Foxxe but I needed to ride today anyhow, so it was a good destination.

I'll live and learn with this setup (Totally Wicked 'Tornado Tank'). The main thing was getting some hands-on time so that I could see and feel various ecigs and get some good advice while there. It worked out as far as that goes!


Ultra Member
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Oct 7, 2011
PH-Illadelph-IA, PA
Ha in glad I could help! I know exactly where that is
I think you'll be happy with the tornado to get you started.
I've never used it but I know some say that tank gives kinda a burnt taste and dulls flavors.

Even if it didn't I'd recommend getting some cartos anyway.
A lot of people like cartos and they are easy to use.
What battery do you have? Is it a small ecig? Or a bigger battery one(450mah+)
If its smaller, get some 2.5-3.0ohm cartos.
If its a bigger battery you can get lower resistance cartos. They will give a warmer vape and more throat hit. Many people really like LR cartos. If its a small battery ecig, don't use LR cartos, you'll ruin the battery.
Hope this helps!
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