Personal message about Wordup

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Moved On
ECF Veteran
Aug 27, 2010
Chicago IL
Tomorrow is my 1 year smoke-free anniversary. I started with a Blu but knew within a couple of weeks that I needed more so on Labor Day 2010 I discovered wordup and called them expecting to leave a message that would be answered the following day. 10 minutes later my cell phone rings and it was Jeffery. I was a bit surprised to say the least. After asking me about my smoking habits, how long etc. he suggested the 520 pcc kit. Perfect. Since I had the web site up I started asking about getting this, and getting that you know the feeling. Jeff stopped me and explained that he would be happy to sell me all those things but it wouldn't help me now. He advised to order what I needed to start and to choose a flavor that was like what I had smoked. He said it would ease the transition and help me make a successful change. I listened and when my 520 got here I was home free. I refused to smoke with the Blu but didn't want or need to with the 520. I was very impressed with the level of customer service and honesty I encountered with Jeff and Laurin. Any question I had he promptly answered, I had no problems with anything I bought from wordup. I got my first eGo 900mah on 10-31-10 and I was taken to a new level of vaping. Over the past year Jeff and Laurin have been my support system and have become friends. In December Jeff asked me if I would like to join the wordup team, I was touched and honored and since then I have enjoyed being part of a company whose top quality products, ethical business practices, and outstanding customer service give me a great sense of pride. Because of Jeff's advice and suggestions I have joined vaping forums and a vaping club. I have made many new friends and enjoy much better health. I have never been successful at quitting analogs in the past but now I have no desire to ever go back. My world has expanded and life is much more enjoyable. On the eve of one of the most important decisions I have ever made I wanted to share my testimonial and give credit where it is due. Jeff, Laurin, and Wordup have changed my life for the better and I want to publicly thank them from the bottom of my heart. Because of them both myself and my husband are vaping, 2 of my co-workers and many of my clients and family members have made the transition successfully. 1 phone call on a National Holiday has changed many lives for that there are no words to express how grateful I am. Wordup is the place I recommend to everyone and I hope that my story will encourage you to give them a try also. You will not regret it, quality and honesty is alive and well at wordupecig. Happy vaping to all!
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