Only post once-How many have quit smoking

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2011
I have not had a cigarette in 53 days. Not one puff, not one drag, nothing. I stopped immediately the next morning after I got my e cig. Was it hard still? Yes, and I was tempted for a ciggy for about 3 weeks, probably chemical cravings, but I never gave in. It is much easier now.

I stopped smoking June 10, 2011. I never coughed up a lot of junk though, I had smoked for 25 years.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 11, 2009
Cincinnati, OH
I feel a need for this thread:

I have to say I have had alot of trouble trying to quit smoking. The Patch, Nicorette even prescription drugs. Nothing worked. And although e-cigs are "technically" not a stop smoking device I believe it has helped alot more of us out than we recognize.

So if everyone who has completely stopped smoking due to the e-cig make one post, we can get a honest running total on how many of us this has truly helped. Maybe even be able to show someone out there who wants to ban this how truly important it is to keep going.

Just my thoughts. It has made a big difference in my life and it has been less than a month. I thank e-cigs. Lets here who else it has helped.

Only those who have completely quit smoking please.:rolleyes:

I have quit for a five year stretch and a seven year stretch. Let me know when you make it that long not smoking while vaping.

There is no requirement for abstinence in order to be successful at vaping. I don't like that you are suggesting the only people who get helped are abstaining. Sounds like overblown ego.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 16, 2009
Dallas, TX.
It took me a couple of months to get enough information (from this forum) before I could find the right equipment, juice and nic levels. But it has been two years since I've had a smoke and I credit the information I found on ECF as much as I do my first 510 and bottle of juice from Tasty Vapor! (Gotta give props to the first combo I found that helped me kick the ....!) -_^


The eyes are useless when the mind is blind.
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 7, 2011
Land of the Lost
Last analog was on 7/4/11. Still working out the kinks of vaping, but I will not not not go back to smoking! Really don't even crave them. I crave the simplicity of them... not having to fill and refill, etc. Much like one of the other people who posted in here, my addiction is more of a pyschological one. Now I only need the nicotine to provide the TH. If I could get a good TH without the nicotine, I would probably go down to 0. This forum is definitely a godsend too. So many wonderful and helpful folks and so much information. Thanks ECF.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 27, 2009
New Jersey
I have not had a cigarette in 53 days. Not one puff, not one drag, nothing. I stopped immediately the next morning after I got my e cig. Was it hard still? Yes, and I was tempted for a ciggy for about 3 weeks, probably chemical cravings, but I never gave in. It is much easier now.

I stopped the moment I pulled my e-cig from the mailbox. However it has been less than a month still for me, only a matter of days actually,... and I'm still getting SOME slight cravings for a sickarette. Good to know that it gets easier over time! But I am currently cigarette free, and with 7 new flavors already ordered and on the way to my house, I have no reason to turn back. Good luck to all, and I hope we can stay Big Tobacco Free forever.
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