Oregon Call To action! Urgent! Decisions about your vaping being made!

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Ultra Member
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Sep 17, 2013
Portland, OR
They are trying to over regulate our vape! Read about it from CASAA. There is a meeting and terrible vote in Salem at 2pm!

URGENT! Hearing WEDNESDAY, February 5th, 2014.

House Bill 4115 would--
Ban e-cigarette use everywhere in Oregon where smoking is banned
Ban e-cigarette lounges throughout Oregon (only tightly restricted 'sampling' will be permitted in e-cigarette stores)
Ban e-cigarette use in a motor vehicle if there is a person under the age of 18 present


The House Human Services & Housing Committee will hold a hearing on HB 4115 on Wednesday, February 5th at 3:00 PM. The hearing will take place at the Oregon State Capitol (900 Court Street NE, Salem, OR) in Room 347. Vapers and harm reduction advocates are strongly encouraged to attend and testify (but please, be respectful when speaking and, at the request of the committee chair, please do not vape in the committee room). The committee will also hear testimony on HB 4073 , a common sense bill to ban e-cigarette sales to minors that CASAA supports in its present form.

CASAA is asking that you:
Call and email members of the House Human Services & Housing Committee and ask them to oppose this legislation.
Attend the hearing on WEDNESDAY, February 5th and testify.

Here is the link with more info- Act soon. Act swiftly. CASAA: Call to Action! Oregon E-Cigarette Usage Ban


Senior Member
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Jun 20, 2011
North America
Ban e-cigarette use in a motor vehicle if there is a person under the age of 18 present

This one is just to give them another reason to pull you over. You'll get pulled over because they thought they saw you using one with a kid in the car (or because they thought there was a kid in the car when they saw you using one...), they'll realize it is not the case, and then they will find some other reason to give you a ticket, which will likely be for something that they wouldn't have noticed had they not already pulled you over. :mad:


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 12, 2013
Carlsbad, CA
I am truly saddened by this. Oregon was my first "home away from home", moved there in 1972, stayed for seven years, and have very fond memories of the sense of freedom that I enjoyed, and a culture of respect for personal rights ...

Really thought it would be California that would lead the way in invading the private space of my vehicle, and dictating my behavior as I drive ...

This article indicates that smoking cannot be used as "probable cause" for a traffic stop, but anyone who has ever dealt with highway patrol knows that no one ever escapes without a citation, once the process has begun ...


I can only hope that anyone cited for "violation" of this invasive and larcenous law will at least tie up some court time in contesting the charge. Its a small victory, but at least diminishes the profit from a clear and obvious money grab ... :(


Vaping Master
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
Moved to Legislation News

When these threads get moved, does a link remain directing people to the legislative thread? If not, we might be missing a bunch of people that might not even see it. These bills are staying pretty invisible until the last minute, I wonder why?


Wandering life's highway
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Aug 11, 2011
When these threads get moved, does a link remain directing people to the legislative thread? If not, we might be missing a bunch of people that might not even see it. These bills are staying pretty invisible until the last minute, I wonder why?

Yes, a temporary link remains where the thread began for at least a couple of days, and when clicked, will bring the member here.


Vaping Master
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
I am truly saddened by this. Oregon was my first "home away from home", moved there in 1972, stayed for seven years, and have very fond memories of the sense of freedom that I enjoyed, and a culture of respect for personal rights ...

Really thought it would be California that would lead the way in invading the private space of my vehicle, and dictating my behavior as I drive ...

This article indicates that smoking cannot be used as "probable cause" for a traffic stop, but anyone who has ever dealt with highway patrol knows that no one ever escapes without a citation, once the process has begun ...


I can only hope that anyone cited for "violation" of this invasive and larcenous law will at least tie up some court time in contesting the charge. Its a small victory, but at least diminishes the profit from a clear and obvious money grab ... :(

Yeah, remember when they said the same thing about seat belts? I still hardly ever put mine on, just the rebel in me.

Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
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Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
Oregon bill (HB 4129) would tax e-cigs at 81.25% of wholesale price, increase cigarette tax from $1.31/pack to $2.81/pack, increase smokeless tobacco tax from $1.78/ounce to $2.83/ounce cigar tax, increase cigar and OTP tax to 81.25%.

Anyone know what happened at yesterdays hearing in Oregon?

Placebo Effect

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2008
Oregon bill (HB 4129) would tax e-cigs at 81.25% of wholesale price, increase cigarette tax from $1.31/pack to $2.81/pack, increase smokeless tobacco tax from $1.78/ounce to $2.83/ounce cigar tax, increase cigar and OTP tax to 81.25%.

Anyone know what happened at yesterdays hearing in Oregon?

15-20 e-cigarette users and business owners and 2 or 3 Health Department people spoke. The e-cigarette users made a strategic mistake in focusing too heavily on vaping in their own stores. Dr. Nitzkin did very well. The representative introducing the bill was clueless and even said twice that e-cigs "burn" things as I recall.

Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
Tomorrow (Wednesday, Feb 12th) the Oregon House Human Services Cmte is scheduled to consider (i.e. vote on) both HB 4115 (that would ban vaping in all OR workplaces) and HB 4073 (that would ban sales of e-cigs to minors).

It is critically important that many Oregon vapers and vendors contact House Cmte members, urging them to reject HB 4115 and approve HB 4073.
CASAA: Call to Action! Oregon E-Cigarette Usage Ban

If you know any vapers or vendors in Oregon, please forward this thread to them today.
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