Organic Flavored 100% VG Liquids are Hypoallergenic

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Jun 5, 2009
Chino California
I wanted to share my story on the forum, so that others will consider the health benefits of switching to Organic Flavored 100% VG Liquids

I've been a non-smoker since I began vaping 3 years ago.

I developed a PG allergy and allergies to artificial flavorings around a year ago and didn't realize it.

I recently switched to Organic Flavorings. I DIY but this forum is not for DIY, you can purchase
Organic VG Liquid at Virgin Vapor or Vaperite. Vaperite also sells the flavorings for DIY

I followed a slow progression. First I went over to 100VG Liquid & artificial flavors with PG in them. Turned out that even a low level of PG 5% - 10% was enough to spark the allergy.

Than I gave away all my PG based flavorings and bought some Artificial Flavorings in non PG Base. The allergy symptoms lessened but were still there. Than 3-4 days ago I bought Organic Flavors that was the silver bullet. All allergy symptoms gone.

Very expensive progression!!

By the way if you DIY from Vaporite and your Nic Base from Wizard Labs, a 28ml bottle of eliquid will cost you under $10.00 so there is a way to vape organic and save money too!!

The difference is immediate. All irritation in my mouth has gone away. A toothache that was
probably caused by an allergic reaction between my fillings and PG has gone away.

And it tastes excellent.


I have tried all VG and I want more flavor. What do I do? I am not yet at the diy stage. I love Highbrow Vapor and I want to go 20/80 to 40/60 pg/ this unheard of?

I have a sensitivity to PG myself. I just ordered 40/60 from Highbrow and I will receive it soon. I'm anxious to see if this ratio helps things without dulling the flavor. Also, at Highbrow you can request double flavoring.


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Jun 5, 2009
Chino California
That sounds more like an intolerance than an allergic histamine reaction. The tooth issue is probably related to your sinuses.

After spending $200.00 on a dentist, I went to the Internet and started searching and found that you can have reactions to chemicals that will give you a toothache or with fillings.

I went to 100% VG Organic and the problem went away. Coincidence, I think not.
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Jun 5, 2009
Chino California
I'm gonna place an order with Virgin Vapor tomorrow, just wish they offered some tobacco flavors. I have not had any reactions/allergies, but I have been getting a weird feeling in my chest when I use higher PG juice. Nothing scary, but it is uncomfortable.

HHV Heathers Heavenly Vapes has 100% VG Tobacco Juices. Just go to the site and type in Tobacco. My favorite is Dark Horse, tastes just like Marlboro light. Very simple.

Gandalf is legendary but tastes like Bobas Bounty to me.


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Jun 5, 2009
Chino California
I found the source where the Organic Places are getting their flavorings. I'm paying less than $5.00 a bottle for my 100% Organic VG Juice.

Right now I'm vaping Chocolate with a touch of Cinamon and Caramel. Out of this world as good as anything you'll buy.

Oh, sorry I can't share where I'm buying, I have some friends who are selling it retail and I promised them I'd keep it secret.
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