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Mr. Tasty Vapor

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
As a vendor, at times I have to scour the web sometimes to get an idea of concerns and I ran across this thread:


I know I'm supposed to be reading some things with a thick skin and be prepared to take some criticism, but I found it really hard to do so with this one.

I guess I should post here. First off, I should apologize, we did have an employee whom we let go recently who was fairlly "sub-par" at mostly everything here. This may be the case with this particular customer.

I do however have to state that we have never steered anybody wrong in terms of things to be aware of with our products. There will never be the tons of shady additives that you'll see listed while reading an ingredient list....Those tongue twisting ingredients that you have NO idea what they are, what they're for and just resolve that it must have a reason for being there and go back to what you're doing.

Preservatives, inhibitors, etc., these things are missing from our liquid. We figured you're getting away from something that has been completely overloaded with chemicals (including 62 known cancer causing chemicals) that your ingredient list needed to be drastically reduced.

The more I studied about nicotine, the more I learned what a quirky little chemical it was. Seems like it reacts with everything. Warmth, sunlight, oxygen. We found that even with precaution with keeping it out of sunlight and keeping it cool, there were STILL flavorings, whose chemical components were notorious for drawing oxygen into the mixture MUCH more rapidly than other flavorings. Caramel IS one of those flavorings. While there is no harm to the liquid, the color change can be alarming, but is really, nothing to be alarmed about.

While this customer is clearly upset about being handed an answer that wasn't convenient for them, it was the truth. And being that I'm a very direct person, I guess this may have been misinterpreted as my being condescending. I've always tried to educate people, so that they know and have information, not so they feel small.

As for nicotine. The difference between pharmaceutical grade and non pharmaceutical grade, is literally a matter of paper. Who has submitted their product for testing and gotten approval. Having or not having paperwork is no testament of quality. The one MAIN pharmaceutical grade nicotine company we were talking to, had a product so insanely overpriced, it wasn't worth ordering as we'd have to figure that cost into our product. They had an MOQ that was three times the quantity than the maximum amount we normally purchase on a bi-weekly basis.

Viewing the flow chart for this product, it was clear that this stuff has changed so many hands, this approval, that approval slapped on it, also bearing in mind each hand it changed, also getting their price tags slapped on it...It's monotony. We have a rapport with the company we're dealing with, we're familiar with their product, the quality and it does work for us.

As for greed, I just have to chuckle. It's a cheap shot to throw in there, it's unsubstantiated. For the labor, the love, the time, it's one of the best prices you'll ever find, worldwide.

I can see someone not liking an answer to a question, or feeling small as the answer they're being given, they don't quite understand, but does it really warrant this?

Come on.
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Bird Brain
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 6, 2009
Wow. I know (and like) at least 2 of the people posting there but sites like that make me very uncomfortable. Because they are collecting only negative reviews, there really is the potential to do harm to a vendor who doesn't deserve it.

No one is going to like all of the liquids (or hardware) from every vendor and no one is going to like the personalities of all of them. But gathering only the negative with no rebuttal makes them look like gospel rather than opinion. It's far better to put these opinions in the review section of a forum where people who have had similar experiences can agree with you and people who have not can disagree. It allows potential customers to decide if something is the norm for that vendor. An isolated incident is quite different from a recurring problem.

And Geoff, you know I love you, but you have a very thin skin. I don't care how you react to people in your personal life, but when people criticize Tasty Vapor or it's owner, you need to resist the urge to insult them in return. Throwing in things like "she probably felt dumb because she didn't understand the explanation" is what gives you the reputation for being condescending. Additionally, it lessens the impact of your well-worded explanation.

Mr. Tasty Vapor

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
And Geoff, you know I love you, but you have a very thin skin. I don't care how you react to people in your personal life, but when people criticize Tasty Vapor or it's owner, you need to resist the urge to insult them in return. Throwing in things like "she probably felt dumb because she didn't understand the explanation" is what gives you the reputation for being condescending. Additionally, it lessens the impact of your well-worded explanation.

Actually, I agree, I am thin-skinned and being that I am a business owner now, it's going to take time and conditioning to get it a little thicker. But I don't recall calling anybody dumb, and I'm not responsible for anyone's perception or INTERPRETATION of what I'm saying. I say things directly, I offer information that would otherwise not be offered, I'm transparent. I'm too direct a person to NEED interpretation.

My directness has earned me a lot of respect in the vaping world, and snotty comments from a lot of other people who would rather assume that I'm standing on a platform and looking down on them. A lot get it, a few don't.

But you are correct that I have a thin skin. The heart and soul of myself and the people who work here, care about what we do, care what it does for other people, so yeah, we here to some degree are thin-skinned because we whole-heartedly give a damned about what we're doing and why were doing it.

We also have an understanding that there are going to be people who's gripes, whether justified or not, need to be bolstered to some grandiose protest for public display.

While I understand there will be these types, understanding doesn't prevent us from taking these things to heart.


Bird Brain
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 6, 2009
I can see someone not liking an answer to a question, or feeling small as the answer they're being given, they don't quite understand, but does it really warrant this?

I didn't say that you called her dumb but I thought you said that she felt dumb because she didn't understand you. That was how I interpreted the above. Sorry if I misunderstood.

I completely understand about being thin-skinned. I am, myself a lot of the time. But I've learned that hitting back just makes things worse. When you take the high road, the other person is the one who ends up looking small.

ETA: And by "the high road," I don't mean ignoring their criticism -- just rereading your reply a few extra times before hitting "Submit Reply" :D
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Super Member
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Jun 24, 2011
Brooklyn, NY
Geoff I just wanted to let you know that although I am new customer I am a very happy customer! Your juice has far surpassed the others I've tried and although taste is subjective (trust me I've tried many juices from other vendors that I personally thought were gross) I don't believe in vendor bashing and I think those who engage in that sort of behavior are simply highlighting their own lack of maturity. I'd also like to point out that I really respect and appreciate the fact that you sell your doublers for so much less than the juices that contain nic. I have yet to find another vendor that has extremely reduced prices for their no nic juice, as a matter of fact almost every one that I've tried charges the same price for 0 nic as they do for high nic juice. Please don't let the naysayers get you down. You're doing a great job!


Senior Member
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Aug 28, 2010
Wow Geoff, if I were you I don't think I could have resisted posting in that thread. I suppose some people just think they know better.

The main reason I'll never open an online business/shop is because of the customers. 98% of them are awesome I bet, but that other 2% I'm guessing, would take up a lot of time, have the kind of demands they'd never have in the 'real world' stores, say things they'd never say face to face, then get up on a virtual podium and do hate speeches to whoever will listen. My nerves and patience would just not be cut out for that kind of thing.

Always been more than happy with the quality of your juices. I think most people feel the same way...considering this is the first bad review I've ever seen + it's been posted in the official forum by the owner himself :)

I've had some bad experiences with other vendors. If people ask me I'll explain in private, or post in the appropriate thread without getting dramatic, otherwise I use the power of not returning to do business with them!

"theres just no pleasing some people"

Well said! I find quotes helpful in situations like these :D
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 30, 2008
Fairfield California
Wow Bro...You have no idea how hard it was not to freakin register on that site to tear that "you know what" a new ... hole! Looks like she's trying to start her own juice line and slandering yours...what a B**@h! Im going to be working out in Santa Cruz again for a couple of months...I think its about time for me to stop by during my commute, to check out your operation, finally...haha. Im glad to see you doing well, you've came a long was since the "Good ole days"...congrats Bro...don't let these haters get to you, 2 tears in a bucket, ...... it!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 1, 2010
Grand Blanc, Michigan
The flavors I buy taste better than what I can make myself so I buy from you. I had another vendor I used exclusively until I was unhappy with the quality so I switched. If your stuff goes downhill, I'll drop you too. I'm a frugal ..... so I don't go buying every sale to try stuff because a .... bottle of juice is a waste of money, no matter how much it costs. A fair priced juice that gets totally used up is a frugal bargain. You offer great quality at a great price with consistency. You keep mixing consistent and you can count on me to spend my 2mls/day habit with you.
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