Pfizer caught covering up chantix deaths.

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 30, 2011
Right Over Here
Well, I don't know you yet bmwjen, but I'm glad you're not dead yet too. I never tried zyban or chantix because I tend to have side effects in any "new" drugs. I can do pencillian, but "fancy "antibiotics do me in. I had awful nightmares on the patch though, that made me feel nuts enough! Thank god for PV's! I'm glad this thread was here though, sometime I think I'm paranoid about pharma and the government- at least you guys reassured me I'm not alone in those thoughts.
What really upsets me is the fact that Pfizer does this because they know they can get away with it long enough to continue selling drugs even after they've been proven to be dangerous and ineffective for their intended use long enough to remain profitable without being held responsible for their "unintended" consequences.


Vaping Master
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
Thank you for posting this!
MDs are required to report ALL negative reactions.........but they just don't. I've seen people admitted to psychiatric hospitals d/t chantix induced psychosis.

I've gone both the zyban & chantix thing twice.....I wasn't successful at quitting with either of these drugs. I didn't experience any negative side effects. I'm glad i'm not dead though.

So your treatments were successful! There will be a new option any day now, I know. Every time I failed on one, they marketed a NEW, MUCH BETTER ONE. Remember, they tell you NEVER quit trying and they'll be there to lent a helping hand or with their hand out, can't remember which.

Oh 36tinybells, you are paranoid, but they have pills for that too.
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Quantum Vapyre
ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2009
What really upsets me is the fact that Pfizer does this because they know they can get away with it long enough to continue selling drugs even after they've been proven to be dangerous and ineffective for their intended use long enough to remain profitable without being held responsible for their "unintended" consequences.

"unintended". Exactly. Very well said, Thulium. The rabbit hole goes very very deep indeed.
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