Panasonic IMR Hybrid and TrustFire TR-001

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Jan 7, 2013
Hey everyone, I have this battery/charger combo and it takes about 24 hours to charge the batteries. doesn't seem right to me? any input would be appreciated.

Im not sure what other info is needed. LED goes red when a battery is inserted and goes green when its done charging, The charger and batteries never get hot or even warm, but roughly 24 hours seems way to long.

Panasonic IMR Hybrid High Drain 18650 2200mah Button Top Li-Ion
Panasonic IMR Hybrid High Drain 18650 2200mah Button Top Li-Ion [gv-PANASONICHybrid18650-BUTTON] - $11.49 :, E-cigarette Supplies - Atomizers Cartomizers Mods Juice and more

[h=3]TrustFire™ TR-001 Multifunctional Charger - CHARCOAL COLOR
TrustFire™ TR-001 Multifunctional Charger - CHARCOAL COLOR [gv-TrustFireCharger-TR-001] - $14.95 :, E-cigarette Supplies - Atomizers Cartomizers Mods Juice and more
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I have no answer for you, but I can say 24 hours is too long. I have the exact same combo of batteries and charger and while I pretty much never completely run my batteries dead, it takes maybe six hours, eight hours max if they are. Then again, mine are the flat top, I wouldn't think that should make a difference though.


ECF Guru
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Mar 17, 2012
Norman, Ok
A 2200mah battery using a 500mA charger... with no loss ( not possible ) would take about 4.4 hrs.... Typical losses will actually be around 20%-40% ... so at 20% it would take about 5.5 hrs... That particular charger is likely to be closer to the 40% loss but that still should give you an idea and the 20% loss was built into the web calculator I used.

Bad equipment ( battery or charger ) aside... Old batteries and batteries that have been "abused" by being discharged or overcharged to far could explain the results... ( overcharging is unlikely with these types of chargers )


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Jan 7, 2013
Thanks for the replies.

Batteries are being used on a Provari, when the low battery light flashes the battery gets replaced, if not sooner, so they have never been below 3.2v. Also, everything is pretty much new, batteries and charger were first used this last Friday and each battery has less than 5 cycles.

I find it more likely that the charger is bad rather than 4 batteries. I think ill chalk this up to more junk made in China. Thats why we purchased Provaris. My wifes spinner died within 3 days. Im done with this crap from China. :glare:

I think its time for a hobby charger and be done with it. Thanks again for the replies.

BTW Even when I charged with a half dead battery it still took well over 12 hours to complete the charge.


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Mar 17, 2012
Norman, Ok
Hobby chargers aren't setup for single cell batteries... but if you are comfortable with making your own harness it can be done.

I wouldn't recommend taking the battery down to when the light flashes... that is considered too low by many even though a lot of companies have their mod's setup that way... I try to not go below 3.4v and I usually don't even take them that low.


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Jan 7, 2013
Yea, I have research to do. Making a harness will be no problem, I deal in wires during the day and RC was a hobby for a few decades so im comfortable with that too. Ill check out the chargers you mentioned, but im seeing decent RC chargers that are more than what i need in the $40 range, some are being used by ECF members, but plug and play is good for the wife, I like to make things as difficult as possible for myself. haha ;) Now the fun part, (more)research!

Ill keep in mind what you said about the voltage, I thought i was good with only going to 3.2v, but im all for making stuff last as long as possible.

Thanks for the input.


ECF Guru
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Mar 17, 2012
Norman, Ok
Just some more info... In the RC hobby concerning LiPo batteries... it is recommended to not use more than 70%-80% of the batteries capacity... 80% of a 4.2v battery is 3.36v hence me quoting the 3.4v value earlier. Note, I just mixed the terms capacity and voltage... since they are directly related, the math works for either.

I started in RC back as a young teen with my Dad, quit at around 20 or so... and then got back into it about 4 yrs ago. I also worked as a cable repair tech for the phone company for a decade before moving into the PC customizing, repair and networksing field which I've now been in for just shy of 30yrs... But I still haven't made an adapter to charge my APV batteries with my 6s 50w RC charger... :D
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