PG/VG Ratios.. Can you help a newbie out?

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Jan 10, 2012
Poconos, PA
Good evening folks.

I am sorry to start posting stupid questions already..
( I did do a search for PG/VG, PG/VG Ratios.. with no results returned)

I understand the PG/VG ratio and the ingredient concept, But what do each of these do for the end result?

Is one smoother? harsher? personal preference? burns cleaner? tastes different?

In looking into some of the recommended sites within the newb forum, I see many offer a ratio selection of PG/VG, along with a nicotine MG selection. Then a flavor..

It seems that most offer a 70PG/30VG base? and others allow you to pick a PG/VG range.. 70/30, 80/20 and so on.

What helped you make the ratio selection that you enjoy?

Thank you very much :)

- Vin


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Jan 3, 2011
Lone Star State
Let me nutshell this real quick. PG carries flavor better and creates more of a throat hit than VG, but produces less vapor than VG. On the flip side VG does not carry the flavor as well as PG, but produces more vapor. I use a 50/50 mix which for me is a perfect balance for flavor, throat hit, and vapor. Some people have physical reactions to PG, and some have physical reactions to VG. YMMV. Hope this helps.


Vaping Master
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Aug 27, 2011
Philadelphia Burbs
+1 on the high PG ratio. VG is also very thick - vaping in a carto or tank becomes kinda complicated whereas the PG/VG works well dripping and also in a carto. There are some all VG juices that I love but I only use them w/ an atty. You can also use PG to thin liquids down if you get a high VG ratio and don't like it but it can affect flavor.


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pg - strengthens flavors, helps with TH, can be irritating to some people
vg - vapor producer but can mute flavorings
nic - throat hit

I prefer to use 90pg/10vg, 80pg/20vg, or 70pg/30vg...if it doesn't have enough flavor due to being high on the vg side, I won't vape it. I don't care much about TH..just give me flavor and lots of it.


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Oct 7, 2011
New York
The above responses are correct, but there are more factors to consider as well ...

100% VG is very thick, and even when mixed with up to 50% PG, it is still quite thick. This is a consideration if you plan on using any cartomizer containing a filler material. High VG juices are either very slow to absorb into the carto, or don't absorb at all. High VG content is best for direct dripping and will work better in clearomizer (no filling) type of cartomizers.

Not only do higher VG juices produce more vapor, the vapor itself is thicker, smoother, very billowy (which is why TH is reduced, and flavors mellow out), but I find these qualities very pleasant. A lot of vapers prefer 100% VG and I can understand why. If it were not for its very viscous consistency and the fact the I use cartos 90% of the time, then I would use 100% VG. I don't go over 40-50% VG for cartos, and I would say 30% VG is ideal in this case ... when I do drip 100% VG its very, very, very nice :D

PG is very thin in consistency, produces a less dense vapor, and while it is technically a " stronger" flavor carrier, I would not always say that it yields the best flavor ... sometimes naturally strong flavorants produce a harsh tasting result in high PG juices, which does not equal better. In these cases, a higher VG content actually yields the best flavor result ... same thing for TH.

IMO stronger TH can be harsh, so again that doesn't necessarily equal better in my book. I can't stand harsh TH, its not enjoyable to me.

I DIY ejuice, so I have a pretty good feel for how each acts/performs, and like every other vaper you will have to try different % to figure out what works best for you. In the beginning, a higher PG content may also make up for the decreased sense of taste that many smokers have, even if they don't realize it.... Try 80/20 PG/VG and go from there.


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Nov 22, 2011
Northern VA
Some flavors work better with different percentages. It's all a big learning experience and that's part of the fun with our little hobby we have here.

Personally, I ALWAYS start with a 80/20 PG/VG mix and that works great the majority of the time, but some flavors just need more VG and you'll learn that as you go. Anyone who uses an eGo-T should be careful using high VG juice as well because the juice becomes so thick it just slays your attys.


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Oct 31, 2010
PG is thin and lets through the most flavor, the most nicotine hit and irritation, and makes thin looking vapor
VG is thick (too thick alone for many popular vaping methods), dulls everything PG lets through, makes thicker vapor
Most people use blends and your vaping method may decide what ratios will work easily for you

Normal atomizer - any PG/VG as long as it flows at least as fast as you vape it
Tank atomizer and tanks - generally works best with 30% VG or less, 100% PG may leak more easily
Clear cartos with wicks - similar to tank atomizers
Stuffing cartomizers - 30% or less works pretty easily, I find 20% or less VG gives me longer carto life
Carto tanks - varies depending on size/number of holes in the side of the carto

Also it's good to know that a high VG juice from one vendor and one from another may be totally different thicknesses because some vendors thin their VG with distilled water (up to 20% but more commonly up to 10%). So if somebody says they use something with a particular PG/VG, finding out the juice brand may be important.


Full Member
Jan 10, 2012
Just my 2 cents, but from my experience, VG tends to make the juice taste a little more sweeter somehow? Not sure if it's just me or not. I've also like nearly straight PG for a lot of reasons, but one is that it doesn't create as much smoke. (I've got small kids and I kinda hide out in my man-cave so I don't have to explain it all. Having a them walk in on a room full of smoke makes that a little harder to hide. :vapor::D)


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
What helped you make the ratio selection that you enjoy?
If you click on the link provided in my signature you will see many informative polls.

One of them is the PG/VG percentage that people prefer.
And hopefully, the discussion within said thread is worth the reading.

And feel free to check out any of the other polls linked to in my signature.
They can help answer a surprising range of newbie questions.


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Dec 16, 2011
Maryland, USA
I have been wanting to know this myself for awhile VinPuff68, thanks for asking. I think I will try some 70/30 and 60/40 next, all I have had so far is 80/20 blends. I really would like to get to the point of making my own juices sometime soon.

Thanks everyone for the answers and DC2 I appreciate the link, I will be reading those next.
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