Pay it forward with snus..

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Ultra Member
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May 15, 2009
Around OKC, OK
I think I tried something similar over 10 years ago. Was this little rectangular packet a little bigger than a chiclet I think (been 10+ years), that had some minty tobacco stuff in it. While you didn't have loose chew all over your mouth, to me it tasted just about the same. Not sure if this is the same stuff or not.


Full Member
May 12, 2011
Phoenix AZ
I appreciate the offer, but I'd rather they go to someone who hasn't tried snus yet. ;)

It's not something I use on a regular basis.

No prob.. I have a special purified type that females tend to like..(assuming from your profile pic).. So let me know if you want me to drop it in the mail for ya..


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Jul 26, 2011
Santa Rosa, CA the North Bay!
So do they have alot of diff flavors? Are they tobacco tasting?? I have been interested in trying some, as of lately all of my flavors of ejuice taste the same, kind of yukky, sweet, actually mentholly and I don't understand why. I am getting frustrated about it and have actually thought about going back to "smoking", so I am struggling with what I should do as my next step. Maybe this is what I need. I would be very interested in trying some.


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May 7, 2011
Tells ya what I know about old movies. I thought it was a black and white picture of a younger Natalie Portman.....

Who's Natalie Portman? :laugh:

I don't want anyone here thinking I'm "old" because I like Hepburn. I'm in my 20s...

I love older movies though. They don't make 'em like they used to...

I also have cola flavored that packs a mean punch...

Wow... That doesn't sound good at all.

John Wayne

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Jul 31, 2011
Who's Natalie Portman? :laugh:

I don't want anyone here thinking I'm "old" because I like Hepburn. I'm in my 20s...

I love older movies though. They don't make 'em like they used to...

Wow... That doesn't sound good at all.

I got this Hitchcock compilation at B&N the other for five bucks, there's like 20 of his movies on it. Pretty awesome.


Vaping Master
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
I think I tried something similar over 10 years ago. Was this little rectangular packet a little bigger than a chiclet I think (been 10+ years), that had some minty tobacco stuff in it. While you didn't have loose chew all over your mouth, to me it tasted just about the same. Not sure if this is the same stuff or not.

Unless they changed their cans allot from 10 years ago, it probably wasn't snus. In fact, unless you got it from Sweden, I'd be surprised that anyone carried it in the US. For some of us, it has been a gift from heaven, In 5 days I'll be drag free of smokes for 1 1/2 years. That from a 2-3 pack a day, 43 year smoker is saying a lot.

Ant, I am so stocked that I'd feel guilty asking, but thanks for the offer. Keep an eye on your thread. I think most of the real regulars will be pretty stocked but it would be good to get some out to those interested.


Full Member
Jun 16, 2011
Basically, the Swedish stuff is time a proven smokeless tobacco that does not cause any real harm. The sweds have studied the crap out of it. Their conclusion? They removed the warning labels from the cans..That's putting it in very simple terms but I hope it gets my point across..

The difference between the Swedish snus and the American snus is quality and safety. The sweds have to use all food grade ingredients and their product is STEAM pasteurized to lower the harmful carcinogens. In Sweden it is used to help people QUIT smoking and not just for times when you can't smoke.

The American brands won't list there ingredients or their manufacturing process. They use tons of sugar(the sweds don't add any) which we all know is not going to be good for a product that sits by your teeth.. Finally, the American brands use a very small amount of free nicotine which is meant to curb your use of cigs but not eliminate it.

The goal with Swedish snus is to give you all the nic you want in a safe delivery vehicle so you can put down the smokes. The benefits of using snus with e-cigs is that it fills that void that is sometimes missing with just an ecig...(MOI's) etc..

Im sorry but I just had to clarify some of this as its not true. FIrst of all the warning labels are still on there, but unlike the cigarette boxes it says that this product MAY cause cancer not that it does and these have to be on there.

Snus is not only there to help people quit smoking, snus has been around as long as smoking tobacco has and people who use often start with snus and only use that, sure some do use snus to quit as its safer and doesnt smell but its far from being a quit smoking product. I myself only used snus for about 5 years and after that I used it for 5 more when I was smoking at the same time and when I started using ecigs I quit both all together. Just quit the snus for the cost.

That the Swedish snus is quality I do agree on :p. Ive tried some american sorts of snus and honestly they dont even compare to me.

And once again, in Sweden snus is not there to be a quit smoking device. If it were I doubt that around 25% of all adult men would use it. People in Sweden use snus the same way other countries that dont have snus use cigarettes.

I dont want to offend any one or something like that just thought I would fill you in on how its used in Sweden :).


Vaping Master
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
gvil, I believe he meant for most of us the goal has/had been to quit smoking and like E Cigarettes, snus may help. Many in the smokeless section of ECF ended up here when we found that E Cigs themselves didn't provide what we needed to completely eliminate cigarettes. For me personally, I could have vaped for ever and never gotten away for the need for a smoke even though I was able to seriously cut back on smoking. The moment I used snus, I had no desire to return to my smoking habit.

One question about Swedish snus users. Generally, what is considered normal daily use? I've found that for me 4-5 portions a day is plenty which converts to a little over a can a week. Compared to the approximately 15 packs a week I was smoking, snus is a bargain.


Full Member
Jun 16, 2011
Thats varies greatly, after 10 years of using it I was up to 1 and half can a day when using portion or 2 cans a day when using the loose kind. Dont think theres a normal usage but if I were to guess Id say most that have used it for a while go through about 1 can a day.

Its not that cheap when you get up to those doses really :p. Dont know how much it costs in the US but if I were to exchange swedish currency for dollars it would cost me about 7,89 per can and lets say I cut back to 1 can a day that equals 55,23 dollars a week, add to that half a pack of cigarettes a day aswell and you have one of the reasons I quit ^^.

Just read it and it sounds like im trying to convince people not to use which isnt true :p. After working a few years I recently began studying at a university and I really dont have that kind of money to spend on whats basically disposable crap but if I wouldnt be studying and still working I dont think I would have quit.
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Full Member
Jun 16, 2011
Its a little like cigarettes, you start out slow, then youre almost chewing and really sucking on the bag which makes you exchange it more often and after that you go up to using 2 bags at once and so on :p. It is safer then smoking but in the EU theyve started comparing it to not using tobacco products at all to make it look worse as (their words) very little is as harmful as smoking.


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Nov 21, 2011
Pennsylvania, USA
Hi antman012, i would very much like to try the swedish snu, i do not know where to get it, could you give me some help. Thank you. also any flavors etc... you may suggest.

Hi Vapeterry...

I was able to quit a 30 year two pack a day cigarette habit with snus! IMO, it's easier to quit smoking with snus because it give you all of the tobacco alkaloids... not just nicotine.

You may what to check out SnusOn Snus Forum & Community - SnusOn... I hang out there and you'll be able to find a ton of info on snus.
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