Out of Stock

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Hi Guys ..

Love your customer service, and shipping times are great.

However, seems like just about everything is out of stock, and it's been that way for quite some time. I've held off an order, waiting for stock to come in (to warrant shipping prices) and I'm losing more and more items to out of stock status as time goes by.

Do you have any idea when your major stock items will be in? I hate the idea of having to switch to a different supplier, but I may not have much of a choice. :(

I dont think there going to restock untell they clear out some of there long old back stock they have done this before. I waited three months for them to get the cartos I was using back in stock only to have to change brands in the end .Know Im in the same boat again . they do have great service but most of there stock is sold in the retail store .


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 13, 2009
What makes it bad is I've been buying from them since their start. RY4 is a popular juice, so why not keep that one stocked, order extra? I'm down to my last bottle. Seems like the delay with no RY4 in stock gets longer and longer each time.
Someone told me about a new store on this side of town, I just looked them up on the web and they do carry Dekang juice. I'm a loyal customer, and maybe too loyal, but when I switch I'm gone for good.


Full Member
Dec 24, 2012
charlotte nc
OK folks I might have an answer to your burning questions. madvapes now has two websites, one for wholesellers and madvapes.com (the original site) is for non wholesellers like us... the little guy... lol so give them some time and madvapes.com should be back to normal. The thing is... MV is one of the larger suppliers so when they get stuff in the wholsellers get first dibs then the retail then the online buyers. That being said give it some time and they'll be back to good ole' madvapes... you know the one we grew to love. TAKE CARE


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 8, 2009
Magnolia, TX, USA
It's been going in this direction for a while now. When they first expanded, we all excused it with understanding and "growing pains" excuses. I still love MV when they have stuff in stock, but more often then not, they're out of stock now days.

The owner used to also reply on these forums all the time. Not anymore though. Now, if you want a reply from the company you pretty much have to use the ticket system, not post here.

My suggestion is stay with MV solely if you wish, but if your smart, you will go out and find a few new alternate suppliers. That's what I did. I found a few new ones that look very promising. I have yet to find as good a seller of Dekang juices as MV but I'm still hunting.

I will still buy my juice from MV whenever it is in stock, which is becoming less and less, but now I buy my other stuff from other places.

Did MV start with just online sales? It was good back then, but now that they are selling wholesale and at retail sites, it would seem the internet buyers are on the back burner. (ie not needed anymore)

...just my (somewhat jaded) opinion.


Full Member
Jan 18, 2011
I've had the same problem and came here to see what was up. I've sent to tickets in and got no response. The first ticket I opened resulted in a web page error. The next ticket just never seems to have been addressed. I'm not even sure it went through.

I found the site via feedback here and have spent hundreds of $$ over the past couple years. I found they had Dekang RY4 and fell in love with this particular brand and the price. I was buying only from them. Now, it's been OOS for well over 3 months and inquiries about when it will be back in go unanswered. I've signed up for email alerts on the stock for a couple items and haven't gotten anything that way either.

I'm all for a company branching out to wholesale, but you can't do it at the expense of your entire retail customer base. It doesn't take long for people to become disenfranchised with you and go somewhere else. Customer service and quality of product were the main things that made me a loyal customer. If there's no loyalty in return... I'm gone. Best of luck to you in your new endeavors.
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