Online only?

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 2, 2010
I realize that I live in an area of a state that is currently debating on how to handle the supposed influx of ecigs. Two towns away from me is Northampton, MA which in July began debating on whether or not to ban the things altogether. I'm pretty certain that nothing has been finalized yet.

Nevertheless I was wondering: Are there many (read: any?) brick and mortar places that sell liquid/attys/kits? I realize that you can often find cheap knockoffs at mall kiosks and convenience/liquor stores. Are smoke shops starting to pick up on the trend too? I'm not looking for any specific locations in this area per say; I'm just trying to gauge whether this is really an online-based industry...


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2010
A Brit, abroad, (USA)
Not sure how they can ban you from OWNING one and using it at home (nicotine is legal, if they try and ban it they better be taking the patches and gums off the shelves too) - they may be able to ban the selling of them in brick n mortar store in that state though (american laws are confusing lol).
There ARE stores that carry them, walmart was carrying them (i believe they were carrying something like the smoke51 kits or disposables I can't find the original link) although Im not sure if they still are but smokeshops often stock the disposables as do truckstops.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 2, 2010
@CaptJay: It's less about banning possession and more about banning public use. Much to my chagrin this state went 'Smoke Free' about 6 years ago. Now the town government is worried about underage usage of e-cigs as well as what I call the 'second-hand smoke annoyance' factor. If they opt to ban outright then e-cigs will not be allowed to be sold in non-age restricted stores. Because it is such a new product that hasn't been tested to their liking they seem to be more willing to just outright restrict rather then wait out the research. It's a shame really.


Full Member
Sep 4, 2010
Sunshine State
I realize that I live in an area of a state that is currently debating on how to handle the supposed influx of ecigs. Two towns away from me is Northampton, MA which in July began debating on whether or not to ban the things altogether. I'm pretty certain that nothing has been finalized yet.

Nevertheless I was wondering: Are there many (read: any?) brick and mortar places that sell liquid/attys/kits? I realize that you can often find cheap knockoffs at mall kiosks and convenience/liquor stores. Are smoke shops starting to pick up on the trend too? I'm not looking for any specific locations in this area per say; I'm just trying to gauge whether this is really an online-based industry...

There are brick and mortars out there, but not as many as any of us would like. (I've looked in my area!) I have a local convenience store that has njoy NPro kits on sale for $20 (not too horrible for a starter kit... 1 battery, usb charger, and a few cartomizers) and a local smoke shop that has their own brand of kits and limited e-juice. I started with the NJOY a couple of weeks ago... I mean for the price and the fact I didn't have to order online, how could I not pick one up.

However, I am seriously considering a change to a 510 manual mega-battery kit from mad vapors after reading various posts on this forum. Truly, you will have to order online for the best selection in kits and juice... of course this is based on my limited experience and what is available locally.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2010
A Brit, abroad, (USA)
Worries about underage use are, to me, just a 'catch phrase' to hook people into backing it. Theres little if any evidence that teens are even interested in PV, the market is almost totally populated by smokers of long standing (not ALL but almost all) who have either tried and failed to give up smoking using more traditional methods or those who can't afford to smoke because of taxes but can't drop the habit.
Id be much more worried, if I was in charge of things, about how easy it is for young people to buy and use alcohol, or drugs rather than a PV - most kids who want to smoke will buy a pack of cigs, they won't look into using a PV.
These states are creating an enviroment in which crime will boom as people seek out less legal ways to get things (see above re drugs) and open up a whole new can of worms. I honestly don't understand their thinking in this; it seems that black market culture and crime are preferable to smoking areas.


Ultra Member
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Jul 12, 2010
Martinez, CA
Worries about underage use are, to me, just a 'catch phrase' to hook people into backing it. Theres little if any evidence that teens are even interested in PV, the market is almost totally populated by smokers of long standing (not ALL but almost all) who have either tried and failed to give up smoking using more traditional methods or those who can't afford to smoke because of taxes but can't drop the habit.
Id be much more worried, if I was in charge of things, about how easy it is for young people to buy and use alcohol, or drugs rather than a PV - most kids who want to smoke will buy a pack of cigs, they won't look into using a PV.
These states are creating an enviroment in which crime will boom as people seek out less legal ways to get things (see above re drugs) and open up a whole new can of worms. I honestly don't understand their thinking in this; it seems that black market culture and crime are preferable to smoking areas.

i couldn't agree any more.


Full Member
Sep 4, 2010
Sunshine State
Well, I finally got fed up with the extremely limited selection I could get from the two brick and mortars local to me and ordered from Madvapes as I mentioned I might in my previous post. I opted for the 510 mega cartomizer kit and am anxiously awaiting its arrival. As I have two 4081's, I got the 510 to 4081 adapter so I can continue to use my 4081 carto's as well. As a result of all of this, I think I also have an analog convert... my brother! I'm going to give him one of my 4081's with a few carto's as he has become very interested.

On a side note, JebGipson posted a review today of the very kit I ordered yesterday on the forum. Being a newbie, I cannot post in that section yet, but figured I would supply a link to Jeb's review in case anyone was curious. Enjoy!
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