PG/VG ratio?

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Ok thanks guys. I just ordered 50/50 and one little bottle of 70/30. Im using a kanger evod, its the starter kit, $35 set up. Fuixing to go to the local vape shop and pick up a mini nautilus and an istick....trying not to get carried away, but it feels good to have the power not to need cigarettes!

There's nothing wrong with your evod and will make an outstanding back up / stealth vape setup.

The Nautilus/iStick combo is about as good as it gets without sub-ohming (SubTank or Atlantis) or getting into rebuilding.

Unlike the Evod, which likes 50/50 and 60/40 (and some 70/30) Juices, the Nautilus (get the BVC coils and thank me later) can run nearly any VG/PG my brother and I have put through it. 90 & 95% VG have worked well. You just have to bump the wattage down a bit, and be sure to propperly prime the coil (look at bottom coil tank question thread) and its all good.


This is applicable to all replacable coil systems.

Originally Posted by Allison Ingram

Hiya, how often do I need to change the coil bit at the bottom of my evod 2? I got 5 with the pack I bought but have been using this one for 6 days x


There are several things that can lead to needing to change the coil. This basicaly happens when you start losing vapor production, get an earthy taste, and/or see a bunch really dark swirls in the liquid in your tank. Sometimes, especially in larger tanks, the entire bottom of the juice window can have a brown/blackish colored juice in it. Some jooses will do the discoloration thing right away and still be fine though. This is simply caramelized sweetener, or oxidation of one of the ingredients. I used evods and protank 2's for the better part of a year.

Different things also contribute to the rate at which you can burn through your coils. Generally the higher the 1) voltage/wattage, 2) VG, 3) sweetener, 4) rate in which you consume your e-Juice, and the lesser the airflow (as in a tight draw like the stock hole in your evod) can decrease the life of your coil.

Depending on these factors, I've seen people have their coils last over 2 weeks...and others burn theirs out in a day or two...

One thing to remember when changing the coil, that is an absolute must, is to PRIME THE COIL. To do this, after you've refilled the tank, removed the old coil, installed the new one, and reassembled the tank, either let it sit for 5-15 minutes (depends on the thickness of your Joose, thicker = longer) -OR- you can take a few full rips on it WITHOUT pressing the fire button looking for some bubbles. This draws or soaks the joose into your wicking material inside your coils. Failure to do so will result in a horrible taste, horrendous dry hit, and in all likelyhood you'll melt the wire of the coil because theres no liquid to cool the hot, glowing, firing coils. A.K.A. "popping the coil"

Vape on!
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